Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 2)

Yeah, it’s fine, I’m not mad or anything haha. If you wanna re-post pics of the Angelicas that I did grow, I logged them on my own personal thing here and posted a bunch of pics on the Bodhi Plant Guide thread, as well.


whats the point? its much easier to just read on breedbay lol…

If put them all into one big html and then you can search through it easier than you can on breedbay itself.


Is it?


Huge props for doing this!!! Ive been wanting to read thru his old travel journals, but Breedbay is just an unforgiving platform lol


Here you go


im not sure how you manufactured that screenshot, but i mean…the answer i think is still yes?
btw @all we are 2 days into a major upgrade so if there are any minor style conflict issues, they can be reported and dealt with in a matter of minutes in most cases…

problem uploading images here, seems there is no webp support…one sec brb


im curious what you mean exactly?

heres the screenshots btw, im sure i have no idea what you all are on about…

I took a screenshot of the message I had sent this morning to you, in that thread, on breedbay. So it is showing the picture within the actual breedbay design. Besides the design discomfort, the real issue was members here not being able to access breedbay past the login screen. I dont know what the reason is, but I had heard it multiple times and since this is where all the bodhi people are, I started to try and preserve that knowledge which couldn’t even be accessed.


it isnt a typical representation, i.e. i cant recreate the effect and you neglected to explain any detail that might get it resolved if it is a real thing.

regarding the style situation, pistils worked hard on creating some custom breeder designs for their forums and some general “image heavy” styles for members to choose from…i intend to preserve/recreate the work he already started, if practical/possible…as well as recreating the “easy eye” style that zephyr had requested and you may noticed i already agreed to recreate again…

this is certainly opportunistic.

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I’m not sure why you take everything so personal. It is about getting information to people who need it. Fix your site and you wouldn’t have these issues. I had to come here as well as many others because of said issues. Like when everyone went from myspace to facebook. I didn’t even like facebook but if I wanted to talk to my grandma, I had to use it. Now if I want to talk to Bodhi growers, I have to come here because this is the most active Bodhi community outside of Instagram. There’s been less than 10 posts in the breedbay Bodhi thread in the past 6 months and you can see this is only one of two main bodhi threads which receives a significantly larger number of views and traffic.


Breedbay is a pretty terrible website to try to navigate thru. Why are you so offended by that? lol

Heres some Neroli91 F2s to keep it on topic


those are some nice large colas !!!


not offended, i only asked what you meant…things are always improving and im commited to doing that work so details help when ppl are sincere…i never imagined a job done.


Oh baby those are gorgeous


A top from a phone home about halfway to the finish line


Open for signups. Filling up quickly.


about the update over at breedbay,

I think the image heavy backgrounds combined with the floating scroll aesthetic and posts with lots of images can be a little frenetic or difficult to parse visually,
but this problem is totally solved by…

thanks again for keeping this as a feature. The changes you made and the simple soft green solid color backgrounds and alligned formatting for sub-forum links solve all my problems.

Once it goes live again, anyone will be able to use that theme by selecting it in the theme menu. Should be a good option for any people who have trouble with the design style.

I think this may have been solved already, but the answer for this was to use the URL to access the site.

with both overgrow and breedbay getting an update, I’m reminded of this excerpt from the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy,
with the voice of the guide glitching from new features being added as it undergoes a major upgrade


That being said, since no one else said anything, hes also earned his reputation for being a legit and stand up business. Also regardless how his own freebies stack up, it shows me he has a love for the plant and i respect that.


Is anyone sitting on a pack of field trip they’d part with for cash by chance? I’m working on a project with them and I had awful luck in the pack.

The others just didn’t germ .