Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 2)

‘88g13hp x Day 56 headband preservation run.

CSI day 56 x Loompa headband in the top left corner along for the ride.

Plan is to top and clone asap and do a sensi run and never run out of headband again lol.


I think I won. Thanks for the heads up.


I grew this one out too- I can agree it’s a keeper. I went ahead and crossed it to mothers milk. I wonder what will come out to the other side.

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I had a pheno that looked kinda similar, just crazy bag appeal and smelled good in flower but it just isn’t really loud once dried and cured and the flavor is a bit underwhelming. She kinda smelled like sour orange gummy worms or something like that… haha


The lavender jack cut going around is very loud, very tasty - it reminds me of a very fruity gin cocktail. Maybe some lemon cleaner in the mix, after half a year cure I notice some bubblegum in the vape flavor too. Its not a super sativa in structure, more of a branchy bush that goes wide more than tall. Not a ton of stretch. Its also frosty as can be and has a more nuggy structure.


If anyone is interested in new Bodhi DLA 5.3 pollen… Pics and info here :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:


We are crossing the corner to harvest! 4-Weeks (day 28) into flower…

Supernatural Selections 023 (Holy Hand Grenade)
(Strechy, hungry, thirsty, should be a longer flower 10+ weeks, lots of large bud sites)

DLA 5.3
(Stretched a bit more than expected…seemed like a bush during veg. Loud smells that I just cannot describe yet. This and Old Soul have the strongest scent so far. Main colas look like they will thicken up well)

(I have another female running outside and it is the exact same short-bushy structure. It has the THICKEST bud sites and most frost of the group…although the scent isn’t coming through yet.)

Old Soul
(Pinesol leaner as the smell gave me Gogi OG goosebumps. Stayed relatively shorter, and looks like it’ll produce a decent amount)

Lemon Wookie
(This plant has been a surprise…while not so “thick” at its bud sites, they are very very frosty with this subtle lavender/lemon smell. Stretched a little, but nothing extraordinary.)


^^^^Thank you for the info on these releases.


Nobody should ever have to lose a child my heart goes out to you and yours.


That’s an old photo of his 18 yr. old son who just passed away. Just awful thing for a parent to go through. I can only imagine.


Yes I did not realize that had happened , my daughter was born around the same time and It would be hard to comprehend


God bless bodhi and his fam! Always tuff losing a loved one, cant imagine losing a child! :heart:


Got my field trip pheno drying right now will sample in a few weeks and let you know my thoughts very resinous not overly smelly hope the few females turn out decent @IgrowBodhiandCSI


Very curious how it turns out as well. I dislike most GSC crosses. The high just doesn’t usually do it for me but his granola funk is one of my top 5 favorite smokes. I didnt realize i was smoking cookies until i looked up more info on the strain.


:+1: That’s my experience with the Lavender Jack terps

One of the greasiest plants I’ve grown too! I’d mainly get strong lemon Lysol flavors :fire:


Anyone know if the snugglefunk will be recreated at some point? I remember seeing someone say that 88g13hp crosses will be recreated eventually but haven’t seen anything about that particular cross. Cant seem to find any beans anywhere.


The 88g13hp is retired now, dead, so no more ghash crosses sadly. I don’t have that pack in the stash or i’d offer to trade.


Ah man that’s sad to hear… I have master hashplant and blueberry hashplant… I figure the master kush would be closer in effect to the black domina than the blue dream so I guess I’ll pop some of those and hope for something similar. The snugglefunk puts me down like nothing else I’ve grown so far lol


I finished up some blueberry hashplant earlier this year. Got a pheno with blue dream terps but intensely relaxing for most people but a few people felt energized and relaxed.

For me, when i smoked it i would get waves of relaxation flowing down my body and lots of euphoria. Not really couchlocked, if i wanted to do something it was easy to get up and do it.


Mlweed on Discord recently had a couple packs. I pointed someone else in his direction, not sure if he has any left or the price.