BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

Feel free to post up on my thread as well. Always happy to have awesome OG made gear shown there! Congrats on your acquisition of a fine example of an awesome OG’s work! :fist:t3:


That’s cool as f.


Yup CL…, CAF


@GallacreekD66 . That’s awesome!

When you grew out your CSK was it a heavy feeder? I’m giving mine just under the amount of feed that the Frankenstein’s are taking. They look great but the CSK is yellowing like it needs N I’m guessing or something anyway. I was actually afraid I might have over fed and both of my CSK are locked out… I don’t know and it’s frustrating the crap out of me. I’ll post a pic of one here in a few minutes.


Not to step on Mike’s, but post a couple, at least one of the plant where the problems are and a coupel different close ups

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That’s one of my Frankenstein back behind the CSK. She’s a pretty one for a fact.

The clawing leaves on the CSK make it look like it’s been over watered but I’ve been careful about that and both of them have the issue.


nice pics taking, brother. What type of fan/ how fast/close is it to the plants? That can be caused from too much wind, also.

edit… The ‘clawing’ I’m talking about. The yellow would seem to be Nitrogen need, or root problems.
How well is the goat poop broken down?


One of them has a box fan about 8’ away pointed almost directly at her set on low and the other is in the back row of the plants in another part of the room with a 12" oscillating fan set on medium about 6’ from the plants.

I haven’t used any goat poop yet on them, just my Fox Farm trio.

Here’s the other three plants. The CSK is the one in the corner. As if I needed to tell you which ones are Frankenstein. LOL


You say you’re giving her the same Nitrogen as Frankie and all that yellowing is going on?
Not to say it can’t happen, but never saw a plant take in more than Frankie. are you using BBP?

edit… sorry for playing the question game with ya lol just trying to help figure out what’s up.

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There’s only a very slight difference. I believe it’s ~ .3 mm less Grow Big than the Frankenstein plants are receiving. I also fed the Frankenstein and the CSK 1/8 teaspoon per gallon of straight N and and potassium during last weeks feeding. The Frankies greened up but the CSK are still doing this.

Well hell, I’m at a standstill here, then. You can try tuning the fan away from the plant, and up the nitro a bit. It’d take a few days to notice improvement.
The pics are indication of more than one problem.

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I’ll do that. Do you recon a small bump of N might help as well? I’ve had lockout before and I’m leery of going too far with nutes

Like I said above, just a bit more.if the tips start to burn, you know it’s itme to back off some

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Did you notice the second set of pictures? That one shows the location of the yellowing better than the first set of pics.

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yep, tip[s aren’t burning. you can safely up ‘N’


Will do. Thanks Johnny. I’ll let you know in a few days how they do after that.

I don’t recall CSK being particularly hungry. I say you have a different problemif you are giving like Frankie gets and it is still yellowing. Maybe @Tracker will chime in, since it’s his baby.
I would say a lockout maybe. Have you checked pH levels and ppm going in and out?


No problem, brother. Just remember if tips start to burn, back off he ‘N’


My PPM meter shelled out on me. I keep planning to buy another… I’ll have to make that happen.

I also asked about the root zone, but there is more than one problem there. Wonder if compounding each other?

edit… either way, a few days of bit more N won’t hurt, unles tips start to burn., Then It’s too much. If nothing happens (yellow stays/worsens & tips don’t burn) I’d say root system Ph/lockout.