Bodhi Plant Guide

Electric Hashplant, chopped at day 78, cured for 3 weeks so far.

Quick smoke report, maybe I’ll write a full report once it cures some more.

Smells like sweat and BO. Taste isn’t quite there yet…but sometimes it tastes like green melon and Sprite. The dry sift always taste like this :drooling_face:

Effects wise, it’s mostly a head high. My mind is clear and pretty alert. Makes me feel pretty relaxed mentally. No paranoia or anxiety when I vape my usual amount (0.125-0.25g). However, if I vape like 1g, I definitely start feeling anxiety but it’s not too bad.

There’s some body effects too. Pretty slight but I feel it under my eyes and cheeks. Other than that, there’s a mild body buzz going on…feels electric I suppose? Pun intended. I’m pretty bad at describing things but it kinda feels like a small dose of edibles…that kind of mild body buzz.

I’d say potency is 7 out of 10.

So far, I think is a great wake and bake/do activities strain and can’t wait to see how it is after curing for at least a couple months.


Nice “cure” !!! It’s good that you can do 3 months + cure


Great job on that one!
Has that method of pollination worked for you before? It looks like you used plastic bags to cover the branches to prevent the pollen from spreading? If so, that may have been why the pollen didn’t take (unless it was sterile beforehand). Condensation in that bag would’ve killed the pollen. I’ve seen more people use paper bags and I didn’t even realize why until now. Just my .02


3 posts were split to a new topic: Pollination Nation - Shenanigans and Methods

Hey, a while back I had a post about a super stretchy purple triangle I was growing. Anyway I just wanted to clarify that it isn’t in fact super stretchy, I just had a light leak. I had my suspicions when the clone from it only doubled her height in flower and then I found the damn light leaks lol. Anyway, I still got a bunch of bud off it but it was all a bit weird so hard to judge her properly.
I have a phone home in flower now, I’ll post some picks in a couple weeks. Also got my hands on a pack of space monkey recently which I’m looking forward to growing out.


19 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bodhi Seed and Strain Discussion Guide

Sorry mate, I kind of meant it just grew strangely because it was in flower- but not growing right due to the light leak. Ended up flowering for 16 ish weeks lol because of this, but it only really started throwing bud at like week 7 or 8 (again, due to the leak) The high is actually pretty good though not super strong, buds just ended up quite leafy and I ended up putting it outside as it outgrew my tent. Quite flavoursome and smelly though. I would definitely have another go, the clone is outside and looked a lot better and frostier. I haven’t sampled the clone as I put a male ‘phone home’ next to it just for kicks and it’s still kicking along now, hopefully impregnated; though I think my timing was out. I’ll try find some crappy phone photos I’ve got!
Hope that helps a bit mate!



The third and fourth photos are the clone, early on. The rest are the stretchy main girl lol.


Mothers Milk 31 day 77, she’d keep going if I could have let her. But I needed her spot so she caught the chop


Just cracked a pack so good to hear this.


I’m actually running the Razzberry Unicorn (PUF3 x Goji Razz). It have a great structure and get big as fuck.

Its the one on the right.

I will keep you guys updated.


Thank you for posting your plant pics in the appropriate Bodhi thread.

Also, nice view, dude! Haha. Look at that balcony…


Goji OG clone of mother used in f3 project


Razzberry Unicorn (PUF3 x Goji Razz) 29 days flower.


God damn man. How tall is that plant and how tall was it before stretch.


I just started vegging the blue tara 2 more weeks the kicking it into flower. How did yours turn out for flavour?


Straight blueberry funk, nice and mellow high. In our taxonomy of blueberry strains I’d say this one is a blueberry muffin but with less butter more sugar smell, like a candied blue?


It kinda tripled his size! I actually don’t count veg days, just go by the structure of the plant.


Yum sounds delicious ill post some picks of the blue tara I did get the pack from a auction here. So i think there f3 poped 3 seeds got 2 males and 1 female