Bodhi "company" website

The effected areas are from my head to my toes. If it gets real bad my eyes burn, my mouth, throat, stomach. If I go for a haircut and I tell the woman my skin is very sensitive and light tough causes me pain, that she can not use the shears against my skin but needs to use scissors. So she uses a comb against the back of my neck. After I go home, within an hour I am in pain over my whole body, I am stuck laying on my bed for two days in pain. I have lived with this for ten years, I have tried CBD and it works. But it is not cheap here like in the US. I had to retire years early as I could not take the pain I was in.

Yes it can take some time to get a strain that helps. That is why I called out to the community here to help out rather than buying packs of seeds for $80 and finding they left me feeling buzzed. Maybe it may take a year, but this condition id for the rest of my life unless medical science has a breakthrough. As my Neurologist said, “Medical science is not that far yet.” After getting this condition I understood the story about the hermit in a cave at the top of the mountain only wearing a loincloth. In days gone by that would have been the only relief for a person that has what I have. That or jumping off a cliff.

So no, I doubt anybody here can help me with suggestions of what to do, what to put on it, what to take for it. I have been living with this for ten years, read over a thousand medical papers on pain and the nervous system. THC is effective in reducing the pain, I use it most nights. But I find I do not want to be blitzed every night. And it is not conductive to good health when using table saws and sharp cutting tools.

Yes but it seems like none of the inventory are CBD strains with little THC. None will do the job I need done. But thank you for the reply.


I smoked weed that had CBD in it that had low THC and I did not get a buzz but it took away my pain. I bought oil with CBD in it and a few drops under my tongue started to dissolve the pain away in 5-10 minutes. I have no idea if you can get CBD isolate in Canada, never mind for $100 an oz. I doubt customs would feel highly about me importing it. But I guess I could look into it.


I literally spent less than an entire minute googling and found many many CBD rich cultivars for sale on the major seed providers. That said, I tend to agree with @DiggySoze re: you’re ignoring the entourage effect and just think CBD is the cure all for you. :slight_smile:


Dude, that’s awesome. You wouldn’t have to get it imported, tho. Before we really legalized hemp in the US 2018 Farm Bill, we were getting all of our hemp products from y’all up in Canada


Yes, but it is controlled up here. I just looked up up CBD isolate, found a place in Canada. Great. When looking at their products they have $150.00 — available on subscription - 1000mg Full Spectrum CBD Phyto-Cannabinoid rich Oil. I checked on the conversion, 1000mg = 0.0537 oz. But wait, they have a wholesale area. They have CBD isolate. Sounds like what I am looking for.

5g – $175 ($35/g), 10g – $250 ($25/g), 25g – $525 ($21/g), 50g – $900 ($18/g), 100g – $1600 ($16/g), 250g – $3000 ($12/g), 500g – $5000 ($10/g), 1000g – $8000 ($8/g)

Problem is I think it still falls in the Cannabis realm here and I can not buy it without a prescription. Let’s look it up.

" CBD is a controlled substance in Canada and other jurisdictions. … Under the Cannabis Act activities with phytocannabinoids (including CBD) remain illegal, unless authorized."

Not sure they will sell it to me.

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Hi, did not see your post. Yes, there are many CBD strains. I grew four so far that I bought from seed vendors. One did not produce much in terms of flower and was very sensitive to temperature. It did help me with pain and did not get me high. Had another and it was a so-so plant. Much better than the first as far as growing. Two I grew but they had more THC in them as compared to what they were advertised as. Up until now I have been spending more on growing the useful flower that I did as compared to just buying it from a drug store. And since growing the Cherry Wine (get a nice mellow buzz off of it) I really got to see what a plant can really produce as compared to the stuff I grew before. If I can get a strain with a decent percentage of CBD, above 10%, and with a 10-20:1 ratio of CBD to THC, which also produced a decent amount of grams per what (watt I mean, and I am a electrical guy?) I would be set.

But which one lives up to the hype and which not? All four of the ones I grew so far said that they were all what the doctor ordered. But I sort of caught one, I don’t think I have ever seen a seed being advertised by sellers as mediocre. It seems all seeds that are being sold are winners.

I am not discounting the entourage effect. But which chemicals are important? Which strain has which? Most times you just get a CBD number and a THC number. CBN is just starting to get recognized. What terps are important? I have no clue yet.

