Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 2)

Big Buddy had a cross of The Blood x Lemon Larry Lavender when I talked to him last spring. This was what he told me he knew of The Blood:


I do know pure Blood cut is still around in NorCal. But very rare and tightly held.
Blood x Durban is more accessible and Ive grown it before. Real nice smoke.

Real Durban has a blood/penny smell. And if you watch Endless Summer, they do a lot of surfing(smuggling) in S. Africa. That whole movie was a cover to smuggle seeds and hash back to USA through film containers. That movies was 1966 - just as they started operations in Hawaii


I feel like the kid who jumped into an empty chair at the adults table after dinner. I’m not totally sure of everything that’s being discussed but it’s interesting as fuck and I know it’s important.


Been offline for a while but still running through some Bodhi. It was awesome flipping through this thread and seeing what everyone has been up to… First pic is one of my soulmates and second two are dank Sinatra f2 courtesy of Nube. Great to see the spirit of bodhi is strong as ever…


This is what a $500 pack of Bodhi Seeds looks like. Looks just like the $45 packs lol


Is that really what the album is going for?


That’s what I heard. 1000 packs @ $500 each = $500.000. Money in the bank, fishes in the tank


You’re right. Just heard straight from the horse’s mouth on his Twitter post. $500 is right…and they’re telling people via IG to pop them in the fridge for 2 weeks before popping. Must be expecting poor germination rates…or else the seeds aren’t fully dried/cured yet. :neutral_face:


I love that movie, it’s always fun revisiting that one. Good soundtrack too.
And yes it was awesome that they were smuggling hash and seeds in the spools of the film reels inside the negative cans. Customs was not allowed to open sealed photo negatives. genius.


So instead of waiting for the seeds to cure properly they rush them out to people so they can collect $500 a pack on them. This shit is grimey. I just listened to Bodhi (in a vid on Berners IG) tell people that they “are fresh seeds, and in nature seeds go through a wintering process so that they can sprout the next season, so put them in the freezer to break dormancy… 2 weeks. longer is better, but 2 weeks minimum” It’s a bullshit excuse. That’s some shit they should have done before slinging them out the door for $500 a pack. Straight up. You can almost hear it in his voice. Like he knows what he’s saying is some BS but he has no choice. Because we all know B would never release any seeds under those conditions. I’ve never heard Bodhi say we needed to freeze any of his seeds before popping them. This is all Berner. He only cares about collecting his $$$. That’s why he doesn’t care about our boy’s reputation and is selling the beans before they are even close to being ready to send out the door. What a piece of shit. If I’m overreacting or missing something please let me know but it seems like they just dont give a fuck about tarnishing our boy’s name. Using his branding. Making Bodhi be the one to tell everyone that the seeds need to be fucking frozen and getting him to make some BS excuse for them and their decision to rush them out the door. These MFer’s don’t respect B at all. Grimey pieces of shit.


I don’t like green eggs Sam, I don’t like them at all


i mean, i know im not buying it so… fck it, let others winterize them. ive got my eyes on re-stocks.


It’s not really accurate advice either… you don’t have to freeze them to get them to germ, only wait a bit. If you leave them around two months room temp, they sprout just dandy


The other sad thing is that people were just commenting :fire: lmao. I only saw a handful of comments mention the freezing part. Like it didn’t stick out in anyone’s mind that having to freeze a $500 pack of seeds you just bought for 2 weeks + as something that should be questioned. Shoulda called it the Fire and Ice drop lol


If you follow my IG you can see me pop the pack. But I put a pack of Acapulco gold in soil today. Fingers crossed folks.


You’re not overreacting. That’s some straight-up tacky-ass shit. I hope nobody buys those seeds.

But Jesus Christ… if they do? Half-a-million dollars on one fucking seed drop…? Fuck… I didn’t realize it was like that.


Maybe me amigos over at the bay are cooking up a grow off with @bodhi, that’s not going to be a thing like this, and will be open to the community, and allow folks the chance to win some badass prizes.
But the only way to find that out is to stay current on the bay I guess.
Got a badass support sale coming up to, to help the bay, that a few folks are helping put together and run.


You never want to freeze seeds. Water inside fractures the embryo, unless you slowly bring down the temps over a period of time, then slowly bring temps up.
But yeah, winterizing can be done simply by using the fridge for a couole weeks.

I fear Burner may make moves that makes Bodhi look bad since Bodhi is really Burner’s biggest competition.

Im hopeful that B can change the culture from the inside.



The $ sign on the picture tells you everything you need to know