Bigj’s Refresher run

I usually just back down on grow nutrients, most continue veg nutes a week or 2 into flower I have a tendency of doing a water change and just adding the flower nutes. Also a lot of the autos I’ve been growing have been crosses from a buddy and have Dosi do or icc genetics and tent to fade and go red and purple.


I probably should continue veg nutes for those couple weeks but I guess it’s my way of controlling stretch a bit lol. They yellow some but continue to bud and finish out.


@percyryan66 this is my journal , your more than welcome to check it out , comment , ask questions :+1::+1::v:

@Amendment3 welcome to my journal. Have a look around see the new lights in action.:+1::+1::v:

Definitely going to watch you in action on your journey/journal…and congratulations on the new lights…you deserve to get yourself good things. And your end results will shine through

Thanks for sharing your journal) journey with us…and again, thanks for shooting those awesome beans my way:)…:)…

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Your welcome my friend, keep your head up get those beans popped and grow some fire :fire:


I’m still stuck on HPS/MH but this is a good chance to see the difference with your new lights

15 days…my God dude, seriously nice roots baby:)


I will start at the top. See you down here later, lol.


Yes it is. I’ve already noticed a big difference on my trough system when I got that light. I have white widow and train wreck in it. They are about 55 days from pop and over 37 inches tall and some nice bushes. I was gonna flip tonight but I gotta do a couple more mods to my setup . Probably do it after work tomorrow

I’ve noticed they have picked up on branching out filling in and getting thick. I’ll probably have to set up my frame and get a net on them.

I’m outs likes…thank you for the details…I like that, it helps me learn more

@percyryan66 Any questions your more than welcome to ask. I’m no professional but I’ve been growing a while and usually do alright :grin::grin: . I have a lot of Comercial grow buddies one of which is my brother. Lol. And I pay attention to what they do and tell me. :grin::grin: Haven’t run the troughs in a while so this should be interesting. first run on led was ok. Not like hid, but I also only had 450 watts and a board light with old Samsung 281 led. Now They have 880 watts with uv/ir bars , newest 301h Samsung and osram deep reds. Can’t wait to see how they bud out

@BIGJ …like I said…your a real one

Thanks for letting me know it’s cool to ask you questions etc…thank you, I truly appreciate good people like you

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Them SG flowering yet???:thinking:
What is it, day 26ish? I’d expect any day now.

@blowdout2269 Getting close. Probably within the week. Purple jellato has pistils so I can imagine SG not much longer.

All 3 Scarlet grapes on the right. Purple jellato the single tote on The left


Interesting grows you’ve got going on @BIGJ :rocket:
Rocking it with bubble buckets :boom:
Clone tent seems great over your dresser.:ok_hand:t3:really nice setup as well.
Wishing you the best always! :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face::herb:

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These ladies were out of control !! Too many overlapping leaves holding moisture, so they got a serious chop. All 6. I’ll give em a bit to recover, new fans supposed to be in tomorrow so I’m gonna hold off another day or 2 before I flip to flower. Want to make sure I have good circulation and monitoring tent temps and humidity with new light. So far so good dimmer was at 60% light was just luke warm. I bumped it up to 80% and watch it make sure temps stay stable.
This was with the light at 60%. Got it bumped up to 80 see what happens​:+1::+1::v:


Arachnid pie @repins12

Dosi pluto cut @TestOfOath

Charlottes dementia @repins12

Couple bud pics. Charlottes dementia looks a little rough. My preventative Hypochlorous treatment apparently was a bit strong.