Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 2)

Haha, I’ll throw you a tag when I start the new indoor log brother, always love it when you cruise by my threads to say what’s up :v:t2::v:t2::heart:


I wish i found one of you guys running the good medicine before you started, i have a pack of Bodhi’s Harlequin BX, which i believe is (harlequin x good medicine). Bodhi was very kind and gifted them to me but i don’t know when i’ll get to them. might be a while unfortunately. I grew one outdoors but it was stolen and all that was left on the ground was maybe 7 grams if that. .I only got to try it once. I had a notebook to take notes of the experience and all i did was sit there for 2 hours updating the notebook with pointless comments every 3 minutes, lol.


Razzberry Unicorn day 15f please enlarge photo to see the pretty colors. Are crystals normal this early? Excited for this stanky gal.

Please forgive cell phone pic


Yea it,s hot I won’t run the wookie anymore … Tks too bodhi for the lt and headband … I just don’t think Wookie works for southern folks . The . .Yeti headband and thai dom. is great . The wookie is the biggest pisser ever . Its Needs the north pole or something . Its a tight plant that can’t handle shit . I really picked all wookie for winners . Not to let the the lemon or headband skyscrape them or wilt my ac is at 75 outside … Indoors outdoors wookie good north of say New York . Mtns. it like his finger It doesn,t recover well . With that I got a couple winners . But they were both skyscrapers But man they are exacto . The lemon and headband are similiar . The Headband is very consistant . I seperated the thai . and put it at my girlfriends . She’s a real lemon but the headband is consistant . The Lemon might be the best plant Ive smelt .She did throw , pre-throw I Michele keeping here seperated for accidents,


Blue Tara is dank af. The pheno I tried’s terps were a delicious mix of sour blueberry yogurt and bubba-esque spicey cream kush. Effects were really standout. An ultra-heavy indica dominant stone but without the rushing / anxiety that can accompany some heavy afghans for me. Instead, this high was very smiley, upbeat and positive. Extremely medicinal weed that also made me genuinely more happy which isn’t the most common effect when I smoke. I bet you’re going to love it @LegsMahoney !


That’s probably the most desirable description of effects I’ve heard in a while, now I’m all fired up to flower this thing out!


Just moved up blue tara a few notches in my list up my ever changing what to grow next list :joy: sounds delightful


Has anyone grown out any of the Blue Tara F2s? Is there a good chance to find a Bubbashine leaner in those?


I think it was said that the IX would likely have more bubbashine leaners as the F2’s were selected more for Snow Lotus leaners. I’d imagine the effects would come through either way though. I’ve seen a couple F2’s grown out but not really any of the IX yet. I’m planning to run some eventually.


Ooooh where can I snag the IX? Or are those long gone?


Looong gone. They were made at the same time as the F2’s but I believe they were more limited. Might be able to find someone to trade with though. I’d trade ya but I’m holding onto mine for future use with the SSDD :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Curious how the F3 I got from @Oldjoints would compare to the f2s or ix pretty sure he made them from the f2s from the seed run might be wrong though


Yea I figured lol. I should have some F2’s on the way, but I’m def looking for a heavy Bubbashine leaner.


old soul 1 mom loving it outdoors been almost 2 weeks since I tossed her out giving her till the end of the month till I let her flower out :v::seedling::heart:


That’s gotta be a Pinesol leaner. The old soul I’m running right now is super stout and dense. Same with another pheno my buddy has. Thick stems, short, not stretching much.


Just put 5 beans of air Guitar in soil. Has anyone here grown her?


the best old soul i got was the one with the more sativa leaves, long ass buds, huge stems, the short dense phenos were not too good, except one that was bright yellow green and super suuuper lemon pinesol, so i’d say maybe more bad ones than good but the good ones are insane, i mean i like 'em… haha


I hava a Dread Bread 46 days 12/12 from seed that leans heavy Sativa narrow leaves and she is huge! Bent over and all branches went nuts. Nice strong frame and looks like it was flipped at about 5 weeks. Buds growing up and down branches, citrus smells when moved or touched. Buds seem roundish and big and firm, but it’s early.
The other Dread Bread is about half as big but bigger than most, heavy stem, some branching and round buds. Light forest tones.


Yes, looking healthy. Keep her dialed in and it will become a sticky mess :slight_smile: In a good way, of course.


cut SM f2 today (full 9 weeks 12/12)

plant #3

and plant #6

today I was sorting and laying dried SM BX1 into cans for curing, when I got to #6 (the one that is “12 monkeys”) I suddenly found that it smells like a drink from childhood - “Duchess”, it was very popular in the Soviet Union during the times my childhood. The plant has a sweet pear smell and nothing else! it’s not like a mixture of smells of something with something, namely the smell of a sweet pear - duchesse! plant #1 also has a similar smell, but there the smell is a little smeared with something sour …
I can’t wait for the “curing” to take a sample and find out what they will taste and effect … it’s good that I saved the clones!