As my pain doctor has said, some THC can help the CBD work. I am all for it except I want to do some fine woodworking, actually lots of it. But I do not want to slip up and spoil something I put a hundred hours into. And I do not want lo lose any digits doing it. My thought was to have some THC varieties around and mix in as much as I can with the CBD before I feel it is having a detrimental effect on my judgment, whether pushing a piece of wood into a saw blade of driving down the highway behind a semi.


Sent you a DM.

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my bad didn’t mean to sound rude, many of us are struggling with how many bodhi seeds there IS available, it’s hard NOT to buy those seeds is what i meant haha


Wooooow. I am so disappointed in Canada right now.
Those prices are crazy, too. Hemp farmers in the US are rightfully drowning right now. A ki of cbd isolate down here is only worth like $400.

@bunny the biggest hurdle with finding a good low-thc (AND) high-cbd plant is that the cbd production is a result of a ‘broken’ thc gene.

Most hemp plants are low thc, but also low in cbd, and low in every other cannabinoid, too.

Most cbd plants nowadays are actually drug cultivars, and the hybridization of a thc and a cbd plant doesn’t really produce predictable results. You have to actually grow them to see which plants have a broken thc gene. If you’ve ever heard of hemp farms popping hot and having to leave the plants on the field, that’s why. Most “cbd” cultivars will surpass .3% thc if given the opportunity

  • Your cheapest bet is clone everything.
  • Beams testing all of the plants in your harvest, to get a rough idea of the cbd content that each plant produces.
  • And then just smoking em to figure out which ones are low thc.

The one option I found on GLG that seemed like it might work for OP was Antenna Seeds’ “Antenna Hemp” (a CBD/CBG hybrid). I feel like there used to be somebody on Z-labs that had compliant seeds for sale (i.e. below 0.3% THC) but I went to look yesterday figuring I’d make it easy and find the link for OP and couldn’t find it… TBF I didn’t bother doing a search on Z-labs, maybe that would’ve helped. Most of the compliant CBD sellers I’ve come across online seem to only sell to licensed CBD producers.


That is where I do not have to worry as much about the percentage of CBD to THC as compared to a farmer. They get tested over 0.3% and they are toast. I am more concerned by the ratio between the two. As long as the CBD swamps out most of the effects of the THC then I am good. I was thinking of doing exactly as you say, figure out which one works and then clone them. I do want seeds to fall back on so when I need a break in growing to go traveling or something I can start up again. So would feminize the plant when I find it. If it one that I cross, so much the better. I can then share seeds here!

I still have to look at the isolate, I just hit the top one on the list. If I could find something less expensive. Even then, it might be worth it if it gives me more freedom to do other things. Mind you I am finally getting over a lot of my growing follies, just need to put together a cloner and a rosin press. You have done me a good service mentioning buying isolate, I never thought about it before.

@supershitfuck No worries. I realize people’s intention does not come though sometimes when they write thing, sometimes on reflection they might even change their mind on what they wanted to say after some thought. I usually give people a long length of rope before making my mind up on their intent. And then as long as they do not become a pest I let water run off this duck’s back.

Hey wait, you apologize for such a small (unintended) slight, are you Canadian?

@yardgrazer Not married to 0.3%, just that it does not alter my perception. I need to make sure distances are what they are and my reaction time is not impaired. If the stuff did all that and made me feel good about the day I will not be complaining. I have a couple of irons in the fire right now so I will be waiting to see how they turn out before checking out the vendors. Some OG members have offered me some beans to try and I need to work through them to see what gives. You guys are awesome,


hahaha yeeeep good call dude, sorry


Fuck we can’t escape it.


Guess, their CA can help you, take a look @


Thank you but I have no problem growing strains with THC in it. That is unless I end up with a bug problem.

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I think you are looking for GLG = Great Lakes Genetics " Or James Bean …good luck whaT are you looking for ?

I’ve been really looking at ratios thinking about our conversations months ago… and I truly believe it goes both ways… thc opens the door for full cbd effect. And vice versa. Cbd opens the door for full thc effect. There’s something about a 1 to 1 or even a 2 to 1 thc/cbd ratio strain vs one that is not… the commercial industry is working hard to separate the 2 for money :moneybag:… not for us!!

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When I am using my table saw I feel much more confident when no THC is present to any great extent in my system. Driving also.


Oh I agree lol… I am the type to do everything high… but I was just saying there’s something about the separation that has happened… if we can get it back to more cbd with thc… in our thc high strains I think it would help the entire effect last longer be greater, etc… and if we could get a little more thc with the high cbd strains I’d think the same… a greater effect of what cbd offers