Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 2)

My pleasure, dude! I’ll post the ones for the other Imperial Majesty and the two Dread Breads as they get written. I dunno when that’ll be, but soon, hopefully. I got woken up at 3am last night with a massive panic attack, worst one I’ve had in a long, long time and whenever I start having panic attacks again, my weed-smoking is pretty much curtailed.

I will say, though, that one of the Dread Breads, I think it’s the #1 plant, really does smell just like mangos! I’ve tried it a few times, but not enough to write the report. Seems like good weed so far, though!


Thank you for the excellent and thorough smoke report, with plant flowering and bud photos. It’s exciting to see this strain’s recreational and medical potential.



Recent discourse re: MMS has been moved to:

This is a Bodhi specific thread, please try to keep the discussion topical.


I interrupt this dramatic discourse with Breaking News!

Three of my Endor Scores are ladies. They all got up potted in my standard Veg mix (Biolive and worm castings ect in recycled Roots organic soil).
They are obviously ready for new shoes


Yeah, I’m not aware of any of this drama, don’t know anything about it. I didn’t even realize “mmspupil” was a reference to Mass Medical Strains haha. I’m not interested in any of their gear because it never really sounded all that interesting haha, but yeah, take this weirdness somewhere else, for sure.


Couple Bodhi pics to get this back on topic
Full tent 64F with Old Soul in the front left of the pic.

Goji OG f2 #2

Goji OG f2 #1

Purple Afghan Hashplant

Prob gonna chop everything this weekend to make room for the Artifact 1 x Kashmir Azad, MAC x DLA5s, Soul Mate x Chocolate Diesel, and Purple Afghan Hashplant x Chocolate Diesels I have moving into the tent. I don’t have very good smells right now due to coming off the sickness last week.


And back to Bodhi… I couldn’t help myself and placed an order for terpenado, lemon Thai Indy x 88G, shindig and beautiful day with strawberry temple as the freebie. I’m hoping these are a good change from all the 88g crosses I’ve accumulated granted lemon Thai was the exception as I love lemony smells / terps. Hopefully these are solid day time smokes .


didn’t Bodhi refer to the Road Kill Skunk as Road Kill Unicorn??

Wow those looking killer that purple afghan is a beauty some fattys too! That old soul pheno of yours looks like it stacks. Would love to hear a smoke report on it once cured up so so stoked to try some out in a few months time :grin: @imstinky


Those look great! Making me wanna go buy SIPs lol


These are in my 3x3 bed with Build a Soils take n bake that I got like a year and half ago.


Yeah, kind of. But how much did people susceptible to obvious bullshit marketing techniques also make that happen? There’s a lot of really dumb people out there. In fact, I’d say that the majority of the people in this world are stupid as shit.

You and I can look at some moronic Berner post and we know,”This guy’s a fucking idiot and I don’t want anything to do with him…” but a lot of people look at that same post and think,”Yeah, that’s what I’m all about…” Who knows why they respond positively? Money, I guess? Fame? I really don’t know, but it’s tacky as shit, for sure.

Again, though, did Berner eliminate the competition or did the market (the majority of which is made up of the aforementioned dumb-asses haha) dictate the demand? If people don’t want what you’re growing, then you’ll end up growing what they do want. It’s kind of a “chicken or the egg” situation.

I can’t speak to any market other than CA, but as zephyr talked about in his incredibly spot-on post (except the part about Berner’s contribution to hip-hop haha), Prop 64 cratered everything here. It’s why I voted “no” on it, despite the fact that I think weed should absolutely be legal for everybody. If people had actually read Prop 64 (and I think the only people who did were growers haha), they would’ve realized that the legislation was essentially squeezing out every grower except those with deep, deep pockets. And that’s exactly what happened. So if you’re a mid-size grower (small-time growers can’t even afford to pay all of the fees and taxes and shit anymore, so they’ve all gone black market)(which, by the way, was EXACTLY what every critic of Prop 64 said was gonna happen) and you’re still trying to make it, what are you gonna grow? You’re gonna grow that which the market demands.

Unfortunately, the majority of the people going to dispensaries and spending money only want what’s been relentlessly hyped on their IG feed. It’s really no different than music or anything else. Most people don’t possess the intellectual curiosity to go out and look for things that’re good. It’s why the music that gets played on the radio sucks dick. And it’s why the weed in every dispensary is nothing but some bullshit GSC hybrid.

The majority of people would rather be told what to like than to figure it out for themselves.


Pretty sure road kill unicorn is purple unicorn x snow lotus. And I think there was a RKU v2 that was purple unicorn f3 x snow lotus.


Gonna find my own sour type keeper
Thanks to Headie Gardens :green_heart:

*also gonna run Doc’s Outer Limits :fuelpump:


Sips are incredible although I’m now dabbling in a cheap irrigation drip system to compare which I like best.


