BigMike55 and MarsHydro Go Crazy

True dat.
If I cut her down, that may be the best bud I never smoked, right?


Or something you may never find again!
Sadly I have made that mistake more than once!


Ok I’m gonna keep her and see what she does. Several years ago I grew a runt out. When I say runt, I mean RUNT at harvest the whole plant was not more than a foot tall. All bud and it was some of the better I had grown.


those look really nice man tight a f :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal:


Thank ya, thank ya Vera much. In my Elvis voice.


Ok. So now the Buddhas Cane plants are all in their forever homes. About a week or two, if they remain healthy, they will go into flower. Then we can see what this SP3000 can do with three plants in a 2x4 tent.
Im stoked so far. And i just love this tent. The good stuff is the stuff you never have to think about, right?
Those beer cups have some germinated Tangie beans. Looking for that tangerine smell.

I will definately be snagging a few cuttings from these, before flipping to flower.
What do you guys think? Good? Bad? Just OK. I can take constructive criticism.


This is my Skywalker clone. Shes getting a little big. I think a haircut is in order. I still have never burned any Skywalker in my life. I hear its powerful stuff.


This is my second Skywalker. And yes, it’s good smoke. lol

OH and in case you were wondering about that Bloody Monster, here it is.

The yellow plant is a rescue from the tomato patch. It started out with a hard life but I just can’t understand why, with good feed, lights and water, she still hasn’t turned green.
Any ideas?
She seems healthy but friggin Big Bird yellow!


Well those yellow leaves will never turn back green. They may turn brown. I cant see the new growth. Is it greenning up any?

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Nope. She was yellow with rust colored spots all over her when my wife brought her in. I potted her up, fed her up and let her do her thing. When she had enough new leaves without the spots, I trimmed the bad leaves off. The entire plant is yellow from top to bottom. Not really yellow as much as Chartreuse. New growth is the same as the older. And she’s been on full strength nutes + extra Nitrogen.


Must be in the genes then.


There are several reasons for chlorosis.
You can turn the plant around and fix it if you can find the problem. The plant will turn green once fixed.

Here are some things to check:

I would start with the root system and see if you have nice healthy white roots. If not do a root trim to promote new roots.

Check your PH in the soil and with a runoff test. In the process flush the plant to make sure you don’t have a nutrient lockout.

Good luck and happy growing………


In my experience, so far, and you have way more than me for sure, once a green plant loses the green leaves to yellow, even when you fix the problem, the leaves never come back. The new growth is the tell tale whether what you are doing is working or not.
Maybe I just learned something here.

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Thank you @Oldjoints . I’ll look into that. I haven’t tested the runoff yet. I’ll do that next watering. I did do a flush when I saw the new growth was yellow but it wouldn’t hurt to do another.

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Yes bro most yellowing is usually due to overwatering, underwatering, under feeding, nutrient lockout and ph issues. Once the problem is fixed it usually starts getting the proper nutrients and the chlorosis will stop.

For example the first pic is one of the skywalker clones:

As you can see this clone is to yellow.

Here is one the same age with the same problem but if you look closely you can see it is starting to green up from the bottom because I fixed the issue:


@BigMike55 , @Oldjoints is right cuz. I’ve had plants yellow AF and turned em around with a bit of checking and fixing.


Ooops pictures are backwards…. Hold on I’ll fix


Thanks guys. :v:


I see I posted to the wrong person lol I meant that for you @MoBilly


Gotcha. Learn something new every day.
I never noticed it! So I stand corrected then.