Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 2)

Wow it’s a trip to hear that @nube I just finished up pt1 of Bodhi’s potcast (for like the 10th time as well) and was gonna ask about the barefoot doctor strain and whether anyone has tried it. Trippy. I’ve definitely gotten uncomfortable feelings from certain varieties of herb in the past, crazy that one would have that effect considering it’s parents


GLG got the BOGO going on until the 24th!


There goes a paycheck


I know I’m in the minority but… often strains that effect my body the most also make me the most anxious and uncomfortable. I can totally relate with folks who’ve had issues with pain/weird corporeal sensations from smoking the wrong strains. Plenty of relaxing indica/body weed to be found but, I think there’s something about the vasodilation / heart rate increase / etc that goes a long with some of those very heavy body strains that triggers bad vibes and anxiety (at least for me)

Similar to how panic attacks can express themselves with chest pains etc…


100% agree with this. My biggest problem with sativas is the anxiety they give me and I think that stems from the stuff you’re describing.


Yeah, it was weird, for sure. When I first started smoking it, early October, I had just started working out again after a long hiatus; I thought it might be related to that, so I skipped the Black Triangle for a while. But when I revisited it for a few days a month later, the same thing happened, bones all hurting, very, very uncomfortable, laying in bed massaging my forearms and then getting out of bed doing stretches and shit… I really didn’t like it at all. And none of the other stuff I grew that round made me feel like that, so I have to assume it was just something weird-specific to that cross.

BUT, I did like the “head high” haha. It just wasn’t SO GOOD that I could overlook the “body” part of it. It was super-uncomfortable, every time I blazed it, whether it was on a workout day or not.

Yeah, I wish I could post a positive review of it, I was really looking forward to it. Whatever. Like I said, everybody’s cannabinols receptors are different. What can you do? Haha… I love everything else I got in jars right now! And more on the way.

For sure. I get that. But the Black Triangle really was a physical sensation in my bones. Literally, in my bones. It wasn’t like anything I’ve ever experienced before.


I’ve had two plants over the years that didn’t feel good. Plenty that just aren’t great, but only two where it was a definite not good feeling. Its always been a specific plant/pheno for me and not a line (although I do feel some affects from some of the bubba or ssdd lines is not always how I want to feel none have been bad to me).
One was a mountain temple, and I loved the other plants I’ve got from that line. Most have been energetic in the body, the mind, or both, and happy outlook on the world. The one I didn’t like was shorter and sticky, wider leaves and more sweet fruit. I thought I’d love it but somehow it was just the opposite of euphoria. Put me in a bad mood instead, but not much else for affects. Tried it a few times and then just tossed that bud.
Other was a project I was working on that is splitting violator kush into a couple phenos (I think the nl side and the Kodiak side). The nl side are already pretty unfunctional out of that line, but usually nice body tingling and feel good head high. got a plant in a back cross that took a couple weeks longer than usual but looked like a little stout nl still. Affect was dizzing, and made it extremely hard to think (and not in a quite or mind expansive way, but like gears clashing with each other). If it felt good and melted pain I’m sure somebody would love it, but it didn’t have much beyond those dizzy and scrambling brain affects so I tossed that one too.
It’s interesting how many different things this plant can do, so I guess it makes sense they aren’t always great. Thankfully it seems like a pretty small percentage of the time they are truly unpleasant.


Thanks for the heads up. I really don’t need any seeds but figured I’d look just for fun. I have to admit it’s a bit funny to see seeds that are on sale for 40% off are still over 300$ while at the same time you can get 8 different Bodhi varities for 280 with this sale.


Just picked up some Black Raspberry, SunRa, Temple Lights V2 and Saints Crossing
Oops :grimacing:
Thanks for the heads up @VAhomegrown !


Must…. resist….buying :weary:


added Space Monkey and Sun Ra to the horde :slight_smile:
I have 2 Mt. Temples running for the first time…one smells vanilla. :ok_hand:


Drinking coffee reading the last 30-40 posts. Bodhi from my understanding is all about putting out genetic diversity for people. It’s one of the reasons I gravitate to his stuff.
On the other hand GSC is nice. People obviously like it since breeder are making a ton of money for the seeds. I’m thinking of seed junkies right now.
Mass marketing from what I’ve seen has also made it so if it’s not encrusted in resin, rock hard it’s not even looked at.
My 2 cents half way through coffee. I’ll check back later and make sure I am coherent lol.


And that’s sad because most of these super crystally IG buds like MAC1 and Ice Cream Cake are just mids.


Snow Monkey @5 weeks


Has Bodhi done any podcasts other than the potcast and the adam dunn show?


i haven’t had either of those cuts, but i believe it.
breeding for looks is possibly the worst path we could have taken. then we doubled down on the stupidity and bred for highest thc % and shortest flowering time.


Here’s a short video he made with Sproutways, a new distributor for LPs that he is selling through:


so transformative! got a couple tears im trying to hold back. totally understand why bodhi doesn’t show his face but I wish I could see that beautiful mug !! hahah


I just scored a limited edition cross from bodhi’s ex. its tiger melon x old mother ghani . Snow leopard was a fav of mine from bodhi. Hoping for a similar vibe with theses. Any suggestions on a name for the cross anyone?


The Triple Lindy? Sorry the melon part made me think of Back to School. Ha!