BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

I thought the same @JohnnyPotseed but I just up-potted the one in the corner three days ago into a five gallon bag. The root ball was solid and full to the sides of the bag. I still trimmed a little of the ends off (took the sides down about 1/2 " before re-potting it). The first plant I showed is due to be put in a 5gal but I didn’t want to stress it with this issue going on.

Understood, brother. But, each plant is it’s own ‘eco-system’ with individual needs. Don’t stop doing something needed to one, while working on another.

While ‘eco-system’ may be kinda strong words, it’s basically accurate ,I think. lol

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Dang! What a brain fart. I should have thought about that myself.
@Tracker ! Would you please offer your advice?
Thank you.

Yeah, I only grew the one plant. You may have gotten a different version than what I had. Whatever the case, be careful with her and mold. I believe I cut some out of mine, if I remember correctly.

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Okay. Thanks for that. I’ll watch them closely. Luckily Winter is coming on and I heat with wood. It’ll be pretty dry in here at times.
I gotta remember that. Run those strains in the Winter. lol
That got me on my LPC. Dang near all the largest buds had a small amount of mold. I still got a lot of real good bud but not like it could have been.

Since it’s on newer growth, my first inclination is pH and/or overfeeding nutrient lockout.

I read that you use GH Flora Trio, correct?

What EC/ppm are you feeding? What pH?

Are the other healthier looking plants getting the same feed routine from the same feed mix batch?


I have not experienced that exact symptom on Kristi. I run at about 1000 to 1200 ppm and pH 6.0 to 6.6.

Tap water thats 200ppm and pH 7.9 at tap.

I use GH Maxi dry nutes.

The Kristi is hungry for N well into flower. Your symptom does not look like N def though. That would most likely be seen in lower, older leaves first.


Also, mine is in compost/soil outdoors, FFOF soil indoors. I feed in and out with the same nute mix.


My CSK (he Kristi cut you gve me) is doing just grand with the GH line of nutes, combined with the rest of my feeding regimen.
In my own composted soil mix.


I had the same problem with fat bastard plants . I started my first outdoor grow ever in 15 gallon buckets. So it was a new experience. Well my watering got out of whack and I overwatered and the plants had this exact look to them, I let them dry for a real good while and they went back to normal.



Okay. I’ll have to order another ppm meter to check that out. And I’ll let the two girls go a little longer between this watering and the next. We’ll see what that does. If I were overfeeding them I would think I’d see burnt tips I don’t see any on the leaves but I won’t rule that out until I see some numbers. It could be though. Like I said, I’m giving her just shy of what I’m giving those Frankenstein plants.
I’ll let you know how it goes.
Thanks everyone.


Morning @MoBilly
I was just thinking about your problem plant. Now that I think about it, I had a similar problem with my Double Grape plants. Turned out I was overwatering. Not too much water, but too often. I let them dry out and then watered until I got a little coming out the bottom. Then don’t water again until dry again. This mostly happens on the second day after watering. Then water again until full. Straightened them right out. Thanks, @Oldjoints


Thanks brother. I do have that tendency. I’m letting them go longer between watering. I haven’t used my moisture meter in a bit… I wonder if it still works. lol

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Maybe I need to find some swamp weed. Anyone know a strain that can live in standing water?

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What I’ve been doing is to water full. Heft the pot to see what it feels like full. Then in the mornings you can heft each plant and see how light it feels. Your muscle memory will tell you when you need to do something. Like I said. Every two days for me.


That’s what I have been doing, Every other day I water just over one quart. It had been working fine till now. I’ll be continuing that with my Frankenstein’s but, now, I’ll go lighter on the CSK (by feel).

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As Mike told you, it’s not how much water you give them, it’s how often you water them. When you do water them water them throughly. Then wait until they are very dry until watering again. Some signs that they are ready to be watered is a gap between the soil and the planter around the edge. Stick your finger in the soil up to your second knuckle if you feel moisture it’s fine. But lifting the pot is the easiest way. You want it to be very light. The best way to tell is water a plant until just a little water comes out of the bottom. Now lift it and remember how heavy it feels. When lifting a plant that needs water it will be very light in comparison. Using all three of these tips together should give you a good idea of when to water.


Thanks @Oldjoints and @BigMike55 .
All this, I should already be doing (and used to).

Well the rains are starting tonight, so it’s time to take down the monster ISS colas…I’ll leave the smaller ones for now and keep an eye on them. Very nice smelling plant Mike…