BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)



:boom: :+1:

Add a trail camera and you can both find out who the ass-hat is AND get free entertainment as you watch them run off thinking they’re about to get shot!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I’d be thinking about camping out right next to it. lol


How about surrounding it with a few land mines… :grinning::grinning::grinning:
download (19)


I had a buddy who grew a few at his place out in the country pre-legal…but didn’t trust his neighbors teenagers. So he wired some bear spray up to each plant.

Unfortunately, they didn’t get taken. :grin:


Someone got you last year? That sucks. This year also? I would truly be upset. I’m surprise you’re not losing it now. We must be getting better. lol

I just couldn’t stand it. I had to pop more beans. Gonna try an Auto again this is what went in the soil three days ago.
Mephisto Double Grape. Supposed to be be 65-70 days.

Ain’t they purty?


I don’t know why some people can’t spell properly… It’s spelled “purdy”. Dude at least try.


Depends on where you live.


fake camera real camera, put the fake ones in obvious spots and hide the real ones. they always cut/block the decoys and think the job is done.


It sho’ ‘nuff is @MoBilly …it sho’ 'nuff is! :smile:


or the trail cam will catch him being the entertainment when he inevitably forgets the wire is there LOL

that plant might be prettier than the sheelavati also but its close.


Nice Mike , I was bored this morning and started 3 different things. Black snow, Bogbubble f2 and Tropicana poison. Good luck with those Double grape I did one last year.


For some reason this instantly started the Beastie Boys Sabotage in my head. Then the improvised lyrics started

Can’t stand it, I didn’t plan it, I’ma set it straight, this strain that’s grape


Since the Southernism is a contraction of “you” and “all,” the apostrophe “stands for the second and third letters in 'you.” Thus, the correct placement is “y’all,” not “ya’ll” (which would cut the word ‘all’ in half).Mar 26, 2023
It is safe the say all of y’all. You’se and y’all isn’t the same. Gypsies say bother or sister to a stranger. Some words the we think are old school names are actually racism. Some nicknames like hey hun is a slave slang. Say Atlanta ( it was named after Ann), I say Anna. Indian gas stations we call them yetty or Hogie.


@BigMike55 lol I can loan you one of my bigass Rotties to run loose in your yard! I guarantee she’ll eat anyone that comes in there…

edit… scratch that idea, lol she might even go after you too, if Rose or me ain’t there! lol


That stinks. Sounds like it needs a camera or alarm on it.

:green_heart: :seedling:

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I don’t have a big dog anymore but I have two little Jack Russell’s that don’t let anything come in the yard without letting us know. Even the squirrels can’t get near the yard without one of them going off. It’s kinda annoying sometimes but it’s worth it.


Set some traps out.

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Oh the traps we’ve made over the years! I wish we had cameras way back! I’ve found bloody trails leading up a fence and over, when someone tried at my last house about 6 years back Ciara (my buddies 140 lb Rottweiler ) was in the garage which was connected to my backyard via a dog door, those guys got it real bad, trust me lol. Pricks! Boobie traps just work and I guarantee they think twice.


I love dogs. The problem I have with dogs is if you ever been attacked it changes your mind about dogs. Especially wild dogs. I would not sick dog on someone. Years ago I would. I do not believe they should be used like they are in law enforcement. There’s nothing wrong with a dog in law-enforcement if you get me. Some of the people that train those dogs never got trained to begin with.
When I was younger, a dog was like a gun. It was your protection.

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