Black heri-star?

He got A HAIRCUT, THO, deep and true!

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If you are trying to limit how much pollen hits the surrounding plants you can use a pump sprayer to mist down the plant in the morning or after sun down . The water will make any pollen no viable and a little shower won’t hurt them but you have to do it every day pretty much.


I get you, bro. :clap:
Culture, is of course a little on the conservative side of dub. I used to hang about Notting Hill back in the day. It was full of West Indians, ganja and Dub. Mostly I neevr knew who did what on vinyl, just felt it in the pit of my stomach.
But, I have two words for you…King Tubby.


This one’s for my North American brothers as they wake up.


Thats great information, thank you! Its my first time trying to make seeds and my first time growing outdoors. So those two “firsts” and the fact that I have LESS THAN 2 YEARS growing TOTAL, I need all the help I can get! Hey, I’ve come TO THE RIGHT PLACE, THOUGH RIGHT?!


That’s CRAZY! I have JUST RECENTLY heard of King Tubby! He is the guy that made an artform out of editing the mix! First and only, I believe! A FUCKING star! Good pick and I actually HAVE heard some of this AUGUSTUS PABLO/K.T. stuff! I heard of it in the most commercial and sold out way possible, GOOGLE PLAY MUSIC! But, its not how you get there, but the fact I got there, right?! Thanks for that RAD cut!


Idk, folks, I like BLACK HERISTAR as the name! I feel like it covers all 3 parents nicely…I also feel like having the name INCLUDE the word BLACK is important right now! Im getting a lot of flack for this new attitude Ive had lately but it’s been pretty profound, this new enlightenment. I ALWAYS considered myself a NON RACIST person until I REALLY starred to analyze my individual prejudices and realized I AM ABOUND WITH STEREOTYPES AND PREJUDICES BASED SOLELY ON RACE. This realization has awoken in me a sense of needing to awaken other peeps like myself because if we are going to try a flip this bullshit script we’ve allowed our world and our social evolution to be written as, then we gotta get rid of these SYSTEMIC ISSUES and get with the program of living in SYMBIOSIS WITH EACH OTHER AND THE PLANET AS A WHOLE!





I’d chop it to 1 stalk, the furthest from the ladies, he’ll be ready 2-3 weeks before they are. When it’s starting to drop pollen get it inside in a bucket in a closet with a light & make a tray to collect what drops.

I’m fried from heat/weed/etc at the moment so I can’t write a proper pollen collection FAQ but it’s here. :sweat_smile: :paintbrush:


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Cool, thanks

Ok folks, I got a couple questions that I.would JUST LOVE to get some communal help with…
The first is this…

My outdoor male, @Ftlob 's BLACK WIDOW x SENSI STAR, has done a pre-jack, it seems! I havr been watching and trimming him like a hawk to prevent random wild pollination of possible neighbors grow and also so that I can dust a select section of the 2 HERIJUANA female clones that are his harem. Today on my HAWKEYE mission, in my areas 100° F heat, I saw these on him…




He doesnt really have any "GRAPES " hanging, likr Ive heard the male flowers look like. I’ve seen pix but not in real life so much.
Here’s a shot of his other flowers…

See how its just one pollen sack?

From this HORRIBLE pic, what would be some random guesses at ripeness? I do not know when I switched her to flower and it HERIJUANA which has been hard for me to tell but I know its been better going 10 weeks…the OLDEST this girl could be is 8 weeks but IDK if she’s even that…

Thanks for the help ahead of time, grow family! I can always count on you to help when I need it…hope everyone is HAPPY, HEALTHY AND SAFE


I’m not sure about the second ?s. Regarding ur 1st ? yes in the first pic the pollen sac has opened


So pollen dusted the wind I guess, right? Now, is it in your experience that when you see an open pollen sack like this that is HAS blown pollen out? Or have you found that not all pollen sacks actually have pollen in them, or what? Its my first time with a dude this far…


More often than not, they release pollen.


I just had my first male so I’m not that experienced I noticed that if they didnt have pollen in it that it had already dried enough for it to release on it’s own if i got them right after opening u could still see the pollen in them I hav a pic somewhere let me see if I can find it. I’d say it’s in the wind

It’s a lil blurry


No, I SEE the pollen flecks, right? Awesome!

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Right, Im now hawkeying the females…thanks for the insight!


Even if they did release pollen it still needs at least 4 weeks for the seed to properly form. Some herms are sterile. I think people make too much of a big deal about it. It’s just a genetic failsafe to try and reproduce because cannabis is an annual.


@randrobertson522 sorry if I got you freaked out :blush: just shuddered at the idea of a big male outdoor plant being nearby… :sweat_smile: I’ve got a lot of trees screening my place from prevailing wind so I’m not worried.

you’ll be collecting pollen in less than a month for sure. :+1:



thats at that point thats perfect for picking, without the cost of contamination.
Pick them when they’re like that and put them in a shot glass or equivalency.
Thats how i pollinate


All excellent insight and from peeps whom Ive seen, thru this site, ur skill, so THANKS!! I guess I will heed everyone’s words and watch it go!
Through the looking glass, so to speak!

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Not at all, brother! :wink:

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