Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 2)

Great write up! And F2s are a plus!!


I liked my one outdoor tester pheno enough this year, I had to buy another pack of these to do the same thing.


Seems like there is quite a bit of love for Sun Ra around here! Popped a whole pack, and culled two weak males and one female. Here are my females to go with my male just at 4 weeks flowering. Getting a lot of citrus and fruity tropical smells from them right now.


Apparently now all it takes to be a seed company selling seeds at GLG is to make F2s from a single pack of (not even rare) Bodhi seeds.


And to make your company name sound like a bodhi strain! I saw that when glg posted it yesterday and though the same thing.


I stopped thinking GLG’s support means anything when DBJ started posting $10,000 packs from Jie Fang. His freebies may be nice, but caveat emptor. He’s a business owner just like any other, I guess.


Bodhi is the most under appreciated breeder in the game. So many people owe their success to his work. Pretty sure the Sunshine Dream Farms or w/e is making freebies for GLG too. I think I saw that on IG a short while back


I can get behind this statement w a little more insight into his processes. However, I’ve asked the question and don’t think anyone had an answer- most of bodhis work involves crossing one of his males he’s found- wookie, appy, snow lotus, whatever to a clone only strain- triangle kush, sfv, etc. Now my question is- does he just do that cross then release the seeds, or is he working the line after the initial cross? Like black triangle- TK x 88g13hp- did he grab the TK clone and hit it w his 88g13HP male, call it a day and release the seeds? Or is that a line worked in a certain direction before being released? Those are the details that matter when people want to prop up a breeder.


He just makes F1’s with males he understands. He has done some work, like isolating the bleeding in the Dragon’s Blood or whatever the original cut is called. He worked Kandahar Black from Vision Creator and isolated the turning black part. He worked Purple Unicorn to F5 but that didn’t end well. Probably some others. Metal Haze Preservation maybe? I dont know all of them. He said on some forum post that he doesn’t really work lines though, he said likes to move on to different things a lot.


And Bodhi’s males are generally worked, not just found in a pack. I think appy was found in a pack or gifted to him, but the current ghash male sounds like it was from a deeper search. The wookie male is from a cross he made himself… Least there is work put in on that side.

I do think the Black Triangle and Nerika and other’s are just one off crosses. but the Dragonsblood line he’s worked to at least F4 publicly. The thing’s he’s really interested in he definitely delves in further.


He does both. Most of the effort is in finding males that work well, both inside and out, and then testing the seeds produced by those males before they’re released. That’s where the time and effort is involved. As a general rule, bodhi doesn’t sell crosses until they’ve passed testing.

I’m concerned that you couldn’t find this answered anywhere before, since it’s common knowledge openly discussed every month or two on every bodhi thread on every forum since time immemorial…I’m also concerned about what you’re implying.

P.S. Line work just bottlenecks the genetics, and usually doesn’t improve things in any way, until you get to the level of breeding that involves selections from tens of thousands of plants, like is done in commercial agriculture. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise because they’re blowing smoke based on all sorts of mathematical assumptions underpinning Mendelian genetics that don’t hold water with our small sample sizes and observational (unscientific) techniques.

:sun_with_face: :peace_symbol:



If you listen to his interview on the potcast he talks about some of the line work and breeding he’s done primarily to make reliable tools for himself, hes said that he just likes the way F1 crosses behave and it allows people a vehicle to find special plants through making F2s and opening up the lines. he’s a staple of the community making good genetics available at a good price and just generally being a good dude to everyone he comes in contact with. He’s open about allowing people to work with his genetics any way they want and only requests that people not F2 active lines for money so as to not undercut his offerings. As a result of this generosity and good vibes mentality there are a lot of seed companies who owe their start to Bodhi’s gear, and so his as his fans it can rub some of us the wrong way to see people who could be potentially taking advantage, but more often than not I think he is happy to see people work with his stuff even if we as a community might be put off a little by someone doing it


Starting a seed company with a name ripped off his genetics while selling F2’s of his gear is just shameful


Yea it doesn’t feel like a great look to me either


I think that’s called “penis envy” lol. What’s next? Assuming his identity?


If they weren’t slinging Bodhi F2’s for $50 a pop I’d say it might be cool that they’re showing respect and their love for Bodhi by calling themselves that. Shit… We give F2’s away for FREE here. Those should be freebies. $50 is more than ACTUAL Bodhi packs cost right now at GLG. It’s not even a strain that is that desirable, either.


Maybe they’re named after the Beach Boys compilation, Sunshine Dream.



Man, who bought up all of the Magenta HP? You have to atleast give us a report on them. I ran one pack and found a nice pink hue, but I had Covid and couldn’t smell anything, ended up losing the pheno that I had too. I wanted to run like 2-3 packs this time around but they got bought out…


As a general rule of thumb I avoid seed makers that ride coat tails rather than offer something unique themselves. There are plenty of seed makers that have a good relationship with Bodhi, use his genetics, and still have primarily unique offerings such as Doc D and StrayFox. They seem to be able to stand on their own without tapping into the Bodhi threads.

Others who also have a good relationship with him seem to have made it their business model to offer F2 and F3s of Bodhi’s most popular creations as freebies in order to entice people to buy their genetics. Seems like these are the breeders that are constantly being mentioned in Bodhi’s threads too. Luckily there are preservation efforts here on OG so you no longer have to buy a pack of seeds you don’t want to get some Goji or Ancient OG Fgens for “free”.


Ya that seems like a bizarre choice to F2.

Amazing work as always! Seems like SunRa has gone under the radar for the past few years, glad it’s getting some attention now.

Here’s some Redeye Jedi getting close to ~50 Days


Man those look nice @syzygy i love that like jet black look to the leaves!