Bigj’s Refresher run

Definitely enjoying this…thanks for sharing… everything looks great…I’m in for the long hull with you on these sativa’s:)…


haha nope i have never seed pink roots, not sure if thats a good thing or not. im guessing as long as the plant its self is looking good then things are ok.

very different though …


I did come across some comment about UV causing it, but seems weird it’s only on that specific plant


@JustANobody I figured it out. I just put a bunch of new cuttings in and they were dripping with clonex gel. (Purple) looked like the absorbed the dye from the clonex rooting gel :joy::rofl:.



Mystery solved!


Yes mine too. Between the maxi bloom and kool bloom the water gets nice and pink :rofl::joy:.


Was wondering if this was a GH type dye job. That’s one downside to their nute lines for sure. Gotta get used to strange looking roots. Healthy. But strange. Sometimes gotta wonder about our roots, but now with hydroguard we just trust the microbes and do what we can for temps short of a chiller. :thinking: :man_shrugging:
Glad you reckon you got it figured out!
Stay up

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@blowdout2269 guess who’s going into rapid rooters :grin::grin::grin:. I already love these​:heart::heart::joy::rofl: , I put. 2 beans down I get 2 that pop.


Glad they’re fertile myrtle!
I think you’re the first to run em…aside from my dozen or so test germs.


Orchard apple , one beast of a male , pollen being collected for a little white widow and train wreck action. :grin::grin:. Couple new photo regs coming !!


Tell me about your Kool bloom. I’ve heard different ways and opinions. Liquid v powder, just for the last 2 weeks, just at the onset of flower?

Do you use maxigrow? Or just bloom throughout? I need to grow some strains again. I’m not sure what’s plant difference or nute difference

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@AppalachianBiscuits I use the maxi series. Grow , bloom, and kool bloom. The kool bloom is just a booster. For me usually first couple weeks give them a jump start
And around last couple weeks when they are fattening up. I also use the cal magic and armor si, and hydro guard. Grow , bloom and kool bloom I get powders. , cal magic and armor si are liquid, I’ve been using gh for a while. Never really have any issues, I’ve thought about switching, been told I could do better. But these work and I’ve been happy with results. I like to keep the grow cheap. Not cheap as in crappy but more of not wasting money. Simple and cost effective, I purchase some rock resonator heavy yields back when I first started , paid 70$ for a pint, used 3 grows and never noticed a difference so now the bottle just sits on the shelf. Most base nutes are good. Mostly a Matter of preference … I can usually find everything I use for around 100-120$ $ total.


I’ve dropped the CaliMagic, I should add it back. Sometimes when I get negligent I notice some leaf spots. I could be told it was a Ca or Mg deficiency. I’m on a well, but it’s under 100ppm.

I want to try the ArmorSi. I’ve heard of you want to supplement something Si is a good one. I’ve also been thinking about hydro guard. Play money has been very tight for a while, and the hydro guard is a little spendy.

Speaking of spendy, but also interesting, bud blaster. Ive never in my life foliar fed anything, but it seems quite popular and effective. Have you tried it?


No I have not. I’ve been thinking of getting some and trying it out next run

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Almost ready. Couple more days. :grin::grin:



Hard outta likes right now for about ten hours, but thanks for sharing and putting in the time, @BIGJ ! Always something exciting to check out in here. Hope you don’t mind my hanging around the back and tossing out :hearts:.
Happy new year to you and yours and all the best in the coming months, dude. Hope you’ve got plenty of designs to make it your year.
Stay up

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Ladies got a heavy duty cleanup last night. Thinned out and opened up. Finally gonna flip to flower tonight :joy:.


Outta likes…:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

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