Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 2)

I think for me it’s the two packs of dank sinatra


does any one know of or have Bodhi seeds with ECSD?

I know of Instant Karma and I believe some testers floated too with SL crosses but thats about it. - cant find a reliable source for any.


If you can’t find any in Bodhi’s gear, Rusty at Cannaventure is a standup dude and great breeder.

He just released his ECSD:


thank you!! ill check that out


Surprised there wasn’t more interest in Spirit Hasphplant during the latest release (Ghost OG x 88g13HP ). There’s so much contradicting info online w/ regard to the various OG cuts so can anyone from west coast shed some light on the differences between Skywalker, Ghost, Pure OG, Diablo, SFV etc and especially how they might pair with the 88g13HP dad? Would it be reasonable to expect relatively similar outcomes between them or are the different OGs that dissimilar in their effects and how they breed? I found the Uplift (Hells OG x SL) to be very similar to the Goji OG (Nepali OG x SL) for instance…


Shit, I don’t think I even noticed that Spirit Hashplant release. That sounds really good, though. If I wasn’t all set on seeds, I’d definitely grab some of those.

I haven’t grown any of the ones you asked about (why waste my time growing something that I can get at any dispensary in LA, ya know?), but I’ve smoked plenty of them. Skywalker OG is probably my favorite. It’s extremely euphoric, happy, almost like you’re “floating,” but still totally functional. I recall one late night in particular, after blazing some in my apartment in Los Feliz, walking to the store and thinking,”Man, I fucking love this weed…” haha. It always really brightens my mood and just enhances my outlook on life. Haven’t blazed any in years, but it’ll always have a special place in my heart. I dunno why I never bought seeds of that Skywalker cross Bodhi released, probably should have.

The Diablo OG is actually pretty similar. I love that one, too. I’ve got f2’s of the Cheech Wizard from nube, probably gonna grow those out pretty soon. And some of Bodhi’s Devil’s Hashplant cross, too, gotta pop those here in the next few rounds, as well. Diablo’s really good.

I’ve only smoked Pure OG a handful of times, but that one always hit me a little “heavier,” maybe not quite as functional as pretty much every other OG I’ve ever blazed, but it wasn’t any sorta “knockout weed” or anything. I’m growing that Imperial Majesty right now (pretty sure you saw that thread) and those plants are the only 88G13HP cross of Bodhi’s that I’ve grown so far that seem to be taking after the mom more than the dad, which is exciting. I’m really looking forward to that one, although I think they got pollinated by something. Bummer. If they didn’t get pollinated, then they’re just insanely quick finishers. There’s already a ton of brown pistils on them and they’re only on day 28 today. Probably pollinated.

I like SFV a lot, but that one does seem to have a little bit more of an “edginess” to it on the comeup, which I don’t really love, but it’s still real good weed. I’d say that the SFV is probably the most sorta “Sativa”-type high (yeah yeah yeah, I know… haha), more cerebral, less body. SFV is also the only OG that I’ve ever noticed had a “lemony” flavor. I’m not sure where everybody got this idea that OG’s are lemony; every OG I’ve ever blazed, besides SFV, has had a cologne/perfume/floral/spicy thing going on that I think is really delicious. No lemon, though.

I also wanna mention that no OG has ever made me all “couchlocked” and whatever. I’m not sure where that idea came from, either, that OG’s “floor” you and make you sleepy and unmotivated or whatever. Maybe people were just smoking insane amounts of it or something, I dunno, but no OG has ever put me on my ass. They do the opposite, in fact, and usually make me wanna get up and do something. Anything! Haha. At least for the first hour or so. Some of them have a heavier comedown, but not usually anything that makes me wanna take a nap or whatever.

Anyway… I used to really like all of those old “planetary” OG’s, too, the Mars and the Saturn and the Earth etc etc. Who knows what happened to those… Maybe it was just a marketing ploy, I dunno, but those were all real good. They were all definitely real OG’s, you could tell by the small-ish nugs and the calyx formation, but probably somebody just renamed existing OG cuts. That shit used to happen all the time, just slapping a different name on something. Pretty sure that still happens…

Fire OG, same thing. Great weed. And White Fire OG. Larry’s awesome. Hollywood OG. And on and on and on and on… I honestly can’t think of any OG I’ve ever blazed that I didn’t really like, but that probably has more to do with the fact that there isn’t a whole helluva lot of difference between them, at least as far as the smoke is concerned. Maybe there’s a lot of difference in the way they grow. Having never actually grown any straight OG plants, I can’t speak to that.

Honestly, I think the only OG I haven’t smoked is the Ghost haha! For whatever reason, that one never seemed to be as prevalent during OG’s heyday, like mid-late 2000’s, in the dispensaries around LA, as every other OG seemed to be. There were sooooooo many fucking OG’s around back then, but I don’t recall ever blazing Ghost. It’s possible I did and forgot, but I have a weird ability to remember every strain I’ve ever smoked and I don’t remember ever smoking that one.

