Beleaf- the woman abuser

i know i dont belong here. i warned joe about the bad sponsors he had, offered to cover their part of the bill to keep the site running and he ignored me. well i show up and it seems youve all figured out one of them is a bad actor but havent put the pieces together that this site is taking his money and sacrificing your personal security to do so. you guys seem to sort of get what the problems are but never really figure it all out, it just gets lost in a bunch of bullshit assumptions you make about people you dont know anything about.

ya man! rastafari!

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vegetarian the way to go in life
then you can start to protest against injustice

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the difference now is the holier-than-thou attitude. overgrow is not inherently correct or morally superior. those are not grandfathered for life. there is no diligence to root out the bad actors (other than people who try to get free seed i guess) but the eye is way off the ball. hate me all you want for pointing that out i really only care about the long term success of the cannabis community, overgrow does not have to be a part of that. and my experience with the guy calling the shots is that there is no real desire to do anything but stay swiss and keep the lights on. so yea youre gonna get used and abused by fake hippies because the majority of the threads on this site are an advertisement for someone looking to run that scam.

I think you might be taking things too personally. There’s just strong feelings about this type of thing. I don’t think you said anything wrong or out of line. It looks to me like you’re just trying to keep some kind of balanced opinion going. But it could be misunderstood by some people as sticking up for an abuser


i am being completely literal when i say i know i dont belong here. im not feeling any type of way about it either man lol everything im saying here is true, verifiable, i can post my messages with LJ to prove it. i am literally saying i have had your guys back since day 1 and if im misunderstood thats ok with me, but im not going to stop looking out for the entire community (of which you are all a part of) because of it.


I believe you are 100% entitled to your opinion and let’s face it, we’re all opinionated to some degree. The issue I see is that you seem to find the strangest “hills to die on” and then you criticize people that don’t agree with what you’re saying. Implying that someone is a “White Knight” because they empathize with the suffering of another is just insulting and confrontational. Implying that Joe is turning a blind eye to bad actors to “keep the lights on” is just irrational.


i can see how white knight can be offensive to some. but my experience with LJ was pretty cut and dry, he didnt want anything to do with me didnt want my help. thats fine, but i did warn him and he ignored it and now its manifested into users’ data being at risk. those are facts not an assumption on my part.

either way weve gone to far loki is about to tell us that i guess.

Frankly, you know jack shit and WTF does this have to do with beleaf. If you don’t like it here and have a desire to rally against OG, leave. Start your own morally superior and correct venture and demonstrate to everyone how you’ll get things done.


ok loki im lying about warning joe about the dude in canada eh? because i can post the messages if you need it. it has everything to do with beleaf, your users are defaming him on your website and you choose to not moderate that but instead moderate other things that seem much less important. the moral high ground has been lost, so how about you moderators get together and try to find it because the last message i sent to LJ was also not a lie, people are gunning for you and you seem to think you are invincible, even though the site admins are not capable of securing the site.


Mets-toi à Coté Tu N'Es Pas Avec Nous GIFfrom Mets-toi à Coté GIFs
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As I’ve said, go start your own venture. With Beleaf or whatever. But if you are going to continue to lay accusations on LJ, the moderation team, some vague BS about your concept of security and taking monies, and the community generally, we’ll help you on your way.



all you gotta do is press the button bud. not going to impact my life whatsoever man.

You got it.


Well that got a little out of hand. Didn’t expect that lol

Wasn’t really the topic to have a “someone’s taking your info” “no one likes me here” “mods are f#&$! ups on here”



This user is suspended.
Reason: Too combatative

wtf ?? :rofl:


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Not a dictatorship. He wanted the boot, so he got it


I don’t think I’ve ever seen Loki use “WTF” before.


There been enough bullshit and attacks recently and we are not in the mood for repeating the same tired arguments.