BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

Good morning @BigMike55 and all of OG!


good morning @BigMike55 and everybody else!!! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

have a great day ya all! :slight_smile: :upside_down_face: :slight_smile:


Good morning brother Mike, and all OG!


Good morning :sun_with_face: @BigMike55, @m0sirys, & @JohnnyPotseed! Looks :eyes: like another great day way got going hope all are enjoying coffee :coffee: and some good smoke :dash:. Big solar eclipse coming today. News :newspaper: is really hyping up this one :waxing_crescent_moon:! :partying_face::wink::clap::facepunch::+1::ok_hand::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Morning errybuddy
It looks cloud free here in hot springs. It will be iffy by eclipse time tho. Fingers crossed.
You folks have a great day.


I hope you get the full monty, my friend!


Thanx. I’m pretty much excited. Hope it don’t turn into a shit show.
At least I got to hang out with my lil sister Kat.
She is such a sweetheart and a literal HOOT to be around. Not just saying so cuz she’s my sister.she is by far the coolest person I know.


Morning @BigMike55 glad you see you had a good time with the family.

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Good morning @BigMike55 and all you others!!

I always thought It would have been cool to have a sister… :thinking: Welllll… But I would probably have seen the inside of a metal motel more often had I had a sister… Probably best I didn’t have one. lol

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I had 4 sisters, 3 brothers all older than me by far. All are dead now. Luckily I got to know almost all of them pretty well. My favorite was my sister 13 years older than me and closest to my age. There was a brother between her and me that died as an infant.

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I don’t know anything about the Blue Tara strain. I do know however that so far anything good that’s been crossed to the Cap Junky has become great! I have I think four or maybe five CJ hybrids running right now that just got flipped the other day.

Thank you for sharing your Blue Tara and Chunky Junky seeds with me. They were in the PO Box today.


I received a letter from you today as well @BigMike55 !
You have a golden heart brother.


The plant in the back left is a Headband X Cap Junky

These are Cap Junky x Chem 91 SVA except for the one in the front left which is Alani Island (Katsu) x Cap Junky


good morning @BigMike55 and frieds! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

have a great day!

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Morning @BigMike55 @m0sirys and OG hope everyone is having a good week. More coffee please.


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Morning BigMike55, never too eRly to get that black gold flowing. A double cup for this feller this morning, thy eyes are burning


Good morning brother Mike & all OG!

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Morning guys. Gonna spend the day driving. Have a good ‘ern.


Morning brother.

Good morning @BigMike55, @Fortman420, and the rest of the coffee :coffee: cup crew. Not a good morning :sun_with_face:, but trying to make the best of it. Got a plumbing 🪠 leak. :confused:. :ok_hand::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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