Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 2)

Nice! I got zap but not metal haze ha. Yeah from my exp. a buddy had a strong haze cut and unless I was doing something very active, it was too intense. But thats just me - he really liked it haha.


Boys Iā€™m partaking in lazy lightning as we speak and I just gotta say they have all cured to excellent flavor. I just tasted kushy pineapple in a doob. Some are lemon cleaner, another is hashy and funky. But even the phenos I thought I wouldnā€™t like are stellar. 9/10. 8 fems from this pack
Umeboshi is good but not my favorite kind of stuff. The strawberry really comes through in 2 phenos. The third golden pheno is lavenderish. Itā€™s a great euphoric high, not strong though. . They all are euphoric. Maybe I do like this kinda weed. Lol. But Iā€™d rate Umeboshi a 7.5/10 in my humble opinion. And I only had 3 fems to be fair.


Mothers Milk F2 from @Olereynard 36F


Getting ready to flip some Lazy Lightning ladies to flower, glad to hear you dig it!


This is all true. It was a male that intersexed. Certainly not a problem for me. A risk, that as a hobby grower i can take.

These NFTs are a great opportunity and value. Bodhi doesnā€™t put out crap strains. And heā€™s a hard worker with kids so Iā€™m happy to support his work. Very excited to try a couple NFT strains, i just canā€™t decide!
Raspberry Unicorn and Temple v2 me thinks.


I like the tall ones the best! Good luck


Beautiful! I have some LL curing now and will do a full report this weekend. Iā€™m pretty impressed thus far also.


And honest with everybody else, too. How many people, on not just OG but every frigginā€™ grow site, have wondered (either to themselves or ā€œout loudā€ in a post) how they can become a tester for Bodhi? I know Iā€™ve seen shitloads of those posts. Maybe thatā€™s just because they wanted free seeds, I really donā€™t know, but I know a lot of people have wondered that.

Well, hereā€™s your chance! Haha. Sure, you gotta pay 45 bucks, but thatā€™s a helluva lot cheaper than pretty much every other ā€œbreederā€ out there, most of whom, like you said, are releasing untested shit left and right (and charging much more than 45 dollars). At least Bodhi added that disclaimer.

Personally, the only issue Iā€™ve had with the few strains Iā€™ve tested for B was that one of them yielded really shitty, but that was obviously my fault, since that line was released anyway. The others were excellent in every way and definitely didnā€™t have any intersex issues, soā€¦


Iā€™m looking forward to your smoke report!


I suspect my keeper is the tallest one in the tent, so thatā€™s reassuring!


hey @zephyr i can see why a lot of people wouldnt be too keen on the Face Offā€¦ I grew out around 40 bx2 f2 of it and it really was a pain to growā€¦ long node spacing and just just grew straight up. I will say that mine flowered out like typical Og plants and although a few bland phenos and a few sweeter onesā€¦ i found a few really really good gassy golf ball rock solid ones in there. trying to reveg one that is super dank. I havent tried many Face Off hybrids, but a Dosidos f2 from Sam which i have an extremely amazing mom i will keep around as long as i can. Also note tis stuff i have is not directly from Archive but f2s of there stuff.


4 Devilā€™s Hashplant in Viva Towel, plant Sunday. Riding with 4 Starflight Guava I had.


I think the viability of running these NFTs depends largely on your grow style. If you run a bunch of shit at once than one of them herming poses a pretty gnarly threat, but if you look through populations of the same genetics to make seed or pheno hunt for a keeper than the idea of having some slightly seeded smoke or something seems a little less like the end of the world, at least to me personally. Just part of the process really if you do it the long way like that, all you lose is time. But yea if youā€™re running a smorgasbord Iā€™d be more worried about fucking up multiple plants, maybe just me though. Regardless, Iā€™m pretty hyped on these things, feels like @minitiger said, I get to be a tester now!! Haha


Feels like an adventure. Like Iā€™m Indiana Stoned looking for the new hype cut in the Temple of Doom. (Nickname for my grow tent, feels appropriate considering all the ā€œstress testingā€ that goes down in there :joy::joy:)


Thanks! I am getting a slight dank smell from them now, and I just saw 2 ambers last this week they should come down. They are quite sticky! Hereā€™s a couple more pics. Iā€™ll upload a few more when I harvest them


Im all for these NFTs! Iā€™m mean arenā€™t a lot of the Bodhi freebies we get untested anyways or specified as outdoor because theyā€™ve been know to herm indoors.

@minitiger Thats a good way of looking at the situation. If you ever really wanted to test for Bodhi, then hereā€™s your opportunity. Like with anything in life; you do the work, document and reflect on your process/outcomes, then good things come. Think of it as a resume builder. Shit, maybe you can put it on your LinkedIn.


Gorgeous @willie !


Thatā€™s a solid point crunch, pretty sure youā€™re right on with that one


Looks like JBC restocked - if anyone is after metal haze itā€™s still up there.


3 Soulmates down at 59 days funk and frost with extreme tryke coverage fairly homogeneous. Around average size. Gut wrenching turpentine and Cedar and flowers. Buds look very ā€œwhiteā€ from trichs.

Got a Babylon Buster down at67 days and has a hash smell mostly, like 1970 Lebanese. Pyramid Power Buds! Extremely sticky and the Soulmates are too.