Really??? Huh, that’s interesting. Goji’s always had a sorta “meditative” high to me, very peaceful and calm, centering, whereas that Uplift really scattered my brain (in a good way haha) and made me wanna do, like, thirty things at once. I even mentioned in my smoke report on one of the Uplift phenos that I started running the shower after I did a few bong rips and then remembered I needed to do something in the kitchen and then got distracted and started doing a bunch of other shit and finally realized,”Fuck, the shower’s been running for fifteen minutes!” haha. I loved that Uplift, way more than Goji, actually.

But you know, everybody’s cannabinoid receptors are different, blahblahbblah, you know the deal…

Anyway, hope that OG info helps.

Edit: shiiiiit, I thought I was on your thread, @syzygy, didn’t realize I was on the Bodhi thread haha. Fuck. I never woulda typed all that if I knew I was on the Bodhi thread.


Amazingly helpful info, thank you!

Yeah, I actually had one Goji OG that was ridiculously strong and scatter brained (unpleasant for me, I seek out clear headed effects). Needless to say I didn’t keep that pheno. Uplift for me was very calm with longer “sativa” shaped buds than most of my Gojis had, but overall same effects and smell. Calm mellow and day-brightening with mild odor and taste.

My favorite Uplift :

Scatterbrained Goji :

Still have half a pack of Uplift left to explore at some point…


Okay, that’s interesting. I’ve only grown I think five Gojis over the course of two different runs, but none of them made me feel like that. Again, cannabinoid receptors blahblahblah… The thing with the Uplifts (and all four of them smoked this way, despite the phenotypical variation or whatever) is that even though the high was kind of “scatterbrained,” it was also extremely enjoyable. Like,”I’m doing thirty things at once, but with a smile plastered on my face!” haha. I always give nugs to a buddy of mine who’s opinion I value the most after every grow and he actually preferred the Uplift to the Goji, too.

Who knows?

Yeah, I have eight seeds left. I’ll get around to them again at some point. Although, considering the gawdawful M:F ratios I always seem to end up with, the fact that all four of the seeds I planted the first time I grew them turned out female makes me think that those last eight seeds will probably all turn out male haha…


My logic was that HP crosses are fairly likely to come back around again.


Speakeasy has Madre Azul and Time Bender EDIT - in the VIP room. Regular drop happens later


Can’t quite say what Jalalagod smells like but reminds me of various forest smells. Some sweat. Some wood and earth tones, loud, just can’t ID. Average plus for size. Almost no branching 12/12 from seed and semi hard buds, trykes all over. I’ve not tried yet but will have vape report shortly.

A hoot to grow and easy. Chopped last Wednesday so won’t be long.


My Bubbashine Hashplant F2s are doing well. All are around a foot tall, with minimal branching. Two are an inch or two taller, perhaps males. I’m not seeing a ton of variance in the leaf shape, and no major stem rub smells yet. Anyone see tell-tale signs of 88g13hp dominance in leaf shape and such in any of them? Hoping to select towards the bubbshine side, may just have to wait until they start smelling to get a better idea.


I haven’t grown bubbashine nor ghash, but i have grown a bunch of ssdd’s. The leaf crinkle is a trait I look for in those, and any with bends in their stems regardless of overhead lighting. Likely will have thinner blades too.


Very lush plants and i’m happy you’re growing this strain! They really seem to like the N better than lots of strains i’ve seen. I get “the claw” when most any of my other strain’s plants get that dark of green.
(I use organic blood meal for N, maybe it’s too hot, i know that it is absorbed quickly.)


Good call on the crinkle - probably from the blue moonshine. Yeah the only thing I’ve noticed on leaf shape is a few had initial leaf sets that were more rounded and not pointy. With them being F2s I doubt leaf shape is that indicative anyways - since F2s will have a mix and match of all the genes ha.

Yeah they are super easy-going for sure. My mix is just old coots re-amended with 2 cups of craft blend per cubic foot of soil. If they were more towards pure blueberry lines the claw may be present for sure haha.


After growing Pre 98 Bubba clones years ago, i do think your wide leaves look like very Bubba-ish. Crossing fingers for you.


Good deal! It’s too bad this strain was such a limited release. Hopefully I can get some nice parents for an F3 run. Have 4 more seeds to try as well if needed.


That’s my opinion and experience with Bubbashine leaning SSDD as well. Thinner blades with DJ’s classic BB stretch indica growth characteristics.

My BubbaShine leaner (bonsai) has medium-thin leaves as well :

Here’s some more quotes and pictures that may help from Bodhi on BB




Awesome info! Definitely see some similarities in leaf shape. Interesting on it being stretchy - wonder if it stretches more than the g13hp dominant ones.


Two Eden Transmission F2’s with a Dread Bread in the middle, around 2 months from sprout and still waiting on any discernible pre flowers to determine their sex but at this point, I’m just assuming they are all female. Haven’t had any plants wait this long to show sex, maybe next year I will have to send in som leaf tissue and get them sexed right away.


Eden Transmission #1, favorite structure out of the plants, around 32" tall

Dread Bread around 36" tall

Eden Transmission #2 around 32" tall