BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 1)

Im just glad I had the sense to mark them.


Score, sweet find @BigMike55.
If your cup is full, may it be again. Ripple-GFD


Just remember this. I give to my frequent watchers before anyone else.
That there is a helpful tip.
edit. let me clarify that. If you come to my thread, you have a better chance at getting anything I make, because I hardly ever turn anyone down.


But Big Mike! What about the brand new users whose first post is “Give me free seeds”, and who never post anything or anywhere else?! WHAT ABOUT THEM!??!?! :laughing: :wink:

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I am guilty of handing out seeds to folks I never hear from again. Its all figgered into the equation. If you hand out a hundred packs, and one person grows your plant, its all worth it. I have had folks grow my Blue Cookies feminised by me, My Bak N Blu Cookies is being run right now by @MoBilly … Its all good.


Found this at the same time. It still had the smashed bud in it. Its Green Dragon Tincture. But it must be a couple months old. Wonder if its still any good. @ReikoX any idea?


Try the tincture and in an hour or so if your typing ahvdidje dubdkeneidb c sbdjdk then we know it’s working lol @BigMike55


It’s alcohol tincture? It’s probably got a real kick to it! How long do you think the flower sat in there?

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Hope I didnt scare you off. All I meant was, folks wont know Im giving anything away, unless they come and visit, or if I do something on the FS&C Thread. That’s all. You are very welcome here.


Yup! I don’t really know how long its been cooking, but I would say at least 4-5 months, cuz thats the last time I made gummies for my Sister-in-Law.


That was made with about a third ounce of Blue Cookies Bud.

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Depends what you mean by still good… it’s going to have decarbed further, breaking down the THC somewhat into CBD/CBN and other trace cannabinoids. As far as being harmful? Not a chance, though in theory you could give yourself alcohol poisoning. :stuck_out_tongue:


So if it had broken down into CBD, and I cook the alcohol out of it, (or mostly) and use the remainder in something, It will be mostly a high CBD edible? Like for pain, etc.?

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Hey @BigMike55 if possible, I’d like to snag a pack of them Black n Blu cookies from ya, in all honesty I’ll be sending them to my 1st cousin back home who is a Cannabis user and suffers from Cerebral palsy. Her brother knows how to grow, so he’s gonna do it right for her. I’m trying to convince him to join OG lol

I’m also sending a load of my own as well, just thought the cookies would be a good Indica also


excuse my ignorance I am not the best " Edible Guy" out here, haha


That’s if it’s broken down significantly enough, which depends on how you had it stored. If it was jarred and put in a dark, cool place it’ll probably be somewhere between 5:1 and 1:1 THC:CBD… not sure on the exact numbers for this, but that’s the general idea anyway. It’ll just continue to break down the longer it’s stored. I’m sure there are charts somewhere around the forum or Google… how fast it breaks down depends on the exposure to light and heat.


Indeed you may, my brother. just PM me and I will fix a nice fat pack up for you.


Not scared off. OG has been kind to me. Plenty of love headed my way!
Not seeking anything, thought the .gif was funny. (First .gif i’ve ever made.)


This has been soaking in a glass jar, in the freezer for a good 5 months. I just happened to find it yesterday along with a sack of seeds.