Blue dynamite/purple romulan new grow

Thanks a ton inhad just come back from a good 4 years of not growing and the start was rough but figured it out. Have to water 12 times a day in this setup and switch to 24 times during flower.

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Nothing worth having comes easy. Great results. Where was the blue dynamite from? :beers:

Same with the purple romulan, and the grapefruit diesel. They got some pretty good lookin stuff i havent tried yet too like avalon.


Who else hates plant circadian rythm!? Haha my plants like to pretend they are dying three to four hours before bed time. Here is a picture one hour before lights out. They will be nice and perked up by lights on but jeeze!


One hour after lights on, they seem to be getting it in!!! I feel like they are considerably taller too for 6-7 hours of difference haha!


Am picture


Post haircut, top, and nuked fungus gnats about a week ago.


You still get fungus gnats even in this setup? I’ve had them and sometimes it feels they come with topdress. :beers:

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Yeah fortunately they are pretty easy to deal with in hydro. No joke 1 drop of microbe-lift bmc in my resivoir and they are dead bang 24 hours (actually sooner most the time.) 6 drops treats like 100 gallons or so.


That’s cool. I didn’t know this. It’s painful in soil but got a handle and SOP that works well.

Learn something new everyday. :beers:

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Last run didnt get em at all, they are crafty little mofos!

I hear of people mixing it up in soil waterings too with success. Its a beneficial bacteria that attacks larvae, and plants dont mind it.

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So dope. Now I need to get some. This would eliminate another step in my lazy grow. :beers:

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When using Microbe-Lift BMC for fungus gnats we feel it’s best to mix 1-2 drops per gallon of water and apply as a soil drench. The product is a super concentrated Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bt-i) formula that is very effective against the larvae of this destructive soil pest

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In theory you could provide the bacillius an ideal environment to grow outside of the soil prior then drench with super developed ultra mega bacterium!

Its like $17 and will last a frickin lifetime haha.

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Tied one up


Lol like an hour later…


Tied up another:

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