Bigj’s Refresher run

@JustANobody we got another weighted blanket popping roots and a little tip of a root on a MOB


New tent. 2x2x4 crazy colors. Pink and brown. Seems built descent. Metal poles. Plastic connections. Heavy canvas , flaps that cover zipper areas. Will work excellent for my reversed females :v:


So pink! :grin::star_struck::crazy_face:

I almost ordered one, but haven’t pulled the trigger yet.

Btw those cuts went out yesterday @BIGJ .


@Rhino_buddy sweet. Thank you I keep an eye out. Hopefully they move through the system quick. Just need one of each to make it and I’ll be golden. :grin::grin:I like my pink tent :joy::rofl:. It’s gonna do what I need it to do , I have 5 different brand tents now and all but the expensive one seem great. Lol


It was just to nice out and the river levels went down and the current calmed back down. I felt ill this morning , I think I had the fish flu :mask: :joy::rofl:. So I had to got out for a bit this morning. Lots of people out and the river is full of walleye. The high water brought more in from the lake. Lots of limits hit today. (6 per person per day).

My brother in law and fishing partner did pretty damn good today also.


I don’t think i would be able to look at a fish and not think the word free fertilizer ever again LoL 🥹


Yep , I usually clean them myself and the remainder goes in my garden. Lol :v:


Do you have problems with animals digging in your garden for the fish?
The Raccoons would have a party if I did that here. :laughing:


Nope . I have 5 dogs. No rodents or destructive critters in my yard. :joy::rofl:


@Rhino_buddy here it is. Been Back in the road since last week but I took days off to fish and waiting for boss man to paint the box. We did no filler. I just sandblasted and he painted it with some self etching paint made to paint sandblasted bare metal. It’s a little more useful, it was my truck from new and was a pain when you had material to pick up and had a bed full of tools. One of our other Forman now drives it. Figures after I give it up to him we put a tool box on it. :thinking:


New project. Getting trailers back into shape. This one a strap broke on a gator and it rolled back and slammed into the gate a f-ed it up pretty good. It was time anyways, started to notice a some holes in it. New gate , some paint and some new lights. Gotta replace some brake actuators and be ready to go., I also relocated the tail lights , put in some recessed hopefully they won’t break the off this time.


That shop looks fun!

Nice work on that bed man. Looks sick with that toolbox. Lots of work!

I’m just watering plants in the hoop houses. :sunglasses:


These are just some of the winter projects we do. We have 3 single cab Isuzus that we built 5 yrd dump boxes for, these same trucks get plows and v-boxes in the winter. We set them up so it’s 2 pins and half dozen bolts couple connections to unplug and swap em out . We have 28 visa workers coming back in 2 weeks , won’t be long and I’ll be out with a crew lol.

Red pop


Ramp just about done , just gotta add the support legs and hook the springs back up :v:


@hoss8455 this is my journal my friend, feel free to look around ,comment, ask questions , post pics :v:


@JustANobody looking like everything has roots. The bare looking stems have tiny nubs next couple days should really start to show.


Hell yes! 100% success on a ton of snips!

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Might send one of each along with widow and wreck to my cousin. He called asking about some plants for his outdoor, he usually does 10 and gets em from my brother . But my brother had some HLVD infected clones and basically had to start over and from seed this time and just doesn’t have the plants yet. Lol. Told him I’ll need pics to post


Spread them around man!


@Rhino_buddy , those cuts showed up today and look pretty good. Thank you. Was really hoping they made it this time. I do have to ask is this one marked Indiana bubble gum actually it or is it another red pop. You had mentioned you sent an extra red pop. lol. Just want to mark it correctly as of now it’s Indiana bubblegum :rofl::joy: