Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 2)

That’s a good one. I do know it’s a piece by Robert Beer. Here is what he says about it

Mahasiddha Udhilipa :

Listed as the seventy-first of the Eighty-four Mahasiddhas, or ‘Great Accomplished Ones’, whose legendary lives were recounted by the 12th century Indian master Abhayadatta, Udhilipa is one of the less well-known known of these mahasiddhas. The name Udhilipa (Tib. phur-ba) is usually translated as the ‘Bird Man’, or the ‘Flying or Soaring Siddha’, and the unusual model I used for depicting this leaf-clad figure is derived from an image of the Mahasiddha Hilapa, which appears in the Sven Hedin collection at the Statens Ethnographic Museum in Stockholm.

Abhayadatta’s legend describes Udhilipa as an Indian aristocrat of Devikota, who due to the many charitable deeds he performed in previous lives was now immensely wealthy and sought to experience every pleasure that his imagination conjured up. One day he as he was lying upon his palatial divan he saw an unusual assembly of five coloured clouds in the sky that appeared to assume the shapes of various creatures. One looked like a magnificent swan flying across the heavens, and he thought to himself, “How amazing it would be if I could fly like that.”

Shorty after the Mahasiddha Karnaripa arrived at his mansion begging for alms, and after having provided Karnaripa with the finest nourishment, the aristocrat bowed down before him and asked, “Could you teach a method for flying through the sky for someone like myself who gives alms to a wandering yogi like yourself?”

“Indeed I can!” replied Karnaripa, and then he bestowed the initiation of the Caturpitha-mahayogini-tantra, a ‘Mother Tantra’ that relates to the ‘four seats’ (Skt. caturpitha) among the twenty-four sacred geomantic sites of ancient India. Karnaripa then gave instructions for this practice, saying: “You must travel to each of these twenty-four places of great power and obtain a specific alchemical panacea from each of the twenty-four dakinis who abide at these sites, after having first recited a thousand mantras to invoke each dakini. When you have finally received all of these twenty-four elixirs you should pour them into a copper vessel, then into a silver vessel, and finally into a golden vessel. Then you will be able to fly.”

It took Udhilipa twelve years to travel to these twenty-four sacred sites, which are located all across the Indian Suncontinent. Then having perfected this alchemical elixir he gained the siddhi of being able to fly through the sky, and having also simultaneously gained mahamudra-siddhi became known as Udhilipa, the ‘Flying Siddha’.

The four main pithas are located at Jalandhara (north), Oddiyana (west), Purnagiri (south), and Kamarupa (east), and symbolically relate to the crown, throat, heart, and navel chakras. While the twenty-four sacred pithas relate to the eight main directional channels that emanate from the heart chakra, each of which divide into three smaller red, white and blue channels that symbolically correspond to the three eight-deity mandalas of Body, Speech and Mind.

© text by Robert Beer


I knew someone here would know about that. Thanks @Vagabond_Windy


I’ve only smoked and grown one pheno of Sundance and it’s definitely wookie dominant taste. Tiny bit of citrus but it’s more grapefruit orange-y. My friend who grew out that pack never mentioned any lemony phenos and the cut I have is the only one he kept


Fire that looks like my 11 week pheno also in terms of the shape of the buds. Ironically was one of the more narrow leafed phenos too. I found it to be more citronella candle and guava funk. The 11 week one was definitely earthier and spicier though compared to the in-your-face mango/guava on the 14 week pheno. 16 week pheno was fire too but not as intense aroma, same general profile as the 14 week pheno.

Edit: overall though the smells were pretty damn uniform across the living plants. I feel like the “earthiness” from the 11 week pheno might have to do with the way it was cured that one was jarred relatively wet and slow cured. A lot of variation in structure and a lot of females too. I think I found one girl throw straight balls week 4 but that was in a 1 gallon pot in flower just filling in space. Was a weaker pheno from the start so it was no loss


Awesome, I only ran 4 seeds and this was the only female. I was surprised after seeing @minitiger’s soar that the omg wasn’t more dominant. Made me too cautious on the food.

Citronella is a great description, hadn’t thought of that. The 14 week sounds tasty!

How was the buzz?


Lazy Lightning

Without flash

With flash

Structure: very OG-esque with tight, large, golfball to racquet ball sized buds. Topping will greatly benefit yield. Dense, rock hard nugs that make a “dink” when you drop them into jars. Heavy trichome production that really kicked up halfway through flower. Not many pistils, but those that do present have a dark, red hue. 8/10

Smell: while growing, these were noticeably piney with lemon undertones. Nothing powerful on the lemon end, but enough to cut through the pine a bit. After several weeks curing, it’s a pretty even blend of pine, hash, subtle lemon, and earth. Not crazy loud. I’d say 6.5-7/10.

Flavor: the profiles are becoming more pronounced, but aren’t anything that coats your palette. Moderately hashy earth. 6.5/10.

