Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 2)

These 2 pics are a couple days apart. But this is my Earthbox tent about a week into flower. From Left to Right we got Metal Haze, Kosher Tangie, Field Trip 1, Field Trip 2. This is in my shed and my first summer flowering out there so hopefully my temps stay somewhat normal.


@piper1 , this cut of Bodhi’s grandma’s hashplant is about 5 years old now I think. When I was testing it for the bodhi fam it was just labelled Irene Og x 88g13hp. When it was released bodhi gave it a name. I have ran this one indoors and in my greenhouse every season since I found this cut. My location is not really good for growing outside due to our very short season and extreme weather swings. Take the last 10 days as an example… +28 to +34 Celcius daytime highs, +10 to +14C night time lows. Then yesterday it was 4C at 8am and by noon it had only warmed up to 8C. When I got up this morning at 6 it was 4C again but highs today are supposed to go back to normal which is mid to high 20’s and 10’ into the teens overnight.

Everything I grow in my greenhouse must be vegged indoors pre-season, put outside no earlier than the first week of june and even then we have had snowfalls in June.
Here is last season’s Grandma’s Hashplant


Could you expand on the effects and aroma? What about this cut stood out enough that made you want to keep it around for 5 years and counting? Not a lot of info out there on Grandma’s HP and any additional information you could provide based on your experiences would be highly appreciated!


the first run indoor were clones I took from the mother’s from that first pack. The males were culled. Out of the females one stood out for flavor and potency. All of them basically grew the same with similar finishes but one stood out. She has a creamy sweet diesel kinda smell and flavor with pine and marshmallow and fine red wine on the backnote. Very old world hashy flavor comes thru as well. She has been one of my favorites in recent years.
Indoors she tightens right up and grows more OG style nugs, like golfballs at the finish and the flowers are a really nice density and loads of trichomes.
I have a ton of pictures from the various grows over the past few years and I’ll drop in with updates on the greenhouse girl as the season progresses.


here’s pics of the flowered out clones from the keeper cuts first flowering run. Small plants but you get the idea.


got this from a homie he got as a vendor sample waiting till I’m not stoned so I can have a full experience on it :+1:


Space Monkey
(In location where plants grew in winter the temperature fell, so two awning had to be connected, and the light was switched on so that one day was in one day, so they heated each other, but this place became the most dry place in the world :wink: therefore and have no healthy appearance, don’t boil me hard )

SM#1 (that in the photo above in the current cycle)

SM#6 (on this plant i made bx1)

SM#5 (Conditionally named “Sativa Feno” because it had the highest leaf and the finest trunk when he got out of awn)

The next cycle of F2 (SM#6 x Sm#3) to find a father for Bx1 on SM#6, although female plants in this race were just derivatives I found two interesting plants among them with different bumps and bush as soon , now photo f2 pink :blush:

SM#1 (Orig.) аs of today

Who believes in the pattern of numbers? I have something strange in the run with Space Monkey, namely with the number “6”
So in the cycle with original nuts for Bx was selected plant under #6, in the cycle with F2, which was (SM #6 x Sm #3) also left the plant under #6, and again in the cycle with Bx1 left plant #6
Probably bx1#6 I name “12 monkeys” little plagiarism :smiley:

Sorry for the rich letters !!!


sick fade! crazy colors dame!


Keep us updated on that smoke report homie!


Strain : forest queen (strawberry milk x 88g13hp)
Method Smoked : bong around half gram vendor sample from abundant organics (az company)

APPEARANCE very dense forest green bud very frosty smallish nugs (sorry no pictures will grab a gram or 3.5 to further test and get pictures)

(insert photo here where possible)

SMELL: a sour smell almost like a sour or tart fruit followed by some earthy rich scents

Dominant smell of bud :sour fruit forward
Associated smells of bud : hints of earthy moss

TASTE very earthy oldschool hash flavors earth and moss slight pepper

Dominant flavour : oldschool hash
Associated flavours : earth pepper moss

Harsh/smoothness : (1-10, 1 being extremely harsh and 10 being extremely smooth)

  • cough factor? : yes/no
    No cough
    Hits behind the eyes right away followed by a relaxation to the body but has a bit of a cerebral heady feeling almost a bit spacey
    Profile : Percentage of head to body (e.g. 80% head 20% body) 65/35 head/body
    Potency : (1-10, 1 being extremely weak and 10 being extremely potent) 7
    Duration : (approx length of buzz, from first hit) 1:30-2 hours
    Use : Daytime/Bedtime would be a mid day night time smoke for me not completely tiring but not a get up and go smoke
    Munchies? : yes/no no but ate a bit before smoking
    Overall: considering picking up a pack I don’t have much for his hp selections in my seed stash and very much enjoyed the high

Awesome smoke report on Forest Queen. Thanks for all the details!


Thanks not the best at putting my thoughts into words but hopefully it helps someone in some way :joy: going to be getting a few grams of it to further test I really enjoyed the smoke if anyone has a pack of them sitting around pop them! @BudWhisperer


Thanks for the smoke report on Forest Queen @DesertHeartGardens. I picked up a pack a while ago as a freebie I believe.


So I had one of the blue Tara seeds I got in the OG auction from @Oldjoints that got a little bit of water on it while packing the puck away for storage. (Probably condensation from a drink I had or something) rather than put it into the fridge with the others I decided to germinate it, popped no problem, so I decided to try out the farmer freeman sex testing thing since it’s pretty cheap for one test ($15) and I’d never tried it out. Just got the results back and I’m happy to say that one seed is female, so I guess I’ll have some Blue Tara in the next flower run I’m getting started in the next couple weeks. I am not bummed at all.


This is great news! congrats on the new baby girl! i know a few people who will be interested in watching that grow, me included :crazy_face:

Good vibes brother!


Thanks duder, I’ve got three “Old Smuggler”s from MMS vegging right now that are planned to go into the 3x3 to flower once the weather looks like it’s turning from this roasting hot nonsense. Was gonna throw in one of my GM5 cuts to fill the fourth pot in there but now it looks like it’s gonna be the Blue Tara, I’ll keep everyone updated on how she do.

(I know MMS and his gear are polarizing in the community, but the beans were a gift from a friend and the name of the variety is basically the same as the mountain I live next to and snowboard/mountain bike at, so it feels appropriate to check em out)


Smoke reports like that ain’t healthy for my billfold as now I want a pack :face_with_monocle:


Are you logging any of this? I haven’t gotten an update from you in a whiiiiile… Or maybe you just forgot to tag me in the new thread… sniffle… haha!


Dude I’m a little scattered right now, I’m still holding all the Good Medicine cuts from that run, still planning to run them again, but popped these other seeds as a little interlude, so I gotta start something for them, plus I just started something to log my outdoor run, but I’ve been slacking on posts lately, it’s been a weird summer :joy:


Those are my favorite kind… haha!