Black heri-star?

I apologize if I shouldve seen the journal or reference to one! Im slow to the show, sometime, you know?

Killer Tune, @ randrobertson522. The story is interesting too.

But this was the bomb in London 1977.


Not at all. There was no reference.
What I have done this year, is make my greenhouse far more diverse as far as plant species is concerned instead of jamming it with cannabis and thinking that I’ll harvest a huge amount. Last year I had 4 plants that I didn’t train in fabric pots that were too small for them. It gets hot here and the relative humidity is really low, so fabric pots turned out to provide far too much air exposure for this environment. The four plants absolutely filled the greenhouse and although it looked cool, the plants stressed right out and you can probably already guess who moved in to such a perfect environment for them?.. Spider mites absolutely infested the plants and it was only one C99 that was started a little later that made it to harvest.

So I tried to address those issues this year and I have to say that so far it has been a 180 degree change. The pots are 25 gallons (2 of them) and they have other plants in with them that are supposed to be good for attracting predator species. I have sweet alyssum (pink flowers), cosmos (the thin leaved plants that are still taller than the others, and then I just let some chickweed grow in with it.

I have covered the outside of the black pots with reflectix insulation to reflect light away and keep the pots cool. Both the C99 and Heri were topped and 4 main branches were strictly trained along the ground for the first 4 weeks and the next brances topped once(basically mainlined) to try to create globes instead of sequoias.

Each pot has two blumat carrots with a string of 4 emitters each. This maintains the soil life and I’m pretty sure provides a haven for some predatory species when they need higher humidity and protection during the day. I knew the blumats would be good, but I have to say that I am still shocked as to what kind of a game-changer they are. I literally never have to think about watering. Without the deluge of water created each time you water, I am also sure that more diverse life can exist under the dense canopy.

There is a tomato wall and jalapeno pepper plants in there, along with some cilantro.

There are very few thrips and spider mites and I have even seen some predatory mites scurrying along the leaves. This is my biggest indication of success I think. I don’t want to go on too much more in your thread, but I really hope to report back that things are still good in September :smile:
Here’s a photo of the predatory mite I saw yesterday:


Oh you KNOW I got this album on VINYL!! One of the best and the song I posted is on that album!

Awesome story too! I actually thought it was a SLAVE TRADING ship, but it was THE OPPOSITE! AWESOME! It actually makes more sense in the context of the song’s lyrics

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Thats AWESOME for the turnaround, I too, had one, as my neglect did enough damage and set me back far enough to be JUST NOW getting my shit together! I am finding that I tend to be a BIPOLAR gardener, as I have ups and downs with how much attention and effort I put into the grows, although I am ALWAYS thinking about them!

Never, never, ever, ever, EVER worry about talking in my threads! I don’t EVER feel disrespected, but thanks for the acknowledgement! I did feel the RESPECT from that!

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Ive also been wanting to use blumats as they seem like they would fit my life REALLY well! I think I read somewhere that @MomOnTheRun uses blumats, but not sure!


Here’s some examples of the HERIJUANA cuts that are being used for the female end of this breeding thing. These are ALL off the same mom and you can see that the 3 fingered leaves are expressed here as well…these ladies are staying under dad’s watchful eyes and they won’t get to enjoy the pollen of a male in their lifetimes! It has to be done!

But seriously, one of these has got the makings of a possible FOOTBALL size cola! If so, it’ll be the biggest cola I’ve EVER grown! I just had to stake her with the bamboo upside down U cuz she was leaning like Pisa!

And a better shot of the possible “football”


That looks damn good.


I can only hope mine looks half as good as that… :drooling_face:

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They WILL, brother, they WILL

Thank you much! I have been smoking these Herijuana’s for three straight runs and I still am not sick of either growing them or smoking them!

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That looks beautiful, man. Well done.

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That just makes them even better when you are growing it.

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Indeed, brother!

Thank you, brother! I am just getting going but my love and interest in growing this plant just grows each run! Successful one or not!

Hey, I get from your reference to “7’s Clash…” that you got some roots reggae in ur repertoire of music…! So you have heard of Culture, but a couple more you MAY like and Im sure you probably ALREADY know about, since you got Culture, but ISRAEL VIBRATION, (Izzy Vibes😁) and Winston Rodney or BURNING SPEAR are a couple bands that are DY-NO-MIGHTY examples of GREAT and innovative roots reggae from back! BS has a plethora of stuff in his catalogue and what about him is he is a DRUMMER/PERCUSSIONIST and so his songs all got some intricate percussion on 'em. And with IZZY VIBES they had some RAD 3 part vocal harmonies going with a male falsetto that I thought added to the sound being fuller and more unique! They have since had one of the guys die, but their music lives on. They actually had Polio, Im not sure if all or just a couple, but at least 2 of them had braces on their legs and had crutches to help support themselves while on stage cuz of the damage Polio had done on them. From the drinking water being contaminated in Jamaica, too! Crazy how conditions of the world can contribute to killing off peeps who are MEGA-TALENTED individuals who were just born in the wrong place to help them live, at least! Sorry for the rant! I LOVE reggae!


Alright BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF OG! Ive got hackers remorse! I went about my male BLACK WIDOW x SENSI STAR and in order to limit his pollen to what I can contain and maybe dose to the 2 HERIJUANA ladies on individual branches? IDK, I’m just thinking out loud, but you tell me, DID I HACK HIM UP TOO MUCH?

And the cuttings as fodder for soil…

Thats all she wrote for today, folks!

Hope everyone is HAPPY, HEALTHY AND SAFE!!!


It won’t let me edit, anyhow, I hacked the shit outa him, is that ok? Whats everyone think? Thanks for the input!

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I think you’ll be fine. Maybe could take up to a week to see new growth but yeah, there’s still a decent amount of leaf there. He should bounce back for sure.


Cool, I am planning a selective pollination, I guess, where Im gonna, by the advice of some in the community, to collect pollen off site and dust certain branches, well, the advice of some mutated by me…:wink: