Beneficial's notill grow

Hey shaggy I use clonex gel, these snips were completely cleaned of shoots when I stuck in cloner.

Here’s some updated pics from today

Apples n bananas

Pink Rozay

“Real fire” terrible name

Bahama berry

Miami mami

Full tent shot


Well that is really weird then.
Clonex should not contain the hormones needed to grow shoots from callus tissue.
Maybe the plant is really high in cytokinin.

Dam, fine lookin’ bud you have there brother, nice work on that.
Toss me a bud through the screen, I wanna smoke it now…LOL

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Thanks for saying so bro, I sometimes get “imposter syndrome” seeing everyone else’s grows.


I think we all do, no matter how long you have been growing.

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My significant other gave me a sticker I really like. It’s not weed but this is my thread anyway :kissing_closed_eyes:


My entire harvest is a bust. Seeds in everything. There must have been some hardcore nanners I didn’t see.

I’m so bummed. Especially so since some of the bud looks and smells really good.

I wonder if I’d be able to do test runs flowering in half gallon containers I use to veg in. I’m all organic and use amendments as inputs so I’m not sure if it’s feasible that small. If you know let me know what’s up.

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Now you have a whole bunch of feminized seeds, right?

Now, lower your light intensity, that’s the main cause of nanners it seems.
If the leaves are praying that means they’re praying for you to dim the light. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

They don’t do that in the wild, in the sun.
As far as I know…


I have a light meter that connects to my phone so I should be good on light next time. I wonder if also my RO water being too cold this winter did anything. Several of the plants in the tent were also from strainly seeds so there’s that.

Am I cool to use the seeds? I was under the impression I’d get more bad Hermie plants?

Seed or two never killed anyone
Back in the day some buds were full of seeds
Eat them
Plant them…
Dont forget some seriously good lines have come from accidentally pollinated plants
You’ll never know unless you try


Do I need to worry about leftover pollen for my next run in this tent now? It is hard or impossible to clean with the pots being 30gal each.

Thanks for everyones help.

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They definitely do pray in direct sun. To me the praying is the plant at maximum transpiration and water uptake, making the material very turgid. :v:

Here’s a plant in the shade in the morning before the sun even hits it, praying


I wouldn’t worry about the pollen but if you want to feel proactive use a spray bottle and mist down the interior of your tent and sides of your pots. The water will make the pollen ineffective.


:thinking: I don’t know anything but that I’m alive and that nature does her thing. :upside_down_face:

Thank you for sharing. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I’m bewildered… just when you think you have figured something out…


Alright here we go.

With the last harvest in here being riddled with seeds I’m being much more vigilant this time.

You’ll see the front pot is completely empty. That’s because it had platinum Garlic s1s from strainly that started looking suspiciously intersex so I killed them.

In the back right we have Bahama berry again since I kept a clone. The seeded bud I have from the same cut smells like berry cereal, so I wanted some sensi of it.

Back left are two in house genetics twisted helix that I’ve had for years when they were still given as testers.
They smell very orange :tangerine: I only had the two seeds so I ran them both to see if I get lucky and find something worth keeping.

Some bell pepper scraps for the worms.

I’m hoping things go better this time.


Might as well sow some seeds in the pot in front.
Then you’ll have several small plants which still make a decent yield, would be a waste not to.


Ya know, maybe Ill throw a few regular seeds I have and see what happens. 🤷


Might as well make it a perpetual 12/12, I find it a lot more fun.
Having plants in all stages of life all the time has a more wild and natural feel to it.
And it lowers electricity bill. :+1:

Also no wrestling the canopy.


Do you still take clones from a perpetual 12 12 and just reveg the stuff you really want? I’m looking for stuff to keep, slowly…but surely :grinning:

Ah, I don’t clone, I don’t see much potential for that in a perpetual 12/12.


I’m thinking these are about ready to come down what do you all think?