BeTheLights Indoor Grows in a 2x2 tent ( current grow Started 1/1/24 )

yea google translate, or look around when your walking in the park.


True true. So cut at a 90 degree slant and apply aloe, then stick in a coco cube or something?

Yes, that will work, I did a quick search and this is what it said ,but u dont need to blend it… GOOGLE IS you freind.
Aloe Vera is a wonderful and yet simple rooting hormone. Use fresh aloe gel from inside the aloe vera leaves. Simply cut a thick aloe leaf from one of your plants, and scrape out the gel. Blend the gel in the blender with a little water to form a thick slurry and use it for rooting or cloning.


You just cut at a 45 degree angle a half inch below a node. Cut the leaves off flush with the stalk, cutting from the bottom of the leafstem towards the top to avoid tearing. Two nodes are great, one is enough. No hormones needed, just stick it in the dirt. Aloe can’t hurt of course, but its a myth that you NEED to use anything…it just quickens the rooting. A 4-6 inch cutting is ideal. Removing leaves triggers branches to grow at the node the leaf is removed from, so doing so now will help you get that cutting sooner.


So if I want to target to lower side branches for clones, Id go ahead and take the fan leaves off said branch now? Leaving only whats growing at the top alone ? ( and any branches it may have already )

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I am excited to update that things are looking bigger here in the 2x2.

Lights are back on after an extended night cycle because I over slept, and I see the first pistils showing up on the kullu.

The alpean gleaux smells like offensive gas and is putting off more trichhomes and hairs. Tbh its a stunted auto but I think she’lll give me some fire purple cbd bud still! even if its just a gram or two LOL

I will get pics sometime tonight or tomorrow

While kullu, wmbk, and alpean are in the tent on 11/13

I have been giving Cake Fighter and GTR f3 ( i think its gtr anyway ) nearly 24 hrs of light. I’m trying to get them too about half or just a little more than half the size of my Kullu

@Upstate did your kullu look like a bushy indica at first too?


You remove the main stem leaf closest to( below) the branch you want growing.
Yeah, the kullu starts out wide I think…but I’d have to find pictures to confirm

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You want a pic of her before lights out? ( I know my schedules flipped LOL )

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Sure. Grab a new picture

Okay she’s dropping a little. I can’t determine whether it’s light Intensity ( doubt ) or over water. I’ll go with the latter and give them an extra hour before lights out too get a little dryer !

I watered when the first few inches were dry

As shown in the pics I don’t think the soils THAT wet , maybe further down. But I do have a fan blowing on the pot, shell dry out if she’s too wet :stuck_out_tongue:

I could be completely over reacting and she’s just ready for lights out and has dropped her leaves to prepare

those fan leaves are bigger than my hand


2/13/24 update.

Highlights : Stunted autos will be stunted autos, Kullu Is growing faster than WMBK. I did a lolipop cut on the kullu to let more light penetrate the lower.
The triple stack and the other one look meh, not sure whats going on with em. I did repot the single solo.

Looking back I kinda miss the top dressing the wmbk had haha.

@Upstate @blowdout2269 @darkillusion @Magu @RainToday @GrouchyOldMan @Pawsfodocaws @Thetravler @tc198414 @FloydUjamie


Hey my friend ! Try this I think you ll never go back to anything else again . If you have a juicer if you don’t go to any second time around shop people buy them never use them ! Anyway throw a bag of spinach in the juicer. Take 1/4 cup of the juice in 4litre jug fill and and you should get ppm 1000/1050 and ph 5.9 to 6.2 throw an aeration hose in it overnight or even 1hr I find longer the better ! But the effect you will see by morning if you do this 1 x a month even your plant will love you or make a worn casting juice is another but make sure you put and air hose in everything ! Cheers you can also try this with kayle this works great too!

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Awesome I’ll have to try that

I uploaded a closer shot of alpean gleaux. If I wanted to breed with pollen is this a good time ? Or a little later ?

I don’t see the plant in Q, but I have been told with 18 days from the time you notice it’s balls !sorry walking my dogs. Take a paper bag to collect the pollen dry it out before using it.but for precise buds tossed a small art kit paint brush on the buds you select

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The plant in question is the baby purple one in the last pic

If you pollinate early it will slow further bud formation. Also, I find that my finger tip works better than a paint brush. The oil on your skin will hold the pollen and you just brush your finger tip on the white hairs. :grin:


Thx magu !


The saggy look to the plant Is telling you the taproot is circling the cup, and/ or that it’s a male.


Ye It was for sure circling the cup

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