Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 2)

Obligatory F2 meme



I guess I could if there is enough interest. I just don’t have many to work with given it’s a 6 pack of seeds .

Edit: it’s actually not a bad idea va


From shoe. If it helps anyone searching down the road looking up Snow Queen.

Snow Queen is :heart:‍:fire::heart:‍:fire::heart:‍:fire:. Think a bowl of pine cones with sweet cream poured on top of them. The smoke has some unique amazing happy sativa style effect


Now that my whistles wet are you gonna F2 those?:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Anyone know the difference between Black Raspberry and Twin Flame v2? Is Goji Raspberry F2 the same as Goji Raz Cut and are Goji Razz and Goji Raz Cut the same thing?


Hey first time posting been checking out the community and topics Seems like lots of good people here… Miss some good pine bud Going to have to check out snow Queen ,Gotta few of bodhis packs Black triangle,Grape pie/G13hp,GG4/Snow Lotus Peach Hash Plant and a few others I can’t remember


Hey if any of you are on IG flag this fool imposter plantmoreseeds2


Spectacularly fake to anyone who’s followed the real Bodhi longer than berner’s been talking about his album beans. :clown_face:


Yeah, that’s what I was thinking, too. Like,”Oh, okay. And so it begins…” or whatever.

You’re right, though. Anybody who knows anything about Bodhi would see that post and laugh. I laughed, anyway haha!


Lemon g× 88g13HP


Front left was a three cotyledon mutant I guess you call it


Sweet! I’ve got 2 of those plants going right now about to flip. I hope you keep updating here. Excited to see how they do in the octos.


Will do I also have a journal going you can check out. Is it your first run with lemon g


Great I’ll find your thread. I’ve run a few other Lemon G crosses before, never from Bodhi. I’m really hoping these carry the Lemon G taste and give a nice potency bump. I basically grew up smoking Lemon G. I think it’s the best lemon tasting strain ever but I’m biased. Best Lemon G cross I ever grew was Sinmint Lemonade from Sin City. Ran that a few times.


I’m going to have to check it out. I’ve smoked it several times haven’t found it in a couple years so trying to recreate what I’ve smoked. It is the best lemon lol hoping to get something close to what I was smoking a few years ago


I was wondering that too, my guess is that the Twin Flame uses an F1 mother. GLG is currently showing one pack of Black Raspberry in stock. I also noticed Black Triangle in stock at JBC in case anyone is looking for that one.


Copied-and-pasted from the grow log:

Dread Bread #1.


Same nug, different angles. I pulled that one from my first jar, which means that there are even bigger nugs waiting for me in the second, third, fourth etc jars. The one in the pics weighs exactly six grams, so… Serious potential for epic yields with the Dread Bread, no doubt about it.

Smell: unbroken nugs smell exactly like mango, that sort of “earthy soft fruit” kinda smell. Once they’re broken up, though, there’s a much more noticeable “tangerine” smell, which I have to believe is coming from the OMG-side of things. One of my Smart Moves smelled the same way. I like it, smells really good.

Taste: Eh. Like I mentioned on the Bodhi thread the other day, I really think the too-hot drying conditions affected this one (although the #2 Imperial Majesty tastes really fucking good, so I dunno). It’s mostly just a “dry” sorta flavor, kind of like champagne, but without the bubbly, effervescent quality, and a lightly-fruity exhale. It doesn’t taste bad at all, but considering how good the flowers smell, it’s kind of a letdown. Maybe it’ll taste better the longer it cures…

High: I like this one. There’s not really any one standout aspect to it, but it’s good weed. It does keep me awake, but it’s not like a rushy, racy, speedy kind of “keeping me awake,” if that makes any sense. I usually take a nap (read: pass out haha) after lunch, but this weed prevents me from doing that. And that’s a good thing; I don’t like falling asleep in the middle of the day.

It’s a pleasant high, though. Strong enough, for sure. Two fat bong rips are plenty. It’s kind of stony, kind of mellow, kind of fun… I dunno. Like I said, there isn’t necessarily one “standout” aspect to it, but it all combines into a really nice high.

I’ll be growing it again at some point for sure, if that helps haha.

Anyway, yeah, good weed. Amazing yields, too. Both of those Dread Breads are probably the best-yielding plants I’ve grown in a while. I haven’t weighed it all and I’m not going to, but it’s obvious they were pretty epic. Worth a few grows, for sure. Maybe even more than a few. It’d probably be great breeding material, too, if you’re into that sorta thing haha…


Also copied-and-pasted from the log:

Imperial Majesty #2 smoke report.


That little clump of nugs weighed 3.4 grams, just to give you an idea of the density of those flowers.

Smell: unbroken flowers smell similar to the #1 plant, with that herbal/spicy sorta flavor. Broken up, though, it’s just straight-up classic OG: cologne/perfume/aftershave. Maybe a hint of spiciness, too, like a peppery spice, not necessarily faraway exotic spices or anything.

Flavor: same as the smell, which is a good thing. Extremely perfume/aftershave-ish, with a very noticeable pine element to it, as well. That’s nice. I haven’t smoked any pine-y weed in a while, I don’t think. It tastes really good. It also makes me sneeze a lot, just like the #1 IM.

High: Real fucking good. This one kind of reminds me of the Clusterfunk, actually, with more of a hybrid “up then down” type of high than the #1 IM plant. A lot of people will say “body high” when what they actually mean is “heavy”; this one has a very noticeable “body” element to it, especially on the come-up, but it’s more of an electric kinda “tingly” thing, like I just got plugged into a socket or something, similar to Clusterfunk. But it’s not uncomfortable haha. I can feel that rush in my body, but it doesn’t get racy in my head, if that makes any sense.

After about an hour, it for sure becomes a little lethargic. After sampling this one during different times of the day, I’ve decided that it’s best for getting ready for bed, like maybe an hour-and-a-half or two hours before I actually wanna fall asleep. I mean, it’s not an “unacceptable” daytime strain, I can blaze this one during the day, but it does get a little heavy on the comedown. That could just be me, I dunno haha. I think the #1 plant is more of a functional type of high, though. But the #2 plant is really good, too. I’m glad I bought another pack of these seeds, for sure.


Eternal Sunshine
Day 72

Almost done with about 50% Amber trichomes
Deceptively dense flowers that smell of tropical fruit


Lookin nice! Thats one I want to try soon. How was it growth / stretch wise? OMG tame the sativa?