Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 2)

That’s what I seen in the few I’ve run

Lol didn’t even care about that. Thanks for always being on top of Bodhi related news


Dude on Headie Gardens Discord server said it. Gotta look for that Jodrey interview because it seems like the info was obtained there


Hope Bodhi watch’s his back. Berner is in it for Berner…NOTHING ELSE ! $$$$$$$$$$

Guess he is tired of hunting through Triangle Kush Pheno’s and calling them something trendy…

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Early cured impressions.

Golden HP (HP pheno?)

Golden HP (GT / hybrid pheno?)

Leans towards the spacey / stony spectrum of effects. Medium high potency. Unsurprisingly reminds me a lot of Black Triangle. Very sticky and good amount of smell to it. Stickier and a bit stronger smelling than the Black Triangle females that I saw in my pack. I prefer Devil’s HP at the moment but this is still an early impression. Little difference between the GT(?) and HP pheno when it comes to effects.

Sunshine Queen

SSQ was fairly dreamy and not as relaxing as the K4xSSDD. This one has a strong aroma to it but still seems like it should have went a week or so longer.

Beautiful Day -

Great aftertaste that lingers for 5-10min. Sedative & drowsy, extremely comfortable and clear headed. Very strong aroma of shaving cream. Slightly sticky trichomes. First time trying a Strawberry Milk cross and finding it very enjoyable. Will explore this line again in the future.


If you put it out there on a public forum, where anybody can see it, it isn’t “personal.” I talk about all the shit going on in my life on every grow log; if somebody wants to make a joke about it (and it’s actually funny), I’ll laugh. And my joke about Bodhi going through a mid-life crisis and becoming a “rapper” was funny. Because we know it isn’t true. Bodhi’s not trying to be a rapper.

At least, I don’t think he is haha. I hope he isn’t. Or, shit, man, maybe he has unmatched lyrical skills that we never knew about. I dunno.

Do I really have to explain how jokes work?

Who the fuck hasn’t been going through a lot in these last few years? Are we really not allowed to at least try to laugh about it? Jesus…


Imperial Majesty smoke report, copied-and-pasted from the grow log (this is plant #1):


I always label each jar “1/2/3…” etc, so that I’m sure to keep going through the first jar first, then the second etc. That way, by the time I get to the last jar, it’s been sealed up for a good long while. I also tend to put the fattest nugs in the last jar, just because I feel like the bigger the flowers are, the longer they’ll take to be properly cured. Having said that, pretty much every jar of the Imperial Majesty #1 (and the #2) look like the above pics, with those tiny little nuggets. But that’s okay haha. There are some nice buds in the jars for sure, but nothing like the fat-ass flowers from those short plants.

Smell: so my “amateur” perfume-smeller friend came over and I had her smell these jars. This is not the same chick who gets perfume samples sent to her; the one who gets samples sent to her turned this other friend on to the whole “perfume-smelling game” or whatever haha. But she’s still got a good nose. Better than mine.

Anyway, as soon as she got a whiff of the first Imperial Majesty #1 jar (and the first #2 jar, too, actually), she immediately said,“Oh, wow, it smells like tomato sauce!” I was like,“What?” but I can see where she was coming from. It doesn’t smell like crushed tomatoes themselves, but the #1 definitely has a sorta “oregano/basil/marjoram/thyme” kind of “deep herbal” thing going on for sure, like the things that you use to season tomato sauce. It smells good. I was hoping it’d maintain the way it smelled while growing through the drying/curing process, with that “classic OG” aftershave/perfume-y kinda thing, but I guess not haha. I wonder how much the too-hot drying conditions had to do with that…

Taste: Woody. That’s really the only way I can describe it. It doesn’t taste like any kind of specific wood, it’s not like it’s “cedar” or “cherry” or “oak” or anything, but it tastes very woody to me. I get a little hint of “perfume” on the backend, but it’s mostly just a straight-up “woody” flavor. It’s not bad, but it’s not amazing, either haha.

Effect: I really like this one! It actually kind of reminds me of a better Goji, with that sorta “meditative/Everything’s fine/mellow”-type of high. The first thirty minutes are slightly cerebral, I definitely do a lot of thinking, but it isn’t overwhelming. It’s not rushy or racy or uncomfortable. I feel like those first thirty minutes are kind of a prelude to the actual high, which sort of implies that it’s a creeper, but it isn’t; I’m for sure very high shortly after smoking this one, but the real fun starts after about thirty minutes, when it becomes an extremely “mellow” high. That’s the best way I can put it. I don’t want people to take that the wrong way, though, because “mellow” to a lot of people might imply “weak” or “lazy” and it isn’t weak or lazy at all. It’s good weed and strong enough, for sure. Functional. It’s good weed for chilling and being functional haha. And if you’re not chill already, this weed will make you chill.

I also sleep really, really well when I smoke this one before bed, but in general it isn’t “sleepy time” weed. I’ve been blazing this one during the day and it’s been fine, no crazy-heavy comedown or anything. If you’re already sleepy, though, it isn’t going to keep you awake for more than an hour or so haha.

Anyway, yeah, I like this one a lot. I’ve only just started getting into the #2 Imperial Majesty, but so far I prefer the #1.

Edit: looks like there’s a seed in that one nug in those pics. Shit… haha. Overall, though, the IM’s don’t seem like they got “officially” seeded or anything, despite my earlier speculation. I haven’t found any seeds while I’ve been breaking up nugs. I did find a few fully-developed seeds at the base of a couple flowers on every single other plant grown this round while I was trimming, though. I dunno what that was about, but I don’t think the plants actually got pollinated or anything.


