Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 2)

Yeah, that’s a pretty lookin lady. Does anyone know what the “Hawaiian sativa” is?


It seems unclear whether it’s the Blood cut from Hawaii or the DBHP V1, which is Blood x Pipeline Hashplant


Oh that looks absolutely great :heart_eyes:

I thought bodhi implied the Hawaiian Sativa was the blood cut… Tho it could be something like the Kona gold… I highly doubt he’d label a hashplant cross as “sativa”.


I always figured it was the same mom as dragonblood HP v1. Could be wrong though.


look what my homie got a sample of so stoked about to smoke some will be way cool to compare to the bx phenos :grin: also getting me in touch with the vendor so I can talk to the dude who does the production this company seems to really like bodhis gear would be way cool to have a chat


Have your found any info on flowering time? Flipping tomorrow just curious figure ten weeks


Yeah I figure at least 10 weeks. The clone takes that long if not more.


when I tested the ethiopian banana x omg, the hawaiian sativa x ssdd was one of the other options. I think I made the right call, but I always wondered about that eternal sunshine. definitely wish I’d have gotten that one while it was available for sale.

based on that tester list, it seemed that the hawaiian sativa in eternal sunshine is unrelated.

you have few things confused here. Bodhi never worked with a “blood cut from hawaii” and the genetics for all versions of the dragonsblood hp are pipeline (blood pheno) x 88g13hp.

The blood phenotype was a single plant that bodhi found in a large batch of pipeline seeds. Bodhi bred it to the 88g13hp to isolate that trait as a non-dominant f1 expression.

This is the basis of the dragonsblood. All of the versions are just variations of him working the pipeline with the 88g13hp, and then line breeding that pipeline hp hybrid to stabilize the trait. That is why the genetics on the pack are listed as (pipeline hp x 88g13hp).

There was an old hawaiian heirloom called the blood, but at the time bodhi said it is thought to be lost. Bodhi speculated that the trait may have existed in the pipeline as a deeply recessive gene, or as the result of cross pollination between nearby grows on the island.

Because it had the blood trait, but was not ‘the blood’ bodhi called it dragonsblood to differentiate it from that lost heirloom.

maybe someone will dig up bodhi’s original breedbay announcement about the dragonsblood strain release. I think bodhi also covered this in either the adam dun interview or one of the potcast episodes.


Fwiw my neighbor said he was smokin dragons blood recently so it may very well exist.



Stretch was almost 3x. Both phenos are almost identica in every way. My tent got hit by thrips and those two took the brunt of the damage.

I believe Nube posted about the Hawaiian Sativa a while back. If I’m not mistaken, it’s where Bodhi found the Dragonsblood and worked it from there :green_heart:


The eternal sunshine does have some bleeding phenos


@Vagabond_Windy i found that one to be super uniform in structure also. Flower time varied though. I had one outlier in structure that I called vomit spit cause the stem rub smelled like bile. Potency was a little lower than what I’m used to but I still liked it good smoke. How many weeks are you in?


The outlier had no stretch and different looking buds more of an OMG leaner I imagine. So resinous the bud looked pale


Any of the 15 week plants that the (rare for a bodhi strain!) description on GLG talks about?


Week 11 on these


I had one 16 week strain, sprite does not come to mind. More the mango type smell vagabond windy was talking about was prevalent plus citronella type smell. Some were a little spicier/citronella-y, some more mango tropical type shit. All of them fairly similar and on that spectrum, even vomit spit which only has that name cause of a stem rub in veg. I don’t normally smoke blunts but it this stuff is good smoke and a nice effect when you smoke enough so blunts were nice with this one. One 14 week pheno was prob the most potent. The vomit spit could have come down at 11 weeks but I took that 12. And then I think I had one 11 week pheno and one true herm that got culled. I had another one or two females that didn’t get flowered also I think there were a lot of females if I remember right


the heirloom was called “the blood” so that may be bodhi’s dragonsblood. it would be really cool if the genetics made it back to the island that way.

When I spoke to a native hawaiian grower who moved to my area, he said that the old lines were lost when much of the native owned land was bought and developed.

He said that all the growers he knew grew conventional modern hybrid genetics.
But he said most of the modern hybrids and indicas just rot when they are grown outdoor there, so they carefully selected plants that had similar appearance and growth traits to the old hawaiian heirlooms.

I’m sure different growers have different connections and different levels of access to old genetics, just like us.

But it was very cool that they still maintained those traditions even though old the genetics were lost.


Are you sure about that bodhi not having the Blood cut? Over on breedbay Bodhi himself posted the Pipeline hashplant

followed by a pic of The Blood just a bit further down in the same post:

The only place he ever mentions hashplant on there in relation to The Blood is here:

He doesn’t talk about lineage in the pot cast episodes, I already checked as I have them transcribed.
I think he means The Blood is an old hashplant line from hawaii… not that it’s somehow the pipeline hashplant?

I did also find this he said about the dragonsblood

I can’t find anything else on breedbay about either one. Maybe it’s in the adam dunn show.


I am certain that the blood in that picture is the blood pheno of the pure pipeline strain before he outcrossed it to the 88g13hp to isolate that trait as a recessive f1 expression that could be locked in with further breeding.

When I can I will look for those references. It is possible bodhi deleted/redacted some of his breeding information that he now considers proprietary. He is a mod and has full editing abilities on breedbay.

He has redacted some of the posts that showed his iterative process breeding the purple unicorn male to stabilize the purple male flower trait. Including posts that showed that by f4 the males in the line became sterile, and the line was essentially dead ended by f5.

This mention in a general breeding update is the only remaining reference I can find, I’ll post it here for public record:

He had posts showing pictures of the sterile males that were unable to produce pollen.


Ah yeah now that you mention it, I’m sure that’s what happened and you’re correct.

Did find this tho on that Purple Unicorn deadend

I do remember him saying somewhere that it took him awhile to find the right male’s to get to the F5 and still have virility. He had to go back and pick a different male to get past the F4 deadend. Always keep seeds of previous generations just in case.