Bigj’s Refresher run

And here we have scarlet grapes from @blowdout2269 and @Going2fast doing extremely well

Here we have purple jellato trucking along kinda on the small side


Coco. Need to slow them down a bit so I can get the rest of the room caught up. :grin: and I wanna keep them small so I got room for couple emerald fire og , got 2 empty totes ready to go. Lol

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And we have more cuts of #2 widow and wreck for my brother in law and father in law. The stinky monsters :grin::grin:


Dosi pluto left rear
Charlottes dementia right rear
Arachnid pie front center


And the widow and wreck monsters getting flipped Tuesday. Need to modify light hanger to get some more head room. And would like to set up the new light in the tent.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, @BIGJ ! Looking great in here, been keepin’ an eye on you. Scarlet Grapes are definitely fore-runners for next grow and our first run at autos. Thanks for sharing yours here! Hope you and yours are warm and well and have a great one worth remembering.
Stay up!

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@Coffin_Dodger Merry Christmas my friend. Thank you very much. I appreciate you following along. My specialty is photos but I’ve been getting into the autos lately getting a better feel for them. The real excitement will be coming up when I flip the trough system. Last time I used it running my old hid lights I had 16oz Pepsi bottle size buds with a few a bit bigger . Lol. I have better led lights now and so far growth has been similar to the hid , I’m excited to see the results :grin::grin:. Plenty more to come … have a great holiday my friend best wishes to you and yours :+1::+1::v:


@IKEA22 this is my journal , you’re more than welcome to check it out. 15 days on these, cuts to clones


Dude, thank you! That’s insane growth. Are you just running plain water?

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@IKEA22 I was taught by another grow buddy , super simple , ph R.O. Water or filtered water to 5.8, my cloner holds 2.25 gallons of water and I add 20 ml of clonex seedling/ clone solution
Keep air temps mid 70’s F. Usually 73-75. Humidity at 80% no dome , water temp was what it was , no water change until run is done , added water when was a gallon low and added 10 ml of clonex solution , 1 node below the collar and at least 2 above , I 45*cut the stem and scrape half inch or more and dip in clonex gel works every time so far


Cheap 45$ tent in Amazon. Cheap king led 100 watter , turbo klone 24 and an Amazon humidifier and I use an a/c infinity blue tooth hygrometer . Simple cheap does the job. My humidity is low from having the tent open, refilling the humidifier


Thank you for being so helpful. I already had a small tent in my Amazon cart, lol. I did come by earlier today but I’ve been out of likes a lot.

I’m bookmarking your recipe; your root pics are pretty awesome! I love dwc. After years I finally splurged on a nice 7gal Current Culture bucket (lol)…I love it. I wish I had the room to spread out 4 buckets. I’m watching!

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You’re welcome my friend. Any questions feel free to ask. Some of the real excitement is coming up. The trough system is getting flipped to flower… this system have produced 16oz bottle size buds. lol. A couple a bit bigger ,I have a blue cheese bud laid in a cookie sheet. I’ll post a pick lol. Old school nft trough system
Produces some results


@IKEA22 this was last grow with hid lights in the trough. Monster bud is blue cheese popped from seed from the early 2000. Still have a few I need to run make some fresh seeds lol


Should be any time now. Lol. Gave an estimate of between 10am and 2 pm. :grin::grin::+1::+1::v:
@blowdout2269 @Going2fast scarlet grapes getting ready to get a serious light upgrade :sunglasses::sunglasses:


Finally showed up at 7 pm. Got it set up and fired up. It’s bright :sunglasses::sunglasses: 60% is as bright as full power on 2 lights a 450 and a 300. It’s a Nice light. Simple stepped dimmer 40-60-80-100% , solid feeling , put together nice got a little weight to it. 20 min of running seems cool to the touch. Check it in another hour. Very happy and I’m sure the plants will be too :+1::+1::v:


@blowdout2269 scarlet grapes finally getting some love. New light in and cranking, looking like might see some flower action on the next week or so. Purple jellato already showing some hairs lol.


How do you do your late flower nutrients. Do you flush? Do you have a “finish formula”?

I’ve never had fade on my plants. I’ve probably been harvesting early, but they don’t drink a drop for a week or so and I don’t know what else to do but harvest. 🤷


@SubzeroIceKold @luxton this is my most current journal. More than welcome to check it out :+1::+1::v:


Thank you

Hell yeah I’ll check it out :slight_smile: gotta feed dogs tho

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