BeTheLights Indoor Grows in a 2x2 tent ( current grow Started 1/1/24 )

Hell in a good or bad way, native for sure. Maybe a little bit of outsider soil, Yeah this ones been the rough one , WMBK , to be fair I fucked up and fuck I missed THE WHOLE TOP, Not just the new growth soooo , Not sure what will happen, I imagine itll just be a little slow to recover but overall bounce back fine , It had a nice ass root system when I transplanted from the solo cup

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I am watching you. :eyes: but I am all out of :heart:.

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good way. I pull soil from the yard and let it mold up and brew it in my teas for my plants… sometimes ill take the leaf mold and do the same… hella microbes. I seem to get more intense flavor and terp profiles when i do


Damn I should try that out, When I trim the girls I do try to bury the leaves some so that process can happen

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so in the fall outside, depending where youre at in the world. Gather the fallen leaves that have been down a while at the base of the tree, or some that have been molding up in the woods… then dig a few good shovels into a 5 gal bucket, get the white and broken down stuff… then put it in a strainer, brew away. always good to look up using knf methods… fermented potato juice and leaf mold can do amazing wonders for your garden and yard.


My humidifier does the same thing best thing I do is just rinse it once a weak with a little vinegar and if you have one with small parts use a q tip to clean the small parts and sometime if you unplug it you reset it . Cheers

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Those WMBK I find have been a pretty rugged plant . My caught up to plants that I start 3 weeks before them ! I’m taking my phone in this morning to get my camera fixed I will post pick later ! Cheers


Small update for now .

The older plants are on 12/12.

I’m supplementing the younger ones with my desk lamp that feeds them on average 300 -500 ppfd.

Ive got a case of over watering on one solo cup so I’ve cut many more drain holes and slits and also squeezed the shit out the bottom of the cup and got a lot of water out. Hoping for the best !

It turns out the soil mix in this cup retains water far far better than my other ones.


February 8th 2024. Here is my update !

We are entering a month and 8 days into the grow 🪴

@GrouchyOldMan @darkillusion @blowdout2269 @THCeed @Magu @RainToday

Current plan is to keep doing what I’m doing , I decided to go ahead and switched to 100 percent light since she’s 150 watts LED.
The Kullu Landrace is stretching a little so I want to slow that down a bit for tighter internodal spacing.
WMBK is looking as good as ever but if you can’t tell in the pictures it’s this lighter shade of green all around , not as dark and healthy looking as kullu or the others.
The little unknown strain that’s either cake fighter , gtr or something idek :rofl: , it’s recovered since the over watering and is putting on new growth and roots.
The alpean gleaux is a stunted ah auto , it’s put on a few more hairs.
The what I’m assuming is cake fighter in the triple stack is looking good !

Overall everything looks green as shit and I’m happy lol. Will be feeding slightly heavier nutes ( still lower than recommended probably ) Sunday.

The unknown one below :point_down:

Kullu Valley Landrace :point_down:

WMBK :point_down:

Stunted runt alpean Gleaux :point_down:

cake fighter :point_down:

Family portrait. Still sitting in the 70sF and 50-60 RH


Looking good. Remember, “slow and steady wins the race”. :wink:


Small micro update.

The triple stack solo is going as planned. I see three roots almost to the third cup. LETS GOO.

This is atonic x cake fighter ( gotta wonder if it’s just catatonic ) by great lake genetics bad dawg freebie

I tossed a random seed in the watering hole , I doubt it’ll do anything but would be neat xD


Go easy on the food for kullu. 1/2 normal. Looking good👍


Right, ive been feeding half dose and only once a week :smiley:

judging by your grow I should expect all this side growth to get really explosive/ wide , I wonder when I should tame that , if at all .

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Plant width will be related to container size to an extent. It’s a good trait. I wouldn’t fight it. Buds to the base of the branch


For sure, I didnt want to cut her up anyhow :smiley: I did a little FIM but aside from that, I want to see if I can keep her relatively small enough to still be healthy and produce flower, and seed if I STS / breed.

Im working in a 2x2 LOL. Bout the most space I can give her is outside the tent sitting on my closet floor with a light hanging from the cloth rack haha. But even then, I think she may stretch and get too tall for my weak lights under that scenario

I would much rather keep her in the tent. I may end up moving WBMK out if I need more room, as you can tell from the pics, they are already nearly touching each other :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh dude I gotta ask whats the smoke like? Khalifas description makes it out to be rather interesting

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Ooooh. A 2x2. Yeah, yup might need to nip those branches lol. She’s going to hog the whole tent. If it gets too out of control, take a cutting of a good branch and root it under the same12 12 cycle…in other words keep the flowering cycle going without missing a beat while the cutting roots. This one is likely vigorous enough to do this, if done early as possible.
The high is up but stoney too. Good work weed. I didn’t get the powerful keeper pheno, but everything was good enough to smoke.


I was thinking about cuttings but truthfully I dont think I could manage without something like rootgel haha.

If I do end up trimming the lower sides what do you recommend? Maybe like only get the fan leaves and leave the top alone? Or maybe even top the sides branchs :stuck_out_tongue:

You have any aloe Vera plants around the Hood, You can use some of the gel as a rooting hormone. @BeTheLight


I think my neighbor right across the road got HUGE aloe plants but they are spanish, id have to use google or something maybe :stuck_out_tongue: