Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 2)

I noticed that as well. I’ve worked in IT forever and love my keyboard shortcuts. My workaround is to use the browser’s Find option (likely under the Edit menu, depending on your browser) to initiate it.

To be relevant to the topic, in case you didn’t see it in my grow thread here is a pair of Spirit Train F2s

I just up-potted from 1 gallon to 3 gallon (the two in the middle)


Have you run this before? Saw some on GLG the other day.


sure, i wouldn’t give you a snip from the outside plant because it’s got PM but the one at my grow i can, i bonaied it yesterday so maybe in a week or two!


I’ve ran it like 3yrs ago and it seemed to have everything but flavor. It had a nice structure, yield, and frost. The only thing missing was a strong nose. However, it was very good smoke and it was better than a lot of dispensary strains going around OKC at the time. I bet that there is something better in another pack, but I only ran 1. I’ve never seen it listed as a freebie either, strains like this usually hit the freebie list at least once. Not only that, but I usually don’t see it or Space Monkey during GLG’s BOGO, but they are both in stock this time…


It’s my first time with Spirit Train. These are F2 seeds through Sebring. I’ve seen a few other grows documented which looked great. I hope I can bring out the best in them.


@newb2.0 made those Spirit Train F2s and knows all about them. I have a couple packs to run sometime here myself :+1:


I was actually just reading his thread. The power of the search engine. Sounds interesting. Might just have to break down and pull the trigger. Thanks for the heads up!


Because I can’t NOT look any time somebody’s talking about seeds, I just checked out GLG, says there’s only one pack left, so… Get ‘em, @CrunchBerries! If I didn’t already know that I’m gonna be spending a lot of money on seeds in a few weeks, I’d probably grab them myself. It sounds like an interesting cross. I always liked straight Trainwreck and you never see it around anymore…

Thanks for the chuckle first thing in the morning haha. The Search Engine: A Magical Thing.


morning all after fucking up and killing almost my whole pack of old soul and strawberry temple by Being cheep trying to reuse some old soil that I believe was too hot and caused damping off got some things rolling 5 ssdd bx from holy angel 1 old soul and strawberry temple and 1 snow monkey f2 above ground I expect my other strawberry temple and snow monkey to be up tomorrow as I planted them a bit later then the others will be updating regularly much love and happy growing everyone :seedling::v:


Aww sadness on your losses :cry:

Best of luck on these tho :pray: :crossed_fingers:


taking it as a learning lesson thankfully st and old soul are both still available so i can grab another pack of each to try later on and on the bright side it allowed me to pop those ssdd to see if i find something that helps my father as they showed up quicker then expected to get them in for this round :pray: @HolyAngel


I’ve done the same thing, I lost almost a whole pack of Purple Wookie v2 that way, never again! I always use a fresh light mix for seed starting now, I’ve been getting like 90% success rate that way. Good luck on your fresh starts!


@DesertHeartGardens I have done something similar in the past, it’s just a learning curve.
Good luck!


You should try reusing again. I just realized my seeds were dying all winter because of damping off but I just thought it was conditions.
Lost a whole pack of bubblehead to damping off (didn’t know if what that was at the time) but I took the same soil from the failed bubblehead, steamed it in a stock pot (I don’t have a microwave) and then had a 100% survival


Damn! Pretty sure this is the first time I’ve seen ST available other than the original drop where I picked up my pack that I made the F2s from.

What I found out after the fact from an old friend tho was my TW pheno hunt may may been for naught. The TW we got and ran back in the day originated in Kansas and was not the Arcata cut which is what I think bodhi used in the spirit train for the TW mom. So that "turkey dinner " terp profile may not even exist in the Arcata cut…


I couldn’t wait any longer 85 days from flip.
Zap I had 4 girls. A couple nanners here and there I pulled put but first time under leds and still dialing in those and what’s best for the plant. The smells are are pleasant and unique. Really looking forward to sampling these. I have 1 clone of each about 10 days into flower to see how they run again. Then I’ll pick a keeper.


Dang nice looking sativas! How much stretch did you find they had? Looking forward to your report, I’ve got a pack in waiting for some point.


Looks like I found the BIG Bodhi thread!




Bigger and better!


I’m outta likes per usual, but welcome @Hillbill!! Let’s all give uncle bill a harrumph!