Beleaf- the woman abuser


If you’re being attacked it’s because you didn’t condemn the man who was smacking a 18 year old around…

There’s no context needed for that… clear as day.

I don’t care about your dick size or your bragging. I stood up against abuse and I will do it again. You sit here and JAQ off. There’s no questions needed here for anybody with 2 brain cells that can figure out the context and content of the abusive video. There’s zero justification or rationalization possible for this behaviour.

You are the one virtue signaling by pretending you are open minded and care about the girl.


You obviously were not a member of the old Overgrow.


Told you to quit while you were ahead, big homie :man_shrugging:t2:


dude again there is no proof he hit her. and yes there is context needed for verbal abuse, it is not illegal for a couple to bicker in that manner. im not arguing what is right or wrong i am saying what is legal or not.

i just sit here and jack off? dude you guys acting like you know my life story is insane. when i was 15 my moms boyfriend turned from beating me to beating her, i got in the way and he tried to murder me. that was my first experience with pure evil so please shut the fuck up about what you know about my life. never said i knew your past i said i wonder how many online warriors really lived it. you taking that personally seems guilt-driven to me.

The main discussion here is not LEGALITY

it’s ETHICS.


Welp we know your life story now, don’t we :man_shrugging:t2::joy:

Alright I’m out


I said JAQ off, Google it.

Also the video is perfectly clear. Stop making excuses, it’s gross


no, my point was literally always legality. you guys made it about other shit like you always do. please stop parading around as the real hippie saviors of weed culture when youre just a bunch of loud mouths on the internet trying to look cool.

Now you’re just showing off.


You sound like a fucking gross person if you think condemning an abuser and sticking up for a victim is showing off.

You don’t belong here. Please leave.


i literally said i do not condemn it. think whatever you want keyboard warrior.

this dude just laughed at someone talking about their own abuse and tries to parade around as a white knight for the abused. like holy shit man get a grip on reality. my abuse is not worth less than hers. nobody’s is.

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This girl actually has good case against him. He’s been incriminating himself by talking so much about it. If there’s proof that she really was employed by him and possibly underage at the time. I’ve seen cases with less proof get taken to court and receive a nice settlement



Can’t make this shit up.


is he really rasta ? vegetarian (ital) food and all ? just wondering

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the only dicksize that matters in america is a bank account, and im not poor but im no billionaire. so real adjusted size is like micropenis.

My Man, I’ll stand “Back-to-Back” with you ANY DAY against that type of behavior!!! INDEED, Z-E-R-O justification. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This looks legit to me.


Couldn’t agree more…

Pz :v:t2:


@SOGfanatic Yes real Rasta , Sipping on the ital stew slapping his bitch around. Got that good ganja for only $1000 a cut mon