bigLblazed - Organic Pheno Hunt Diary!

Whats up fellas, its my first thread here on OG, however ive been growing for a while, 15 years or so, almost always organically… ive tweaked the good ol coots mix a bit to match my needs and been happy with it. Plants also seem to enjoy…

I have a few worm bins that keep that biology kicking… i mainly use neem and malted barley for fertilization, and no complains at all! Heavy on them minerals, lime and gypsum…

I usually ammend my worm bin heavily with some nutes and minerals and wait 2-3 months for everything to break down and then i use it… this is great, as it matches the plant cycle pretty much… and gives me some nutrition and biology to recharge the soil, along with a handful of neem and malted barley

Those castings are used to recycle the old soil and mostly used for watering the plants… a few table spoons per gallon goes a long way and the plant love it…

I rock a few DIY plant ferments, but damn those things stink :flushed:

I like to use 15 gallon pots for my keepers, but a lot of the time im pheno hunting in 1-3 gallon pots. Ive developed my own tricks and trips to match ny grow style…

Usually i do a lot of LST and tie then down to promote multiple tops and control height… i find this method better than topping.

For lights i used mostly custom COBs and viperspectras LEDs on a custom made room… i have limited head space, so i have to keep them short…

Right now im on vacation and things are shut down for the time being… i have a few keepers (headbanger, sowah, garlic sherb) i found past year or two that are in the yard vegging, once back home i will clone them and throw them back on rotation… hopefully it wont have to go thru the reveg process, but if it does, it will b a good opportunity to do a massive pheno hunt while we wait

I have a few Karma packs lined up already, mostly from his pink runtz line, and placed a CSI order, along with some seeds i made past runs, and whatever is in the vault…

So nothing too exciting at the moment, sorry, but in a month things should start popping off… plan is to get 5, or 6 keepers on rotation in the next year and then do some good ol pollen chucking or a few reversals…

I still have plenty of pollen from sd bx4 and headbanger stashed up that i will be tossing around on selected branches for preservation.

Recently ran some ACE a5hz crosses and made a good amount of seeds crossed to sdbx4 and headbanger… i think these will def improve the crosses, and bring some more pleasant terps to them sativas…

My preferences are Gas strains and strong effects… i hate terpinolene with a passion, so i will try to stay away from these as much as possible…

Anyways. Hope this a good intro, so feel free to pull a seat and enjoy the growshow :slight_smile:

Peace :v:


Im currently running some and doing a royal dane (hybrids from hell) preservation project. I tried to selectively pollinate a few branches, right before traveling, so lets hope the pollen took…

My garlic sherb from in house…

Sd bx4


Chem d x ssdd (bodhi)

Durban thai flyer x c99 f3 preservation project

I figured throw some pics to make things more exciting…



So heres whats lined up for this year:

Karma: Pink Pie, Pink Hindu, Pink Cheese, Zowah

Exotic Genetics: cookies and cream f2 repro/preservation project

CSI , tk s1, big bad wolf 2.0 and a few more packs that should come

Heabanger x sd bx4 (8 males): seeds ive made

Sd bx4 x headbanger (3 males)

I will be focusing mainly on these, but i will probably add a few more packs that are getting old and must be popped before they go bad…


I’ll be tagging along!

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hey blowdout! welcome broda! hope you enjoy the ride!! :sunglasses:


Pulling up a chair, that garlic sherb looks



hey Gato! welcome!!! thanks man, the garlic sherb is a beautiful plant, let her go past day 60 and it purps out real good!!


Here is my soil mix, its a tweaked Coots soil mix ive been tweaking past 5 years or so, seems to be working great…

i usually recycle it, by adding a handful of malted barley and neem meal, rice hulls and some lime with castings…


My worm bins are pretty active. I currently have a few going on, and they provide me with all the casting I really need to recycle and top dress. I usually get a bout 3 gallons of fresh castings every 2 months or so… which to me is plenty… I always add a few tablespoons of fresh castings to my 5 gallons of water and water it in… this is a lazy method of Tea that the plants just love… keeps the microherd nice and happy!

I usually ammend my worm bins pretty heavily with neem, malted barley, bone meal, alfalfa, rock dust and lime, and let the worms break that down, so by the time I harvest the castings all is pretty broken down and bio available for my plants! The base of the worm bin is mostly compost and coco coir!


So got my CSI order in the mail… stoked about it…

Also some tripple sunshine f2s thanks to a very generous member!! Much thanks bro!

Things are linning up to be an epic pheno hunt!!

Mother in law send some garden pictures! Wish i could be there to do some work and check things out… the royal danes seems to be bulking up and they seem to have stretched nicely!

You can see them a bit on the right side in the background :slight_smile:

So still trying to figure out what to pop next, if any got suggestions, please chime in!

I will need to do some soil mixing once back, got bunch of old 15 gallon bags full of bone dry soil, compost, fresh worm castings, malted barley and neem will recycle nicely and get the microbes kicking!

Anyways, im bored and wish i was doing some gardening :slight_smile:



Alright, back from vacay, time to get work done… popping some seeds tonight…

Cheese hunt:
Cheese s1
Chem d x cheese
Cheese x pink runtz

Tk s1
Chem d x headband
Chem d x tk
Big bad wolf 2.0

Pink pie
Pink hindu

Cookies and cream exotic genetix

Crem de la chem
Another mephisto

There will be a few more getting wet as well!


Amazing, will take a seat for sure.


Glad to be home fellas! Garden kicking… the royal danes look pretty much done. Some phenos need to come down since some mold starting… there are also bananas all over the buds… kinda weird, never seen this outdoors. Specially, first time running this strain… but almost all phenos doing this funky thing… i guess im turning all into hash :slight_smile:






Great, im also seated :upside_down_face:


These got wet yesterday! Was way too tired to decide the rest. But gonna do another batch or two!

Homie hooked me up with the mephisto autos, so those get to flower before the others steal the show…

Need to clone the keepers that are in the garden and bring them indoors…

My headbanger #3 keeper from last round, yet to run her twice, but its top notch smoke… karma gear still one of my top 3! Pushing almost 1.60 height, not sure flower mode has been triggered yet…


The worm bins been idling for the past 2-3 months… i should be able to pull 5-10 gallons of fresh castings… i will use half to reammend the soil i have sitting around that is bone dry, along with some lime, gypsum, rock dust, malted barley, alfalfa and neem meal… i have at least a half dozen of 15 gallon pots sitting around lol its messy at the workshop, but i will clean up and organize everything this week, get the soil mixed and hydrated, getting ready for some plants!!

Seeds will go to my soil mix cut with 50% coco into 4" square pots once they cracked… plan is to veg them 3-4 weeks and repot to 3 gallon grow bags. I usually run 1 gallons with regular seeds, but since im running mostly fems, we going with larger containers. Short veg after repot and flip… i hope to fit 10 at least per 2x4 grow space.


Week 2 or 3 of flower i will clone everything, i rather clone during flower stage because not only are they at their health peak, but the reveg process slows their growth and allows me to keep them short and without eating or drinking much until the original plant is harvested… usually 6 weeks in 4" pot and im able to keep them happy. Once they reveg and get hungry, ill repot to 1 gallon pots…