Effects: I’m really digging the stone on these. It starts off slow and builds for like 25-30 mins. I took these at 69 days and would be curious to go to 80. Initially, it feels like things may get racey, but this never blows up into the paranoid, accelerated heart rate kinda stuff. Instead, a really sweet, heady high comes on that is relaxing, but not narcotic, and that peaks at ~30 mins and then holds for quite some time. A good hour or 2 after smoking, and still comfortably stoned. Not lethargic or sluggish, but relaxed. At the same time, there’s a lovely heady buzz. I’m impressed with the stone here. It’s a great balance and I love how it doesn’t blast off immediately, but steadily propels to the peak. 8.75/10.

This stuff was a pleasure to grow. I seriously neglected these plants and they kept thriving. Very drought resistant, did well in low temp/humidity conditions, and preferred a mid-high feed (ran these w/ salts). I had never grown this fella’s gear before, and now seeing how they finished, look forward to running some of his other work in the future. Cheers to
Bodhi :v:t2::+1:t2::call_me_hand:t2:


Great report! I love those highs that don’t leave you lethargic afterwards.


Damn that sounds amazing I gotta stop reading these reports making me want get too many packs :joy: great stuff @anon20530495


Excellent review Im glad that your review does the seeds justice. Makes my attempt look childish. I shall improve in the future. But my experience is pretty similar to yours. That’s impressive for an f1 hybrid . I really liked this strain
Your buds look beautiful, more so than my own by far. Bravo on the grow sir!


Very functional. This is the least modern strain I’ve ever grown or smoked so I’m definitely used to instant gratification type kick in the head that you get smoking dosidos or something. But anyway one doob definitely gets you high but doesn’t alter you that much, just very pleasant smoke, a little bit of energy and focus. My friends have a lower tolerance and they absolutely love this stuff. Two doobies or a like a blunt from the start seals the deal for me. Super focused but not particularly jittery, can get you a little restless if you’re just lazing around with nothing to do.


I credit the genetics man. I am by no means a great grower and was less than diligent during a few periods of flower. Some of the other non Bodhi strains I was running along with the LL did not do so well and turned out like mids. I can do better also👍🏻


I don’t think that the OMG is “dominant” in those crosses, necessarily. I think I just got an OMG-dominant plant with that one Soar. F1’s, it happens… With the Smart Move I grew a while back, two females, one of them (which I’m assuming was the OMG-dominant plant) had an extremely similar structure to that Soar, but the other female looked and grew very differently. And the other three Soar plants I grew last round didn’t look too much like the one female I ended up with. Or not in veg, anyway. There were noticeable differences between three of them and the other. Unfortunately, those other three were males, so they didn’t get flowered.

I just planted four Dread Bread seeds yesterday (sorry, @nube haha), I’m reeeeallllyyyy curious to see how those turn out and whether or not I’ll end up with any of those sorta OMG-type plants. I won’t be mad if I do haha. Despite the way they look, with those super-squat, non-stretchy-type growth characteristics that everybody would assume,”Oh, this must smoke like an ‘Indica’ and she’s gonna lay my ass out…”, neither of the two OMG-dominant plants that I’ve grown have smoked like that at all. Which is, to me, a bonus. How often do you find short-ass plants that barely stretch at all and finish in nine or ten weeks tops (or even eight weeks, in the case of that Soar) that also have a really nice, soaring, sociable high?

I think there’s some pretty special and unique plants in those OMG crosses, is my point haha.


Just grabbed 3 packs from shoe at HG.
Decided not to get the Fat Strawberry.

I chose
Face Off OG x Ghash
Temple V2
Waking Dream (Wifi x SSDD)
And I always let shoe pick my freebie :green_heart:


Don’t worry, I grabbed the Fat Strawberry, the Wookie BX, and two packs of DLA 9 (Kush4 x 88g13hp) :wink:


Fat strawberry and the motorbreath. I like the SM dad just havent found the one but he seems to add frost and potency


I found similar results with the Lazy Lightning. 1 pack got a few plants that didn’t grow too well but the rest plus another pack worked just fine. I found it pronounced itself a lot more after 3 months or so in a jar and had a really great balanced high. Crossed my LL with a Dosidos male and it’s all I’ve been smoking the passed few months hehe …
Great looking buds you got there


What’s Good OGs I am about to grab my first pack of bodhi gear .has anyone ran Garfunkle or Booty ? If so what were the Terps and effects like and which would you prefer? Thank you all in advance


I’m sure someone in the Bodhi Thread can help. Maybe ask one of the @admins to help get this transferred over ?

Side note: I’d be interested to see the Garfunkle, that dumpster cut is supposed to be gross :nauseated_face:


I ran Garfunkle outside a few yrs ago in the northeast. Finished 3rd week October, but was a bit prone to pm. My pheno had super strong branching and responded beautifully to topping creating a level flat top, candelabra style almost. Tight hashplant style nugs, medium/ high density. Fermented pineapple type terps. Nice body relaxation as the high evolved with a healthy dose of mind introspection at the start. Not crazy sleepy, but no prob going to sleep, if that makes sense.

Still have most of the pack, as well as some f2s I made to revisit in the future.

I’d recommend, based on my one pheno. Would like to see more info on others’ grows of this one.


fermented pineapples :eyes: :drooling_face: