Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 2)

I have with 1 really floral smelling strain. Trimming it fucked me up too.


Killer post :dart: :100: :clap:


Everybody and their brother has a seed brand now and the fact that it takes atleast 3 months to verify what you bought is even what you thought it was supposed to be is unique to the seed game. Makes it easy to take advantage of people if youre someone looking to do that.


Kudos, well put.


Heā€™s at best a skinnier dj Khaled

But for real, amazing post - reminds me this means a lot more for a lot of people than what I take it for (and it means a lot to me).


I donā€™t know anything about Berner and his cookies, but I do know about Bodhi and his seeds. His description for Dream Beaver in 2012 started me off when he mentioned the Chink burning one on the mountain top in Even Cowgirls Get The Blues. After growing his seeds, and testing for Mrs B and him, I explicitly trust him to only do the right things, and especially with weed.

Seems he sees new horizons ahead, and Iā€™m looking forward to seeing them too.

He knows what heā€™s doing. :slight_smile:


I have also greatly appreciated the opportunity to test some of bodhiā€™s lines. I trust bodhi with the plant %100.

Itā€™s just sad to see his business go in a direction where it can easily be controlled by powerful commercial entities that donā€™t give a damn about the needs of the community.


Iā€™m pretty sure B is gonna keep doing his thang, the way he wants to. People often forget he has bills to pay, like all of us, and three kids, one that requires full time attention. I donā€™t think heā€™s some super rich weed celeb. We all need paychecks, and this may just be one avenue for him to get that. Itā€™s not like he hasnā€™t worked with cookies beforeā€¦ and if cookies arenā€™t your thingā€¦ then just donā€™t buy those seeds. Itā€™s funny that some people I know love cookies and find it medicinal. Almost like cannabis can effect people in different ways, or something crazy like that?! Also who I am, or really any of us to judge what is medicinal and what isnā€™t? Cookies isnā€™t for me, and thatā€™s ok.

I heard heā€™s starting up the testing again soon with his new partner, Sage. Pretty sure Bodhiseeds as we all know it is not going anywhere.


He was a rapper though so of course his branding would fall in line with that. Furthermore how often is cannabis obtained from someone who looks like the people in Berner vids? He piggy backed off of Hip Hop and it would be strange to expect his brand not to fall in line with that. Hip hop culture is just as responsible for the mainstream appeal of cannabis as stoner culture.


Yea I read that in the next 12 months theyre hoping to get the tester program going again. My biggest hope is that Bodhi keeps things separate between the 2 companies.


Today I culled the males. And bent some plants (lately im not even tying them or topping, just bending here and there).

Official count:

5 strawberry headbands (loompas headband x strawberry milk)

2 smart move (geniusthai x omg)

3 dragons milk x blackdomina/beatrix choice by catapult

1 babylon buster (dread bread x 88g13hp)

(Thereā€™s also some GG4 by Floyd in there)

Plus sowed two days ago: terpenado and spirit hashplant

Next up Iā€™m between endor score or bb muffin x vintage bb (akbb) (f2) - any opinions (I know you all have some) ?


I didā€™nt take it wrong bud, I know youā€™re a ball buster, itā€™s what I like about you, donā€™t ever change haha


Based on the amount of traction archive has in the Oregon legalized market, I would guess that this is unlikely. They dominate the local market for recreational market clone sales.

However, Cookies bought a storefront in Portland at the beginning of rec legalization here, and itā€™s been sitting abandoned ever since. I donā€™t think they understood the zoning requirements. They painted the empty building blue with the cookies logo as if they were just staking their claim.

They were unable to get licensed, and unable to get zoning for cannabis retail at that location. It finally opened in NE Portland after about 5 years. They have another storefront which is still abandoned, it seems as though their attempts to expand within portland have not been succesful.

I would not be surprised if cookies was looking to make a deal with archive in order to gain a larger presence in the oregon legalized market. Archive currently works with only the forum cut, so I suppose product tie ins could be a possibility.

I could see that happening only if the deal was lucrative enough for archive.

But I would be surprised if archive painted their licensed and zoned storefront blue and put up an awning with the cookies logo. They are retail competitors. Making a deal would basically be
a merger or a case of ā€œif you canā€™t beat em join em.ā€

edit- correction: the second storefront finally opened in 2021. But it was crazy that they let those storefronts sit abandoned for so many years. Retail space in portland is very expensive, and very competitive.


Couldnt have said this better my friend, cheers!


My vote goes to Endor Score


I think this is an angle thatā€™s hard for non-Cali and non med people to appreciate. Thanks for laying it out.


Mold? Do you have a microscope? Can you make slides? I would investigate further.


Definitely, definitely. As an East Coast rec user, this isnā€™t my history, and while Iā€™ve heard most of that before, I couldnā€™t remember the full explanation. Thank you for jogging my memory about why I dislike Cookies/Berner so much, itā€™s truly a tragedy that we got what we have now instead of an evolved and expanded version of that old Bay Area scene.


From Matt Riotā€™s IG post





Well if anyone can do itā€¦ itā€™s Bodhi.