Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 2)


I ordered Hashplant D (thanks to the recommendations from this thread!), Nikah, and Strawberry Temple from JBC today. Picking up some AK Bean Brains, Stray Fox, and Rare Dankness beans too!


Havenā€™t gotten to grow this one out but my friend found some dread bread at the dispensary a while back. Super pleasant smoke. Faintly citrusy and kinda incense type flavor from the one I smoked.


Normally I wouldnā€™t go out of my way to un-recommend something, but I just wanted to share that I have grown a lot of archiveā€™s dispensary cuts and I find the faceoff OG to be a real letdown. If you look up some of the reviews that other local growers have posted, no one seems to be liking the faceoff or its hybrids.

The high is boring and kind of stupid without any uplifting effects or body high. No real medicinal value for pain relief. Itā€™s a pain in the ass to grow, and has no real resemblance to any of the classic OG lines. It has larger buds than an og, and the bud structure looks like any high yielding dutch hybrid. It doesnā€™t have the firm berry-like nugs of a real OG.

The buds feel soft with a ton of leaf mixed in with the calyxes. OGs have small buds distinct guard leaves and very few sugar leaves mixed in with the calyxes. OGs smell like bitter kush, gasoline, black pepper, etc. The faceoff smells sickly sweet like froot loops cereal.

They are extremely susceptible to bud rot and mildew, donā€™t take well to training, and require a ton of support to prevent them from flopping over.

And unlike a real OG which is very recessive when outcrossed, this faceoff completely dominates anything it is crossed to. To me this indicates that either it is not an OG, or by breeding it for dominant phenotypes, archive removed all the classic OG traits.


Thanks for posting your experience with the FaceOff OG, itā€™s interesting to hear from other growers that have grown it. Do you mind sharing some of those other reviews from local growers? Also, we can move this post somewhere else if it doesnā€™t belong in the Bodhi section. Iā€™m gonna play the other side of the coin for this post, because I really like the RudeBoi OG that I finished up recently - which uses the Face Off dad. Iā€™m also growing the Casper OG right now along side the RudeBoi OG 7.

I could see where youā€™re coming from with the high, but for me the RudeBoi cuts through almost anything Iā€™ve been smoking that day. I could see there being little medicinal value there, I donā€™t really get pain relief, or anything like that. But it is strong, and for people like me with high tolerances, I appreciate something that will knock me out at the end of the day. Again, weā€™re probably seeking different effects here, so our experiences may be guided by what weā€™re looking for. The Rudeboi and Casper look pretty OGish to me, but my experience of growing a lot of OGs is limited, so Iā€™m no expert there. The Casper looks more OG to me, having the long internodes that Iā€™d expect to see with an OG. Both are pictured below.

Casper OG

Interesting, the Rudeboi I grew last round I stunted a bit from having in too small a box/pot, so the buds did turn out smaller. Iā€™m growing again this round in a bigger box, so they may come out a little different. There was some leaf in the RudeBoi, but it was an easy trim for the most part. The buds are pretty hard for me. They press to rosin really nicely. The smell is very complex to me, spicy and interesting, reminds me of a spice cabinet mixed with some funk. I think that comes from the Irene I didnā€™t get any sweet fruit loops or anything like that. RudeBoi bud Iā€™ve been smoking on:

I only grow indoors, is your experience indoors or outdoors? I didnā€™t have issues w/ mold, but I could see that happening growing outdoors in the PNW. I find it kind silly that Archive carries all these cuts, but then Doc from Archive says donā€™t grow any of them outside in the PNW cuz none of them will finish, but maybe covering up the fact that theyā€™re susceptible to mold. I didnā€™t do staking on mine, but I had a net in the tent, so they used that as support.

Again, my experience is limited, as Iā€™ve only grown/growing three cuts using the FaceOff dad (Hazmat OG, RudeBoi, Casper OG), but they all turned out very different from on another. The Hazmat had huge buds youā€™d expect from the Chem. The Rudeboi had smaller buds from the Irene, but completely different smell. Iā€™ll keep you posted on the Casper, with the Ghost OG as mom.

Again, thanks for sharing your experiences with your cuts using the FaceOff, I appreciate hearing from others and find it very interesting that we all experience similar things so differently. Which cuts using the dad have you grown out - I think I remember seeing you were growing the Amnesia one? I noticed they have some newer cuts not using the Face Off, but theyā€™re more cookie gearedā€¦ and we definitely know how you feel about cookies :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I just went for the Temple v2. I am thinking it makes for good seed saving projects, the SSH and the Williams Wonder, solid old school background for crossing to whatever is going alongside at the time


Speaking of Temple v2, does anyone know what is the actual difference between v1 & v2? Iā€™ve seen conjecture that one or both of the parents came from different plants/cuts, but nothing more definite.


