Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 2)

How do you read that and not entrust our brother Bodhi with the latitude to explore his vision. Sometimes I think “we” need to sort of allow ourselves to distrust negative narratives about our own people.


My big concern is that a lot of the things he talks about are because of Cookies - “black hole of homogenization” “corporate dark wave cannabis”. Losing heirlooms due to “market driven cultivars” - Cookies helped make that happen. And so many breeders have ditched older strains to work with Cookie genetics. This whole thing is starting to give me Phylos vibes. Cookies eliminated a LOT of competition by getting the competition to use and sling their shit, their shit becomes homogenized, now they want to branch out, acquire, bring back and sell the older genetics that were given up? I get Bodhi’s intentions, but I have serious doubts about the intentions of the Cookies company. Cookies is bigger than Berner. He’s the CEO, but there are others behind the decision making of the company too. It’s corporate cannabis. Whatever they give Bodhi, they need to be getting more in return.


who is bodhi? in 2006 the king was elite genetics. in 10 years he will be another … what he does could be done by any of us.

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I find this whole thing fascinating. For starters the Berner thing makes me want to puke in my mouth from one perspective…

All rap trap and hustle music is in truth, at the expense of the average listener. It’s sneakily making fun of the buyer. They are rapping about how they are hustling YOU into buying/listening to THEM, with drug and/or violent metaphors. I love my fans = I love my money.

Ok that said, whatever becomes most popular on IG and other platforms consumes the most attention and money right? If Bodhi recognizes that he’s about to become an obscure reference in one generations time, but has the opportunity to send some of his genetics solidly into the future of mainstream cannabis culture, for better or worse, he’s compelled to as a living being.

Maybe it’s an issue of moral relativity? Let’s say Bodhi knows he needs to crack an egg (masculine) to make his omelette (feminine).

People hate masculine toxicity :thinking: :slight_smile: :rofl:


I feel you lol. There’s a lot of dualities in this situation. Opposing truths. Only time will tell what the outcome will be.


I don’t know any Berners and I don’t know what cookies are, other than a strain. You give that guy a lot of free publicity.

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I’ve posted this before, but this is what Bodhi is referring to
Please check this video out! I hope it makes as big an impact on you, as it made on myself.


I’m going off subject here, but in my mind Cookies is more of an early emerging symptom of the current drive towards homogenization of the cannabis gene pool for widescale commercial production, not the cause. Once it goes legal federally Cookies will be small-fries compared to the big money corporations who will step in and want a reliable uniform product they can produce cheaply and sell to the masses.


PS: I do find it kinda funny that Bodhi shared his thoughts on Matt Riot’s account. If any relationship is illustrative of Bodhi making his own decisions about who to associate with, public opinion be damned, it’s Matt Riot.


The best place to make change on the cookies homogenization might be from the inside, just food for thought


Yes, Matt Is …i know from 2007 or so…


I see it more as a microcosm. They caused the homogenization of their own product. Def agree that once it goes legal federally that this will be small time compared to Marlboro Greens lol


Yeah mixed feelings on partnering up with cookies - I see the potential for positives in expanding the popular mainstream strains towards more interesting varieties, but it is always odd to see your favorite independent guy “sell out”. Reminds me of craft breweries that sell out and spin it as giving them more financial freedom to explore unique beers. Not too big a fan of the release model for these seeds though to say the least. Either way, I’ll still be growing seeds from Bodhi, and hoping for some new males in the works - hasn’t really been any new main males since the Strawb milk / purple unicorns.


I’m happy for Bodhi and hope this works out for him and he gets paid crazy $. Berner’s out here building his roster like NWO


Have a more positive outlook on this my friend.
Corporate cannabis, has no clue about genetic diversity, and it’s actually an advanced concept for many people to understand fully, even though us cannabis nerds see it pretty easily.
Someone with the proper intention and passion, like Bodhi, needs to get in there and do their part to save things, to get things out in as many ways as possible, before it is too late.
Bodhi is planning to get some very unique f1 hybrids out into this corporate platform that would otherwise be so homogenous, and with such a far reach as cookies company has, this means a countless amount of people will be smoking weed from the exotic jungles and corners of the earth, mashed up in bodhi style how he does best, rather than having only access to gsc/gelato/ogkb/cake/cookie/runtz/dosidos which are all the same thing as eachother.

If he is able to accomplish a big move like this it can have a positive impact on the genetics in the corporate corners of our cannabis community. This is huge.

In similar thinking: I’ve partnered with a local, family owned commercial grow in MA that is Massive in scale, yet they are also passionate cultivators who do love unique genetics, and together we’ve been growing tons of unique cultivars I’ve bred and getting them out to the masses, it’s almost a similar idea. I don’t personally smoke dispensary weed, but there are millions of people who do. They enjoy it a lot more when they’re smoking unique options. They find medicines that work for them, when they can try all different varieties. We’ve been getting great feedback and they can’t keep many of these varieties on the shelf, they stand out among all the other dispensaries stuff that is almost entirely gsc hybrids, go figure. Once someone smokes something “Exotic” that makes them trip out or feel great or helps with their pain, they tell their friends, and they tell their friends, and it builds a reputation very quickly in the local area.

Imagine that on a much bigger scale. The people who smoke Cookies brand dispensary herb. They will be smoking landrace f1 hybrids and experiencing cannabis that might do things for them that the GSC gene pool never came close to.

What bodhi is doing is going to be amazing.

I spoke with him this morning and I think he wouldn’t mind if I shared a few points with you all:

-This partnership does not effect his existing seed companies. Bodhi Seeds and his side projects Niereka, Supernatural Selections, Medicine Mountain will not be effected, he is continuing to run his seed game how he always has, with no changes, etc.
-He plans on launching F1 hybrids into their menu!
-He is not stuck in any contract or position, he can terminate it at any time, and he has amazing visions in mind to help the plant in its corporate setting before it’s too late.

Again, his existing companies are unaffected. Bodhi will be Bodhi. So relax, have faith and confidence. This is the best man for the job. He knows a lot more than all of us :slight_smile:


I trust in Bodhi, it’s corporate Cookies that gives me pause. I’m just glad there was clarification about the future of Bodhi Seeds. Kind of seems like there will be a bit of overlap though. The new F1 strain from the jungles of Africa and the Himalayan Mountains sounds like something he’d release under Bodhi Seeds, but it’s a new Cookie menu strain he’s working on… Kind of curious what determines a Cookies release vs a Bodhi Seeds release now lol


I highly doubt it’s mold, but I’ll take a closer look. It was like 91 degrees and 28% humidity in the tent for like the last three weeks those plants were growing, even with five humidifiers running and the AC on constantly, as well. That’s what happens when it’s 114 degrees outside with 9% humidity day after day after day… I don’t think the conditions were ideal for mold.

I’m pretty sure the sneezing is just because the longer that Imperial Majesty cures, the more “perfume-y” it’s getting. And I’ve always been kinda sensitive to perfume, always had to tell any woman I was fucking, like,”Don’t wear any perfume next time you come over.” Even when I was waiting tables, if somebody at the table was wearing excessive amounts of perfume or cologne, it’d make me sneeze.

I actually like it when any OG cross I grow ends up with that perfume/cologne/aftershave smell; that’s the smell I always associate with OG’s. But it does make me sneeze haha.


14 posts were merged into an existing topic: Mass Medical Strains

Thank you for the superbly detailed Imperial Majesty smoke report. And photos. I can really envision what the effects are like.


Wow what a trip.

One of these things is not like the other…one of these things doesn’t belong…