Best Jack Herer or Cross?

I really enjoy Jack Herer overall and Rosetta Stone by Brothers Grimm was no disappointment, very uplifting but relaxing and always had a very spicy anise type aroma. Grew out Cinderella from Grimm as well and enjoyed it as well but not as much as the Rosetta Stone.

It’s been a few years but here is an old pic, Cindy on the left and Rosetta Stone to the right.

Always with the chonky flowers.


Yeah, that’s always been the one sorta “defining” trait of Jack for me. It’s always got that anise thing going on.


@Maddawg if you are willing to run them, I have a pack of Sannie’s Jack F9 on hand. I’ll send it to you.


Yes, Please!

I have a bunch of stuff to send you.
I will PM ya!


Oh boy, I am excited. you can put me on the Cindy 99 Jack list


I am packing seeds now!
I have a rather large package with your name on it…:call_me_hand:


Will be interested to see what Herer HP brings to the table but that Tree of Life cross sounds amazing, hope Bodhi brings that one back as it seems his Temple male shows up on occasion still.


So your “Jack” isn’t Jack. It’s an S1? Maybe a hybrid of some kind?

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Word! That’s very cool of you to do for @Maddawg .
I’m pretty sure that Sannie’s Jack F9 is still sold out at Sannie’s Seeds.

Very cool indeed @Tracker :+1:


@Maddawg has been super generous with seed and pollen shares. Just a small token of appreciation. Maybe if he runs it, there will be a bunch more Jack beans in our future.


@Tracker You know there will be!
Overgrow the world :call_me_hand:

@Vagabond_Windy Who really knows the exact lineage? It’s all kinda like the story of C99, I guess you could say! Maybe The powers that be were breading some Jack with something else but I highly doubt they would intentionally let some non jack pollen into their facility. Who knows but I would more likely lean towards an S1 as you pointed out or possible an (F?)? It will just be an unknown Jack Seed From Original Jack Herer Select jar.


Hey desert, we know each other from opengrow :sweat_smile:

Feel free to have a look on my log, I recently put up some harvest Pics from the lady cane, awesome yielders. I guess I broke my record this time. :wink:


Damn!!! In a good way :laughing: these are some monster plants, well done!


I just picked up a pack! And a few others….just received them last night


Oh Yeahhh!!
And the Chasca…no doubt you gonna find some gems in those Lucky packets!!:green_heart:


Russell is a cross of Jack Herer x Chem ‘91.
Old Yogo is a cross of ((88G13HP x Chem ‘91reversed) x Chem ‘91)
Chasca is a cross of Super Silver Haze x Chem ‘91

All the crosses you have there are going to be heavy yielding plants and more potent than normal because of the addition of Skunk VA’s Chem ‘91.

I’m still not sure which of the three crosses will be the largest yielding.

I’ve grown all 3 of the strains crossed with the Chem ‘91, individually, and all three yield nicely in their own right, especially the SSH.


Yeah buddy, I can’t wait to get these going. All three should be very unique.


I grew a Blackwater x (Apollo 11x13) and it has a particular sort of up high coming through the heavy Mendo Purps and SFV. And it really does make it feel like a smarter high, it’s chill but very positive and optimistic, creative. I like it a lot


My cut of jack herer that I found from seeds from Mel Frank. It’s the resin drip pheno that the old coffee shops use to grow. Lol. But I don’t give it out often, @Kbonsai has it, seeds of kismet has it, and maybe two others. I’m working on a special thing

Mr soul back in 2020 sent me a pack of F2 from his original release of C99 that I had pollinate the herer. He got the only seeds Ive released to anyone else. As there’s a nice thing brewing there for folks.


The Chem’91 will add a little bulk and density to the flowers, as well as, some shiny and added potency.

I remember when locating Skunk VA’s Chem ‘91 was next to impossible. It became easier to find about 10 years ago, or so. It’s a longtime favorite of mine.

All three crosses will be pretty damn strong, but the Old Yogo is going to be quite potent, indeed.