Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 2)

I never followed her, so that’s news to me. Interesting though. Hearing that the Zkittles x Lavender Lemonade cross was out for testing years ago makes me think that this truly isn’t a collaboration at all, more likely Bodhi got a lump sum from the Cookies folks for that strain and use of his name.


Not Bodhi related, but the guitarist who shredded with Testament, Alex Skolnick, has fronted a jazz trio in recent years. He covers metal tunes in a jazz style!!!

Free streaming live concert recording


What? Wha’d I do? Haha.

I agree.

Yep haha. It’s fucking stupid. And tacky.

I feel like people may have been taking everything I posted yesterday the wrong way, but just so we’re all clear, I give everybody a hard time and make jokes at their expense. EVEN BODHI! GASP! Nobody’s above a little good-natured ribbing every now and then. Everybody knows I love Bodhi. I log the fuck out of his gear almost every single grow, solely in the hope that I can turn people on to his stuff. I didn’t grow anything BUT Bodhi gear for like 5+ years.

Still… An intro and an outro on Berner’s latest double-album? How the fuck can I NOT make a joke or two about that? Haha…


I’m sure that I’m in the minority but I never really got the whole animated hatred towards cookies genetics. The diversity argument could be made about any of the hype / elites being worked it seems to me as well. I wasn’t a fan of the Granola Funk pack that I tried (GSC x W15) but have sampled some Ice Cream Cake with decent effects, which I assume has some form of GSC in it somewhere. Have read a lot of rave reviews about Field Trip (GSC x SSDD) and intend to try that some day for sure. There are plenty of strains that come off as bland or uninteresting to me and they don’t become a passionate crusade for me haha.

To me I have so many seeds already that it feels like it would be some weird kind of entitlement to get offended that Bodhi had the audacity to make a cross that doesn’t interest me. I’m thankful my fridge is filled with so many crosses that he made that did appeal to me. His Purple Unicorn lines don’t interest me either and it’s not really a big deal, I just don’t buy them for the most part. Also the notion of ‘enlightening’ cookies fans with “real” strains is a bit comical to me. Still plenty of “untainted” Bodhi genetics out there without cookies in it for those of us who aren’t interested so I don’t really see an issue. Then again I already have enough seeds…


Does bodhi appear on anything other than that terrible adam dunn show or the potcast appearances?


As the Grateful Dead used to say, “We would have sold out long ago, but no ones buying.”

I don’t know the dude for shit, but he sounds like he is inspired again after a long road. Good on him for making some money on a side project while passing the savings on to all of us dedicated Bodhi heads.

I think people have forgot how to ignore. Put your money where your mouth is! If you don’t like something either ignore it or don’t spend your hard earned money on it. Simple.


Yeah, I agree man. I also like Bodhi’s work a lot, and have had good experiences so far with it. And if the guy needs money and wants to sell some genetics or consult for the big money folks, okay. Whatever, make a living, I’m not going to hate the player even if I hate the game. I just dislike this wishy washy touchy feely justification when they clearly can’t even get his name right. There’s no friendship or affinity there, or you’d know your friend’s name. I just wish he’d be like “hey times are tough and I decided to take the bag”, I’d respect that more.




Your recent comment about divorce and mid life crisis stuff may have been a little much.

It’s clear that B has been going through a lot in these last few years. Seems appropriate to respect his personal business.


Daaaaamn okay


Every snow lotus cross I’ve grown has something in common in the background behind the main terps so to speak… I know he says it lets the female shine through, which it does, but in my grows I’ve always had this bit of what seems to be snow lotus influence in the smell too. It’s hard to describe, I think it’s like a soft velvety muted sugar or something, if that makes sense.
Yeah she couldve gone longer, but I had her in an autopot test run that I was not impressed with, she faded hard early so I was ready to get her cut down and run the clone my normal hand watering ways and have her healthy. I think she may go 10+ weeks this time, that was chopped at 9 weeks I believe.

The Bodhi x Berner/Cookies brand collab seems like a win/win.
Bener has huge reach with his brand but is generally only putting out the same GSC hybrids that are in my opinion, very flat and similar. Bodhi bringing out new and unique genetics through this platform should make it so that people who smoke cookies brand stuff are exploring new genetics wether they understand it or not, and can get opened up to more possibilities of what cannabis has to offer!

Zkittlez is an amazing plant, I was so surprised at how much I liked it because I picked up that clone as a “joke” thinking its just some hype but lets see… the thing had such insane terps, reminds me of candy but also of chemical laundry detergent, super loud and sharp. The high is strong, not Extremely strong or anything but not weak or bland, it has a nice happy effect to it and gets the job done. Terps is where she shines, but effects are better than most hype plants these days, I was impressed.
She sucks to grow as a clone, is hard to root. My first grow with her was really good, and subsequent runs were pretty ugly.


IMO, It and it’s crosses are the most hyped strain in existence with a literal brand name behind it and all it has is bag appeal. I’ve grown forum hybrids, I’ve smoked a bunch of cookies and crosses from the streets and dispo’s. Anything leaning cookies is a bland, one-dimensional, short-lived high, despite possible massive bag appeal and smell. It’s disappointing mids at best. I’d rather smoke literally anything else. Mexican brick had better highs that lasted longer than any cookie or it’s crosses. The hype is unfounded, and based solely on marketing(Not hard when it looks great) and lack of experience in the user base.


Even BLUE DREAM?!?!?! lmao

(HolyAngel HATES Blue Dream lol)


Most definitely, I would much rather smoke BLUE DREAM over any cookies cross :rofl:


Makes perfect sense that it is set up in this way. Berner already has the licensing and infrastructure to allow a collaboration like this to happen. Doing this independently would be a complete nightmare due to regulatory/licensing/cashflow/IRS issues.

Much easier for Bodhi to be hired as a contracted employee or independent contractor. No up front costs, no dealing with regulatory bodies, filing taxes is much easier… Businessman handles the business, breeders do the breeding. The way it should be from my POV. If B decided to run something independent, he would only have time for paperwork… No breeding.

If anyone doesnt want their bodhi seeds anymore, PM me lol.


I would really hope this is the case. It definitely makes sense doing it that way. Would hope he’s still able to do his thing though like nothing’s changed. That post makes it seems like this would be his new job :thinking:


I hope now that Bodhi is working FOR cookies, he didn’t sell all his old lines. He is kinda going through a change and letting things go and clearing out his old stock and NFT lines. I hope he isn’t limited from working on his own shit by being a “cookies employee”


Ive also seen that trait from SL. It also seems to pass some recessive cherry/berry notes with certain pairings. I suspect that the SL contributed a lot of that berry flavor found in different Goji OG phenos. The SL leaners seem to have more purple in the stems than usual too. That trait was usually linked to the SL side of Goji… I think.

SL was a great breeder and I wish more beans were around so I could dive back in with high numbers. I suspect that its expressions vary wildly with irrigation/environmental differences from run to run.


Sorry for reposting what you already posted @Vagabond_Windy . For whatever reason, my feed didn’t show me these posts so I only saw them after scrolling up. My mistake, man! For whatever reason, this site does that to me fairly often - it won’t bring me to the last read post, but brings me to several pages down from that and I never know unless I scroll back up to check. It also showed me several ignored posts at the same time, so not sure what’s up with that.


No fuckin way archive does it…

also where is this post from?