Beleaf- the woman abuser

im saying we dont actually know. and everyone in the USA at least is free to say what they want as long as it doesnt do either of two things: 1) in some states, put another persons life at risk… and 2) cause material damage to their company/finances with that intent. as long as someone doesnt venture into those areas you can literally say whatever you want.

He is damaging himself by doing this. It is not any of us.

maybe im missing the part of the video where you can see him hitting her? im not defending the guy, id fight the dude no rules on camera for charity if hes down. as long as he signs a waiver saying i can hurt him all i want.

we all have different perspectives on the legal system. on the off chance this isnt what it looks like i can tell you lawyers dont give a shit about what is right or wrong or who is guilty, they work for billable hours and then its just a matter of who can pay for more lawyer hours - you or him.

@shade probably just stop while you’re (not so) ahead.

All due respect, NOBODY should lay a hand on ANYONE in a relationship. Man on woman, woman on man, same sex, DOESN’T MATTER. THAT SHIT SHOULD NEVER FLY, NEVER BE OVERLOOKED OR DISMISSED

This is OVERGROW, not OVERLOOK. Stay in your lane


He made a video where he admitted that there was a video of the incident and did not deny anything.


are you guys that high that you cant read english? im trying to help you not measure dicks with you.

Look at those results

It is a hashtag now.


as someone who grew up in an abusive home i find it very offensive that people try to make this shit about themselves and use it to make themselves feel more macho. have any of these online knights ever actually stood their ground against pure evil? its blatantly obvious to people like me that its just an NPC type thing and they dont actually care about the victims. notice like 2 people in this whole thread said they were actually concerned for that girl.


npc type shit
here they do the same with racism and ukraine war

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now beating a chick half your age is for sure a sign of weakness

well its clear you dont give a shit about victims of domestic abuse lol. that was for @RookieBuds btw so there is no confusion once his message is fully deleted.

Does breaking your own father’s ribs and threatening to kill him if he ever laid hands on my family again count?

Iv been there, I’m not posturing.

You seem hell bent on defending this asshole. Your entitled to your opinion…

But don’t get so full of yourself that many others here don’t have that same right to an opinion.

I think you’d lose that dick measuring contest btw…


Making the point that we don’t fully know what physically happened. But the verbal abuse is clear as day, there is no denying that.


ya man like all i said was dont wind up culpable for any losses his business occurs. i stood my ground against pure evil, i dont need to measure my dick, its exactly 7 inches long the whiteboy issue. mystery solved.


Ableton is real.

@shade is the biggest troll, just ignore him…

Wish I wouldn’t have watched that video, it really makes you feel so sad for her. I wish she was in the situation she deserves to be in. Make you think about all the women out there, trying to handle a life with these broken men.

Pz :v:t2:


youre the guy who trolls all things cookies and tells us what real cookies are but has never smoked or grown anything but an s1 seed you bought right? id call that trolling.

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Trash? :joy:

We’re getting off topic now…


weed community so fractured its amazing how there was more synergy when it was illegal. the people who are actually going to hurt this man arent going to tell the world about it, its not a brand they wear its a calling they answer. we used to be here because we answered the call to fight for the plant, now its just about fighting each other for clout.

I Beleaf he’s guilty AF. 48 year old business owner banging the 17 year old employee. And he was definitely treating her like shit. Nobody can deny that.