BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

I had 3 Malamute/wolf hybrids that were guard/attack trained. They saved a lot of property from theft, not mine. I rented them out. That was 40+ yrs ago. They were the only ones I had trained that way. The dogs I have had since then are just protective minded. Rotties and Pits are known for being that way. I didn’t sic em on anyone though.


I had a border collie that would tear your ass up. A few chow mix with a lab. I had a few pits. But my favorite was a Shar-Pei. That’s where hemp comes from. That was his name.


I’ve been attacked by dogs, several times. Doberman, Jack russels twice and a German shepherd. The Doberman was just psychotic, and the jack russels I like to think the owners were just douchebags. I’ve also been brought down by a police trained dog and surprisingly it was actually gentle, it locked on but like my pup not enough to break skin or even hurt a lot, but enough so you aren’t getting loose, I think most just lose it and or fight back making the situation much worse, I still will use dogs as property protection 100% , Ciara loved it! God rest her soul, she took pride in protecting my home, Brian’s and even our patches in the fall…. God I miss that beautiful girl


I had one of those tear my ass at one time. The warlocks are the worst. They get so big. Their heads are so small. I never was big on that breed. What was the name of that movie dog Day afternoon? I think it was Peter Fonda. They use the dogs to rob banks. Then the dogs turned on them at the end.

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Yep, dog day afternoon, I forgot about that movie.

I always just used my dogs as a ‘warning system’, lol They let me know if somethings not right, I take over from there! I love dogs, and animals in general. Would (have!) kick someone’s ass for abusing any animals!

I grew up in an animal loving household. My mom owned a grooming salon, kennel, boarding, and also ran a shelter, and rehomed many over her lifetime.
Rescued a few different animals over the years.


I agree with that 100%. There are some people that have some pits in our neighborhood. They’re a little aggressive. But any dog can be aggressive. If I lived in a place where I needed them, I would have them.
There’s a guy that lives across the street a few houses down. He tries act like a bad ass. He let his dog run out at my. His pit is pretty big. I’ve already had a few words with him. I made it very clear who I would be going after if that dog attack my family. My wife comes home late at night sometimes. I think he gets on meth or something. Like I said, I made it very clear who I would be going after. I’ve had to get the police involved. I have a dog in my backyard. It’s not very big. She is a barkless dog. But she will howl . Anyway, you guys have a good day. Sorry Mike but I think it happened to you last year also, didn’t it? My friend got robbed last year. They broke into his building.
They stole a couple of plants. I think they were all messed up. I don’t think they knew exactly what they were doing. I think they were in there trying to steal tools. I got a big fence up around the yard. I wish I could grow like that outdoors. I know the woman next door to me had a few plants outside a few years ago. She even asked me if it was OK with it bother me. I think I’ve already been turned in several times they just don’t do anything.


Ya they usually don’t have to do much, unless you are an idiot and try hitting them or something :man_facepalming:t2: they don’t take kindly to that, or at least Ciara didn’t , I can still hear those ducks screaming, neighbours on porches watching , cheering on Ciara , lol man what a night, I guarantee those idiots retired that night from crop thievery, GUARANTEE. Usually it’s just a good bark and we’re up , out weapon in hand…. Lol I’d rather the dog than me tbch, that’s the absolute truth as I tend to go to far when angry, especially when it involves entering my home and or property. But I’ve also seen where dogs protecting homes pay the ultimate price (although I wish I hadn’t) man no wonder I’ve got PTSD the more I think back over my escapades wow


I hate people like that…. It’s just stupid! Dogs are meant to be companions unless needed to protect, the mean ones that hate people…. Definitely not dogs that should be out amongst people :man_facepalming:t2:

When OD growing, I had a big field full of MJ. I had a small camper/slept in the middle (with my 3 dogs!) Only had a group try stealing one time… after that word got around!


Everyone needs protection. There’s nothing wrong with that. Sometimes I see the police they use them in ways that they shouldn’t. I don’t believe in fighting animals. I would like to have a bigger dog right now. I’m just not ready for something like that. I don’t carry.


Man that sucks, people suck and need to understand what cannabis is…… medicine :man_facepalming:t2: I’d hate to think the anxious prick I’d be without my bud


I don’t ‘carry’ either… but, I DO own, and WILL use! Home and personal/family protection is always at top of my mind.


Haha it does get around quick! Don’t mess with that guy, or stay away from blah blah street, that guys a nutbar! Lol


I definitely don’t carry, I do own (just a pistol but it’s there ) it’s a fine line with animals, some love to work, love having jobs etc. but I’m unsure if the police dogs are like that tbch, be curious to find out

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We’re old school. We are very old-school. We’re from the same part of the country. People would kill you back then. Not saying they won’t do it now. I would not mess with people from Lumberton.
Pembroke, some crazy people from that place. lol not talking about you Johnny
I can remember back then you could look at a man and tell what he was gonna do.


The funny part is, when I DID harvest. I went through the field picking only the top colas. Then I let all my friends and neighbors into it to gather all they wanted. I know for a fact they probably gathered at least 3-400 lbs. I got over 200lbs myself. lol But, the buttmunchers that tried to steal, I barred em from coming into the field!


Haha pricks! Serves em right! That’s awesome! Wish I had friends like you! Meds for the masses I love it!


I got to where I would tie them down. Once a plant got so high, I would tie it to the ground. I had a bunch stolen. But I believe it was my kin people. Sometimes it was good to let them know where you had a few plants. Then you would keep the best hidden. The best I ever had was out of buckets. Or some kind of container. Everything I ever grew in the ground was OK. It wasn’t worth the headache. It was fun. Always better than the alternative. Not saying I didn’t get any good brick weed. Homegrown’s always the best.


@BigMike55 it was good talking to you today. lol
The man is putting land mines out. You guys have a good morning. It is always good talking to you Johnny.
Top shelf also

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