BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 1)

Hard to say the cause. On the bright side at least foxtails are still good smoke :slight_smile:


Have to agree with all the above. I’ve read someplace heat and light can bring it on as well but with all things being equal, probably just the strain. I have 2 carmalicious right now that are so bad the foxtails are growing new stems. 6 other plants in there not a hint of it…

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Whether it’s solely genetic or not, it’s genetic. :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve usually heard lights as the culprit, but if it’s happening to those and not the others, basic troubleshooting says it must be something different about those plants. Not sure it really matters whether it’s because they’re more sensitive to stress when they get too near the light and therefore they’re foxtailing, or if they’re just growing in foxtails because that’s how they grow. Definitely some strains just do… I have one strain from Mark that apparently foxtails so much, it’s named Foxtail Skunk. Either that, or because it’s bred from some landrace called Foxtail Sativa, which I’m guessing probably foxtails a lot too?


From limited observaton so far I’ve found certain strains more inclined to it than others. For example i found Peak Seeds blueberry foxtailed quite often. Ran one pack I’d accidentally stressed, then did the same again without and same thing. I also found a pheno that went to 106 days, that foxtailed like mad. So always wondered if it came from one of the sativa side of it.


Look at it this way cuz. The seeds we trade and gift on here… for the most part, are F1s etc. We, OG in general, do a lot of seed producing. Rarely spending the time really needed to work out any quirks. I’m as guilty of this as the next person, hence the ‘we’. lol If you have enough time and seeds to work it, then I’m sure you can eliminate that trait.
But, in the end it’s like Mr @DougDawson said lol it all smokes!


I never saw a foxtail 10 years ago. Dunno if they existed. Since I jumped back in this year, I have had TONS that foxtailed on me. Two major changes in those 10 years. LOTS of hybrids have been made (and thats pretty much all I’ve grown), and I switched totally over to LED from Halides of the past.

I’ve even wondered if its LED… Just cause some did, and some didn’t doesn’t rule out LED, some may just be more tolerant, and others foxtail under it. Only way to know for sure is test with some clones under both I guess… I mean, I see many people dialing back their LED’s power, when in the past, you wanted every little bit of juice out of your lights. Makes me curious about LED vs MH / HPS…


I have seen major foxtailing with HPS so its not just led. I had some foxtailing happening with my Shiva Skunk and Maui Waui under led, turned the power down some and plants stopped foxtailing so light intensity can cause it. Likely multiple factors involved.


Thanks for all the input guys n gals.
I knew it was all smoke, but other than this late-flower foxtailling these have been extraordiarily nice plants to grow. The buds looked awesome until they started getting the foxtail raggedness going on. And honestly, I will be growing her again. SOON. Not next but maybe the run after the Frankenstein run. I enjoyed growing her that much. I was more interested in what might have caused it to begin with and is it something I can do different next time I grow her. Pics on Sunday will show it big time.


I’m quite sure LEDs make it worse. I’m pretty sure I’ve read comments from people saying the same thing with enough certainty that I thought it was pretty much established as fact… though this is my first run under LEDs, so idk myself. That said, it’s still genetics if it happens in some plants and not others, unless there are microclimates or differences in nutrients we’re not seeing; tough to believe those could make enough of a difference for this. Like @JohnnyPotseed said, most of the seeds produced here aren’t stabilized… for that matter, most of the seeds produced anywhere aren’t stabilized. It’s a lot harder to do that than to come out with a new hype polyhybrid every month, and if people don’t get what they want with a polyhybrid you can just tell them they need to buy more seeds. If you go to all the work of stabilizing a strain and it’s not what people want, then it just is what it is.

Oh, and btw, technically most of the seeds we deal with aren’t even F1s whether or not they’re labeled that way. :stuck_out_tongue: A true F1 hybrid only happens when two stabilized, true-breeding lines are combined… most of what we work with are technically F2 polyhybrids, even these F1 Lavender Frosting. Bodhi doesn’t produce stabilized strains, so anything bred from his work (except the Nierika landrace preservations) will be a F2 polyhybrid.


Interesting. Kinda shines a new light and added respect for the breeders who go the extra mile on a given strain. Obviously, if a breeder goes through all the work of stabilizing something that has no value in the market, he has done a shitload of work for nothing.
I listen to a Pot Cast every so often when I’m tending to my plants. and catch bits and pieces of usable info. I actually have gained new respect recently for Bohdi thru his show… seems genuinely interested in helping others with what they have going on. Pretty cool Pot Cast.


Maybe you’ll know off the top of your head:
Isn’t there an SST or other KNF recipe that, when oversupplied, will limit new growth? I remember reading it just yesterday, but don’t remember offhand.
Edit: Maybe corn sst?

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On another note, I will be cutting the Tropicana Poison on Saturday or Sunday, I think. She looks ready, under a loupe. She smells very fruity smelling right now, I love this plant. I hope that smell translates well into the smoke. I can already tell that these will be the darkest purple buds I have ever seen or grown. Very awesome to see. The Cannabis Gods smiled on me this time. I will post a few pre cut pics before I cut her.


you posted this in the wrong thread I think.

Corn SST or coconut water are high in cytokinins which tends to slow vertical growth and make the plant bushy.


@BigMike55 I’m posting here because I think that you may be able to limit foxtailing with a natural farming input.
I’m new to it, so I wanted to bring @ReikoX in for confirmation. Sprouted corn tea was my first idea, but I read through my notes, and they stated that water soluble calcium is beneficial for limiting overgrowth as well.
Obviously I’d wait for confirmation from some of the experienced natural farmers here, but one of those amendments might help!


I’ve had two strawberry cheese that were plugging along one further ahead then the other …the one looked almost done but at a last ditch effort the thing mutated overnight and started throwing inch ina half fox tails by day two I chopped it all that fresh growth seems like some extra waiting time to me lol but I know the main bud was practically done and changed over night genetics or my lighting because that one was closest out of all of them all take this trizzler by @Mr.Sparkle day 92 the other day she looked prime now look two days later !almost looks like new grow reveg lol

on a lot of buds throughly like it’s trying one last time to be pollinated ?


Cytokinins effect branch structure not bud structure IME. I find dimming my lights down the last two weeks helps significantly. This lowers DLI similar to the way days get shorter in the fall before harvest.


They are still pretty flowers. Just hairy little beeotches.


I use a water soluble calcium during veg and bloom transition, and still get foxtails on some strains no matter what. Some other strains seem to only foxtail when the space is overly hot.

I run CMH’s, and CMH/QB combos, but haven’t really paid enough attention to say if there’s more foxtailing under the led’s, but my interest in that is piqued now. I have to go back and look at some pics.

And like Mike said, I don’t mind foxtails, they are easy to smoke, :slight_smile:


I guess as “growers” we more or less strive for perfection. I do anyways.
I do not think its a heat problem. The tent stays 70-82 degrees (f) and humidity is usually right around the 50 mark. Ph stays around 5.9 to 6.5
The only thing I have done different this grow is to increase my ppm slowly. I max out at 1300 tho. I have never gone over that.
Im leaning toward something genetic at this point.