Pink Lotus.this one really leaning Pink Panther :slight_smile:
a lot trichrome stalks are all the pink color too.


Dazzleberryā€™s yes I am psyched for these dazz #1 & 2


The pink lotus be a looker though!


I was referring to the untested NFT bodhi made with a faceoff female. Probably should have clarified.

There were some other reviews posted here in the Doc D thread, and a few local growers posted about the faceoff hybrid dispensary cuts in the archive genetics thread on rollitup.

Yeah I was growing outdoors. That may account for the differences in smell, calyx to leaf ratio and bud density.

They will definitely finish, but very susceptible to mold. Maybe he meant they wouldnā€™t finish before the bud rot claims them.

I have grown the Rudeboi, their overflo (colorado flo x faceoff) and the amnesia hybrid.

this is really interesting because the bud and the plant look completely different than the rudeboi cut I got in 2018. Yours definitely does look OG-ish. Everything I have grown with the faceoff male was sickly sweet smelling with large apically dominant colas. I am growing fully organic in soil, and feed the soil by mulching compost and green mulch.

A few years ago an archive budtender told me archive is constantly rotating the mothers of their clone stocks, and a manager at another local dispensary that stocked archive clones and flower told me that almost all their mothers were grown in house from seed. The mother plants are regularly grown from seed for plant health reasons, and to comply with the OLCC seed to sale plant tracking requirements.

If thatā€™s the case maybe we are seeing some variations from different phenotypes.

I loved their blueberry and sour diesel cuts, which the budtender said were also grown from seed lines.



I hope those Pink Lotus F4ā€™s come out that nice!


Thatā€™s one of the three moms for that F4 run, itā€™s in there. :slight_smile:


Nice looking plant Willie!


Looking good! How do they smell? These might be the only Dazzleberry pics online. Donā€™t even see a lot of info on the strain


There seems to be a lot of pushback against the NFTs from Bodhi and thatā€™s cool, to each their own, right?

But letā€™s be honest with ourselves, weā€™ve paid higher prices for untested or unstable crosses before.

Iā€™m looking at this drop as a rare opportunity to not only get some pretty cool stuff but to also help Bodhi out. Bodhi Seeds used to be run by Bodhi and his wife, thatā€™s it thatā€™s all. Now itā€™s just him.

If these ā€œslipped through the cracksā€ of testing or werenā€™t tested, etcā€¦, then why not take the time to pick one and grow them out, log them, and send a report to Bodhi. This will ensure that there will either be future releases of those crosses, or they will be scrapped by Bodhi.

Iā€™m willing to take the chance to find something unique in a cross that we may never see again.

A few quick points Iā€™d like to make before I end my rant ,

  1. SneakyP on Riu did post hermie pics but it was a male showing pistils. Still intersex yes but I just wanted to clarify that he also said all the plants were rootbound in tiny pots.

  2. I canā€™t be 100% positive but Iā€™m almost sure Bodhi wouldnā€™t get a Face Off clone from an Archive dispensary. Iā€™d be willing to bet my testicles that he has a cut straight from Fletcher or someone really close to him.

Im thinking im going to grab the
Face Off x Ghash and the Fat Strawberry :green_heart:


Valid, point well taken @Vagabond_Windy.
I did not mean to upset anyone saying I was sitting this drop out.
I have a pretty limited plant count though so I canā€™t hunt but so many. That and the fact I have more than my share of beans already are my main factors.
Much Love/Respect to Bodhi


I snagged the metal haze, but missed the ZAP.

Side by side I would have liked to grab the ZAP, but Iā€™ve also never grown anything haze, so I hope I can avoid the paranoiaā€¦ Being anxious after smoking is a literal buzz kill


Did not mean for that post to be mean or aggressive or directed to anyone specifically, just speaking on what Iā€™ve seen on several forums and platform already. I follow your work and respect everyoneā€™s opinions and decisions. Much love :green_heart:


Thatā€™s why Iā€™m trying not to even look. My temptation will get the best of me. Gotta get through a fraction of my backlog before buying more beans.


Didnā€™t take it that way, just felt like expanding on my decision a bit :slight_smile:
Donā€™t want to sway anyone away from me being vague