Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 2)

since the OMG male has been retired, when is some soul mate getting f2’d for all of overgrow? and who’s gonna do it?


Maybe… I just couldn’t figure out the hostility. I know that you are a well known member on here and I’m not trying to step on toes. It was my fault for coming on here and suggesting to sell something. My wife and I dedided a LONG time ago that I leave all the sales to her because I suck at it, I’ve always been too generous with scales and she would always bitch at me later. Anyways, I’m hoping that we can get along well enough to tolerate each other. I’m not here to sell anything and I probably won’t be posting on here everyday or anything. If anything, I was just excited the other day because I’ve been holding onto these seeds for a while now and I guess that my plan was to coat-tail SSDD. I just figured that is how a lot of breeders get started, like Subcool just had Bro Grimm gear. I’m not getting rich off of clones and I haven’t attempted breeding in like 12yrs(when I was a novice). I’m just glad that Bodhi told everyone that he was running out of seeds, I just thought that SSDD would run out before Goji, but I was dead wrong on that one. I think that Goji was out well over a year before SSDD. It sucked buying packs just to sit on them for years. My wife really started giving me a hard time about buying seeds(your not even planting most of them). Anyways, we don’t have to talk to eachother(I would prefer it) but we are probably going to have to accept that the other one is going to be here.


I think you’re thinking of Old Soul. Soul Mate is Goji Pinesol x Wookie.


Maybe you’re derailing this thread with garbage about making money off some random SSDD seeds or clones or whatever… How bout you take this to your own thread and let this be a Bodhi Plant and Seed Guide and not a bodhi clones for sale thread


They kind of have those now.

I have no experience, or haven’t heard anything positive of negative about this product. Just letting you know that it exists. There’s some other companies out there now starting to do the same thing.

To keep it Bodhi related, the Silver Lotus I have growing is smelling strongly like berries and some kind of acetone back end, maybe nail polish. What terpene, or ketone, or ester is nail polish? I think there is a lot more going on with the smell of cannabis than just the terpenes.


Hi @OkieWormFarmer

Please open a thread for discussion on your specific effort. This is a general discussion on Bodhi seeds and cultivars but is not intended for on-going dialog on a specific effort. Thanks. I can move and merge your discourse into a thread if useful. Let me know.

Others, keep it cordial such that moderation team doesn’t feel the need to get upset. Thanks.


well sheeeit.
isn’t there a pinesol x omg or am i making that one up?


You’re thinking of Old Soul as @yardgrazer pointed out.

Old Soul = Pinesoul (pinesol) x OMG


Spirit train f2 smells like lemon cleaner not sharp like the silver mountain this one is more sweet and faint earth/soil/dirt.

Love triangle looking sexy and smelling like some type of red fruit.


fucking hell my reading comprehension is shot today.
thanks @yardgrazer @SmackyMcSmackers


Thanks, I won’t give up on bodhi but it just sucks that it was my very first pack lol.


Seems like maybe you should just pop a bunch of F2 or free seeds if you’re having germination issues.

I was and still do have issues with germination, so I can relate. Shit, I lost an entire pack of Space Cake due to my own struggles.

But it hurts a little less when I lose seeds that I know can probably be acquired if I just ask :wink:.

Don’t let you’re struggles as a grower deter you from finding some fire from The Best matchmaker I’ve ever seen. :green_heart::sunglasses:


yeah and old soul is the best damn weed on the planet


Oh dude ! I totally read your review over there :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: said it was a bit cat pissy right ? Didnt smell like cherries
Was the high a sativa high thou ?


Yes please tell us what the Cherry Trance high was like. I hear the Wookie can add some weird smells to it’s crosses.


I mean, it didn’t make me tired or lethargic or anything like that. It was definitely functional.


The smell of nail polish would be from the solvents acetone, ethyl acetate (ripe pears), or butyl acetate (ripe bananas). It could be longifolene, a sesquiterpene found in pine resins that’s presents as a solvent/gas odor?


Traded a friend a couple male selections for these here MT… Been wanting to run this a minute now


Day 42 from flip for my Lazy Lightning and Umeboshi run. They’re starting to get a little bulkier and the smells all change so often that I have decided to ignore them until the plants are done. I’d say the intensity of the smell is about a 4 out of 10. (which I don’t mind at all)

Umeboshi is starting to come around, I have tons of white and red buds. One plant in particular is frosty and lime green. I think they could eat more than I am throwing at them. Which is medium strength gh trio feed chart on their website, plus calmag.

Next the Lazy Lightning continues to impress me. I definitely have 2 phenos. The one I suspect I will prefer is rock hard kushy nugs on vines.

The other pheno is flufffier and larger buds (a few grenades already.) They are all triple stretchers.


i love your stakes, they’re the coolest looking