It was a shitty joke lol


Never say never.

Berner has A LOT more extra decimal places in his checkbook than others and is from the streets so he has game.

Not to mention that most of what Fletch does is already Cookies derivatives anyway.


I hope he makes a ton of money and gets set for life.


Im happy for B

Seems like its a day job opportunity for him where he gets to play with his hybrids and get paid for it, all while ensuring common people get better meds.

I am sure he will still be doing his own thing as more of a hobby now. Which is better, as he no longer has to stress over what to release and can focus more on preservation, landrace and heirloom stuff.
Its stressful trying to do what you love while also trying to put food on the table with the same projects. I know from experience. Btw, Im selling some packs :rofl: :hamburger:–>:open_mouth:


On “Between 2 Heads” in May, Jodrey was talking about the facility he has with Cookies and mentions that people’s minds will be blown by the new “Genetics Specialist” they brought in (but won’t say the person’s name). Mention is just before 2 hours 30 minutes in.


or… he wont be allowed under contract
or… wont have time
or… cookies males.


One thing I wanted to add to that Imperial Majesty #1 smoke report: every time I smoke it (I can’t get off of it haha, I really like that one, pretty much the only thing I’ve been smoking from the latest grow so far), I have like a two- or three-minute sneezing fit immediately after, where I sneeze like ten or twelve or fifteen times. Has anybody ever experienced anything like that with any strain?

I’m assuming it’s some kind of bronchial-clearing thing? I’ve read that weed can do that and it’s beneficial, but yeah, I’m not sure I’ve ever blazed anything that made me sneeze my ass off for a couple minutes after smoking it.


Here’s a timestamped YT link where Jodrey talks about Bodhi and Cookies. Vid is 2 months old


Got to the video but timestamp didn’t carry over, what was the timestamp to look for? Thx


1:44:05 Takes a min to build up into the convo. I’ve only heard a few mins of it. Waiting til later to sit down and listen to the whole story



Yeah, ive come across it with a few.
Its a terpene.


One thing that should probably be said in this thread as we talk about the news: we all (with probably a few exceptions) have a parasocial relationship with Bodhi. We don’t actually know him, we’re not friends, we just like what he does and as a public figure we pay attention to, we have feelings about what he does. These are fine if we stick with “I don’t like this turn in his genetic work” or even “I don’t want to buy his stuff anymore if he’s associated with Cookies” or “I’m offended by a person who has a clearly defined moral code violating it and not even acknowledging it” (that one’s me, basically). What we gotta look out for is the idea that somehow this is a personal insult or betrayal, which I’m seeing a lot of, not so much here as on Instagram and some other forums. That’s not healthy, and at the end of the day, maybe we gotta find a new breeder to be a fan of. Maybe we don’t. That’s up to you, probably not until we know more.


I guess I have a different perspective on this because I am from SF, and because I was part of the old california medical cannabis community. I’m a chronic / terminal medical cannabis patient with a slowly progressing illness that will slowly debilitate me, potentially kill me, or weaken me until a cold of flu kills me. I have recently lost the ability to speak, and not sure if it’s ever coming back.

I am now almost 30 years old. I nearly died at 22. I have been a medical cannabis patient since I was 15, and a licensed grower since I was 18. For half of my life, cannabis has been the most effective medical treatment keeping me alive.

Yeah and this is why the whole thing bums me out. bodhi is one of the last vestiges of the charitable altruistic attitude of the old california medical community. Berner was one of the major commercial forces that broke up the med community, and monopolized the rec scene preventing all the small collectives from getting a piece of the pie. Berner likes to act like an underdog and say he worked his way up in the canna business.

Not really true. Whereas other medical collectives and dispensaries followed the very fair rules of the prop 215 prop 420 medical system, Berner was also selling shit weed on the black market, and sending shit out of state. That’s according to Berner, if we can take him at his word.

People in the cannabis industry like to throw around a lot of big talk about business ethics. I don’t have any problem with black market growers. But gaming the medical system to establish a toehold in the industry while consolidating power on the black market, and publicly advocating for legalization to destroy the medical system, well that is something different altogether.

It’s worth mentioning I actually appreciate Berner’s contributions to music, he has given forgotten artists new exposure, and paid for studio time for a lot of amazing musicians. I do not appreciate how he has operated within the cannabis industry.

I can respect his hustle in the music industry. But I can’t respect the way he brought that attitude to cannabis, and fucked the medical system while stomping out the old collectives and valuable medical lines.

And why did bodhi have such a hard time getting a license? the fucking california legal system that berner advocated for. Everyone else in the bay area medical community, and in the bay area rap community like Equipto, were all against proposition 64. Berner’s success came at the detriment of the medical cannabis community.

trust me, for the community of seriously ill medical cannabis patients, cookies is fucking worthless. It does very little for pain relief, and increases tolerance making dosages less efficacious. In the bay area we used to have consistent availability of a diverse genepool of proven reliable medical strains that could be prescribed for specific symptoms or illnesses.

The old bay area medical lines that people depended on to maintain their quality of life while living with chronic and terminal illness have either been hybridized with cookies, or have disappeared from the legal market due to the saturation and demand for cookies and its hybrids.

And trust me, the hybrids are just as useless for patients as the cuts. Medical patients depend on a variety of strains to target different symptoms, while keeping tolerance low.

If all you smoke is polyhybrids made with the same genetics, that have same terpene profile, the effectiveness of your meds will rapidly diminish. it really doesn’t matter how many different names they give it if it was all made with the same genetics.