Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 2)

Yes. Like humans.

I have some low quality photos of Pura Vida F2 I grew her 12/12 of the seed from 7 only 3 were females, just below are photos of two the third one was much longer when I harvested them the other one still stayed a few more weeks.
Thereā€™s not much to take as an example, I have to move to another city before they finish, so they were a little abandoned.





the third one was tall like the first and the same structure, these are missing two branches because I removed it before to look in the magnifying glass if it was ready, the other one was really short.


Amazing! Thank you. Do you grow 12/12 from seed often? How does it work for you?


Apparently Chickencutlets has had some TK plants flowering for 11 weeks with no significant flower development whatsoever, so Iā€™d take any ā€œlong floweringā€ observations with a grain of salt. Or maybe the whole shaker.

I thought the same thing, even blew up the pic to get a better look. Somethingā€™s going on there.


I had a light issue unknown to me in that tent ,however your replies come off as extremely Jack ass like and pretty rude without being helpful what so ever.They always have made me question if youā€™re just an asshole or on the spectrum or something and donā€™t realize it.Get real dude. 88g13 can flower longer than 8 weeks, and since youā€™re so studious on Bodhi strains youā€™d think youā€™d know that.


surely my choice would be this Gooey remedy everything I read about her on breedbay is great but although when you wrote it could be chocolate trip F2, mother milk or other old ones :exploding_head: wow, so many possibilities.

i have ac/dc x wokie

I would have liked to have done a seedrun of preservation ac/dc x wokie but at the time it didnā€™t work out due to personal problems but I still have 4 seeds. The ones I grew 7/11 of the 4/7 pack were females they had an incredible frost, the aroma and smell were really wonderful something sweet floral really surreal, at the time 2 years ago I couldnā€™t make the seeds or clones something I really regret I stayed so stressed at the time that it gave me facial paralysis.:sob::sob:

but actually i just germinated (two days ago) 7/11 of these sour cyclone x p. unicorn the idea is to do a preservation seedrun but I havenā€™t created the topic yet so as not to create expectations.


At the moment Iā€™m being forced to do this because Iā€™m out of light for the veg so Iā€™m trying to improvise a perpetual cultivation on 12/12.
But it depends a lot on the strains for example this one is a Brazilian sativa x 88g13hp bred in the same tent 4x4 at the same time as these.




When I make 12/12 of my own accord, itā€™s when I want to make seeds of long flowering species or test a variety like the one above.


yes, one pack open pollination, but limiting the pollination of the fastest males in favor of the longest flowering ones.
47 SM f2 seedlings growing for pheno hunt.


Youā€™re making a big fuss for nothing really.
That plant is done, pull it.


The white scars on the leaves. I have yet to see a thrip under my scope but I know theyā€™re there because of the white scarring and black excrements.
Thatā€™s the thing about scouting, gotta know what to look for and how to find them. Use sticky cards around the plants and youā€™ll catch the adults.


Iā€™m just an asshole, dude! Sorry it took you so long to figure that out haha! Having said that,

then am I wrong when I said that your observations regarding flowering times might not be the most dependable? No, Iā€™m not wrong.

None of the ā€˜88G13HP crosses Iā€™ve grown have ever finished in eight weeks, so, yeah, I know that.

Jesus Christ, dudeā€¦ Seriously, I dunno if Iā€™ve ever seen anybody on any weed-growing website so quick to get so fucking butt-hurt. Did you not just mention like last week on Crunchā€™s thread that you had some TK plants on a flowering schedule for eleven weeks with barely any flower development? Yes, you did. Therefore, any sorta ā€œflowering timesā€ you mention will of course be taken with a grain of salt by me.

Get over it, bruh. Quit being so insecure.


I see no amber on it yet whatā€™s the rush

Iā€™ve got nothing flying around in the tent besides lady bugs Iā€™ve released week 1 in the tent that have 90% died off. Iā€™ll throw a yellow sticky trap and see but wouldnā€™t the lady bugs have knocked them out if it was thrips?


As I said Iā€™m not expert but from my thrip research Iā€™ve done and been told , apparently you have to get rid of them by destroying their life cycle. Traps, sprays, and predators. Killing all stages is crucial.
I setup my traps and caught a bunch. Iā€™ve identified them. Now Iā€™m spraying before I bust out the bugs later on. Hopefully I can break the cycle


Iā€™ll start the process with traps and go from there. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

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Capt jacks deadbug brew will take care of them.


old soul day 5 since flip :grin: much love and good vibes :seedling::v::heart::sunny: Will have the other 2 pheno smoke reports of ssdd bx tomorrow got a cold over the weekend set me back :+1:


Sun Ra flowering 7 weeks. Smells of citrus and rubber


Very nice looking !


@Varuna Check your PMā€™s