Sweeeeeeeeeet!!! I’m looking forward to seeing how that turns out for you. I wish mine wasn’t left on that lengthy 14/10 light schedule, just because I don’t think it grew “normally” or whatever, but the flowers themselves did seem to turn out pretty Sour Diesel-ish, as far as the looks and smell are concerned. Still haven’t sampled any yet, although I did open a jar a few days ago and it smelled pretty gawddamn good. Very excited to get into that one.

I don’t have any of those Chaco Sour Diesel x GHash seeds, so I don’t care how those turn out for you haha!

Kidding, obviously. I’m actually really interested in seeing how those turn out.


This past Spring, I grew out B’s Aluna, Columbian Red x 88g13hp. In the early 70’s I lived in and around Blacksburg, VA, and knew folks bringing in some Columbian we called Redbud.

There were lots of Redbud trees in the area, so I always just assumed it was a local joke name, ha!

Really pretty weed. Smallish buds with lovely red hairs, and a really nice, mellow buzz. It was very popular. So much so, that a few entrepreneurial hippies were even naming their newly sprung up legal businesses things Redbud this or that… who knows how they got the funds, lol!

So, much, much later, after I moved inside, and found that there were online forums that actually talked about pot, I saw that Redbud was no joke after all. Punta Rojo, Columbian Red, Redbud… they were really things!

Anyway, when I saw B had a version, I had to give it a try just for old timer’s sake… annnnd, after an 80 day cure, I just busted into a jar.

I got 2 phenos. This is the foxtailly one, #2. Pics are 66 days after a pre-chop clean out. 70 would have been my preference, but I had to leave town.
Aluna #2 66 DFF Chop

Aluna #2 66 DFF Chop (1)

Aluna #2 66 DFF Chop (3)

Aluna #2 66 DFF Chop (2)

Aluna #2 66 DFF Chop (4)

Aluna #2 80 DFC (2)

Strain – Aluna (Columbian Red x 88g13hp)

Breeder: Bodhi

of Plants: 3

Grow Area: Subterranean Crawlspace 1100sq’ complete with 15 years worth of junk, semi-conditioned and semi-sealed, 5 1/2-6’ from dirt to joists… 4 ½-5’ to duct work, pipes and wires, ouch! Various tents, and open areas. Marginally heated and cooled via main house system…50-95°. RH 45-60% via dehumidifier. Temps for this grow were mid 50’s to mid 70’s, RH 50% +/-.

Grow Medium: CocoPerlite. No name coco brick.

Grow Stage Containers:
Seedlings: Solos
Veg: 1 Gal Rootmaker
Bloom: 2 Gal Airpot

Seedlings & Beginning Veg T5’s w/ mixed spectrum
Mid-veg 315 CMH
Late veg and bloom 315 CMH/240QB w/ Epistar Far Red

Megacrop 1 part.
With additions of:
P/K veg only
E-Ca-10 (10% soluble Ca)
KSO4 bloom only

Pests: 1 old grower who doesn’t take enough naps!

Yield was pleasantly surprising, at least to me. Over 8 zips of bud from a 2G pot.

Easy plant to grow, wasn’t picky about anything.

Stretched a little more than 2x. Went in around 18" and ended about 3 1/2’ with some lst persuasion. She took to that well, too.

Bag appeal was great, especially if you like foxtails, which I do. Sugar leaves are very frosty. Nice and sticky, also.

I suck at describing smells. On top of a really good weed smell, there’s a soft familiar sweetness I can’t put my finger on. It’s quite nice.

Other than being smooth, and thick, I’m worthless at tastes too. 50 years of butts will do that!

It seems slow to come on, but that’s because it takes about 15 minutes to figure out I’m still staring at the bowl. Nothing racy, super smooth transition from straight to stoned. Then it’s about an hour til I think about another hit, but space it out for another hour. Not overpowering, or paranoia inducing… just a nice calm, comfortable feeling.

Doesn’t put me to sleep, or help me go to sleep, but does make me hungry. Makes food a bit more tasty, too, I think.

It does seem to help some muscle tension, but it’s not a real body high other feeling pretty good after a smoke.

I will try to grow this again.

I’m too well baked to do #1 at the mo


Currently happening in Missouri. We have a constitutional amendment on the ballot this fall for recreational. So many people see “legal weed” and will automatically vote yes without reading the fine print. The bill keeps the current big players in power (who received their licenses in the initial rollout by donating to our governor’s campaign fund).

It says they’ll issue micro-licenses to disenfranchised parties, but it’s only a handful per year and they’ll never amount to more than 20% of the total market. And if you earn more than $250k you may not be eligible to keep the license.

It says they will release people in prison for possession, but not everyone. You have to apply and there are stipulations that could keep you there.

Recreational =/= legal. You can still be arrested and face penalties for exceeding possession limits.

It’s a terrible bill but it would feel weird to vote against it as a daily consumer of cannabis. A lot of folks use the “don’t let ‘perfect’ get in the way progress” argument. I have to vote no because I know this isn’t the right bill…