Beleaf- the woman abuser

I don’t know who this guy is, but the woman beater in the youtube vid I saw doesn’t deserve charges.
He deserves a brutal beating an then thrown in the river for the fish to eat him.


Men don’t beat women, so calling him a man
Not possible for me.
I don’t get how people treat the ones they are supposed to love like that.
I pissed my old lady off years ago, she pure slapped
The taste buds out of my mouth lol
And I laughed, had no idea she could whap
Like that hehe, but I did nothing.
Back in the Day if a man hit a woman we would have a party for him so to speak.
In 85 one guy we all knew hit and raped a girl
We all loved and wished she give us 5 mins of her time.
He came to our party, got good and drunk and
Proceeded to pass out in a chair outside.
We all took turns pissing on him, like
8 of us and when he woke up we beat him
Pretty bad.
True story.


there was a guy that used to hang out with us back in my early 20s. there were three people in the apartment when one dude came in that had been accused of sexual abuse of a young girl (14 or 15). he had them all convinced it was bullshit then his story cracked (i’ve heard but it’s been a while). then he supposedly admitted it, said something to the effect of “and she liked it”. that’s what did it, they actually kidnapped him and took him to a cabin out in the woods for three days and beat the piss and lots of other things out of him. ended up with two of the guys turning on my buddy and he did 18 months for aggravated assault. the feds scared the two with the kidnapping charges that got dropped. no excuse though, they would have beat it had they all kept quiet. i was driving a truck at the time and out of town or i’d have been in there with him.


He needs to be stumped. I’ll leave that to your imagination. That what happens in the swamp around here to guys like that. Sickening.


He needs to be talked to by people closer to the situation. You can help women in general by donating.


Holy smokes!! What a fuckin piece of shit! I’m barely on Instagram…but gotta check the comments floating around. I don’t know who this beleaf retard is, but would love to introduce him to my boots.


Link to Video ?

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Yes, Dude Sucks…

Here’s his Twitter page if anyone wants to ‘leaf’ him a nice message.

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yup just unfollowed his stupid ass.

my mother was battered for years, my now gf of 32 years was being battered when i met her and i took her from the monster and got her away from that fucking nightmare of an animal.

shit like that enrages me to no end …


The audio was highly disturbing and I can’t stop thinking about it. There’s so much horror in the world but her frightened cries stuck with me.


Been running a lot of Beleaf recently, with results ranging from good to amazing. I don’t subscribe to cancel culture at all, its just a digital lynch mob. I don’t pick one burger or sandwich over another because of who stands behind it, but because I like the taste and its a decent deal. That is as it should be IMO.

This however, is above and beyond. One of their strains, which will now go unnamed, is maybe our top girl out of 75 or 80 distinct genetics right now. I am looking at like this:
He was already financially supported by the purchase of genetics.
No reason to socially support him by plugging the Beleaf name, or strain names.

We are likely going to keep the genetics, but ditch the name.


I had to turn it off it just made me go back to hearing my POS sperm donor abuse my mother and I cant. Left any and all of the seeds on the balcony for the pigeons, doesn’t feel right to offer them to people for free even.

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Meh im sure he has some good creations but yeh, frick abuse dude not cool.

If I ever carried his gear I would change the name as well.

hope the scumbag cunt gets jail time and gets a taste of his own medicine while doing time.



He sells mystery packs for nearly 100.

Check out this chimera 3 lineup here

$30 per pack!


Renaming our Permanent Chimera girls to Petroglyph, a name with some local flavor (Albuquerque area).


Lazy bald ugly fuck needs to shave his skirted eggshell.
I have also learned to never get involved with a man / woman fight.


He had a 2 1/2 year relationship with someone who was 18… Hmmmm :thinking:


The guys who are 40+ dating 18-25 are the worst. I can see a ten year difference even (pushing the limits here) but now theyre in daddy territory. It just goes to show that they can’t handle a partner who can call them on their immature bullshit.