Bodhi Plant Guide

Amended? What do you mean?


I just hope you add on a smoke report afterwards, that’s all. I guess it would have to be a new post now that I’m thinking about it.


Oh, okay. Yeah, I’ll just write a new post for the smoke report. I’m not gonna come back here in a month, find that “plant pics post” and edit it haha.


That is crazy! Would love to see that!

Thank you, I am pleased with her for sure :blush:


That’s really interesting, I wonder where in the genetics that trait comes from? :thinking:

The only cannabis, close to being a perennial would surely be some equatorial landraces.
(I’m not including any ruderalis, because that’s just not cannabis haha).



I know, right?
It’s such a wild outcome from that particular genetic combination.

It wasn’t my grow conditions.

It was repeatable running those two phenos again from clone, and the razz x omg pheno I selected as my keeper always flowered normally.

I was growing bodhi’s guava hashplant from clone alongside them, and it performed the same as always.

I’ve grown other goji hybrids and never seen anything like it.
I’ve grown OMG hybrids with ethiopian heirloom or landrace sativa, and although they can be long flowering I haven’t seen anything like that trait.


Thinking more about this, and with you saying it only flowered the tops until you harvested them.
We’re these growing one main stem, or did you top them?

Now I know that this is a thing, I’ll likely have more questions about this as I think about it more haha.

I have some Old Soul (PineSoul x OMG).

Does anyone know if this trait ever showed up in those?



I didn’t top them, but they grew with a multi topped structure.
The pheno that flowered normally was an apical christmas tree.

I really wouldn’t expect this trait to show up predictably. It’s still possible that unknown factors about my grow caused the trait to express itself based on environmental cues… lec lights (light emitting ceramic) or my vertical lighting at the corners could be possibilities, although they are pretty standard methods.

I think it’s just f2 wildcard genetics combined with the throwback 70’s heirloom.

The old soul is pretty well documented and I haven’t seen anything like that mentioned.

I’m actually growing the pinesoul clone outdoor right now. (cut via archive pdx).

It’s early in flower and I’m pollinating it pretty heavily. so you’re not seeing the plant at its most impressive.

My soil mix is geared for sensitive landraces, and I haven’t gone out of my way to fertilize the pinesoul as often as it could tolerate. I go for low maintenance instead of yields.
this was about a week ago.

(@iamyou_youareme for comparison to your indoor)


SunRa: SFV OG x Wookie15

the second of my all time favorites to date (right now).

The cedar pheno. Cedar with a touch a citrus oil. To me it basically smells like a more woodsy Goo-Gone.

Like the BR this one ended up translating aroma to flavor. the initial fruity/berry flavor has given way to more woodsy with a touch of citrus. Very pleasant :yum:

The stone on this one is pretty hard hitting for me, not in a bad way at all. hit the eyes pretty quick, sweaty face feeling. Happy/trippy, give the feeling of being tall and short at the same time, has a somewhat out of body feeling. Great for concerts or outdoor festivities. Not really into her at night as it can make me a little jittery if I’m not doing something.

The yeild was great, she was a monster, I have much much more than a lid left of her lol.
Above average for sure, of course I kept a momma of her as well, planning on running her outside next year, I think the sun gods will shine on her.

She checks all the boxes, so again i want to give that 10/10 but I just have a hard time with that. So for the time being she gets a 9/10. We will see how she ages in those nifty grove bags.

Direct and indirect sun lighting, later obviously, apologies for the harshness…


Yeh, its definitely an outlier for sure. I’m just fascinated by the weird and wonderful things this plant can do.

Quality over quantity!
One of the things I love most about OG, is posting grow logs and nobody has ever asked me how many ‘grams per watt’ I’m getting :smile: :rofl:



Thanks for the outdoor comparison. Pinesoul (Archive PDX cut) does not seem like she wants to produce any sort of large buds. I’m getting lanky stems (that are already flopping on day 45 of flowering), cone-shaped, narrowly stacking buds. The smell is quite good though, blue spruce needles, pungent and piney. The resin is on point too.

Day 47F


Phone home, week 7.6 ish.


I love this description and know that high well, although I usually get it when I’ve eaten shrooms. I’ll be in the bathroom taking a piss and be like,”Why does it look like the toilet’s down by my ankles?” and then go into the kitchen to pour another drink and be like,”Why do the counters seem like they’re up to my chest?” Pretty fun.

Sounds like good weed! Haha…


8 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bodhi Seed and Strain Discussion Guide

First off great write up @BeagleZ and holy shit I was just telling my girl about this feeling and hearing it out loud it made me feel insane, so happy to hear you guys are feeling it too! Really love that perception fuckery, I am getting a ‘tall’ feeling off of this Mothers Milk x Ancient OG F3 that I havent felt in quite sometime.


ah is it like the T-Rex feeling? You feel big but tiny arms? lol Now I wanna hunt that down :thinking:


yeah lol its weird…Nostalgic as well, I remember walking around the mall as a teenager smoking pot for the first times feeling this sensation thinking “I like this feeling, I think I’ll keep doing this” HAhahaaaaa


Ohhhhhhh, yeahhhhh, the good ol’ “gettin’ high and goin’ to the mall” days… haha. Those were fun as fuck. Good times.

I often wonder what it must be like for kids now when they first start blazing. Part of the fun of that whole thing back then was, like, walking through the mall whispering to each other through stifled outbursts of laughter,”Nobody can know we’re baked, nobody can know we’re baked. Shut up. Don’t get busted…” and then bursting into laughter again. The illegality of it was for sure part of the appeal, at least for me. And also, we were super-high! haha.

Now that it’s legal, I wonder if it’s as fun for kids, especially since the market’s just flooded with shitty, boring weed. It might’ve been Mexi brick we were smoking back then, but it still beat GSC haha…


You summed that up better than I ever could have!
I prob wouldn’t be such a pot head if it wasn’t for those experiences.
If I was just looking at tiktok with a bunch of other people also looking at tiktok I prob would not have found it so appealing HA


That sounds fun. No for me personally its a perception high, and possibly a natural posture corrector :wink: “feeling ten feet tall” but quite literally, I have this strong memory of walking around the state fair as a teenager ripped off some good pot and when about 10 state troopers walking in a line with their police horses came by my way, I swear I felt as tall as them if not taller. Strange anecdote but also not a feeling I feel much off pot. On some strong broadleaf herb I have noticed I get slouched from that muscle relief, perhaps thats where it lies, something with the muscles and nerves…this next generation of cannabis pharmacology should open some doors I hope.

It is, ever since I got mine I have rarely smoked flower it all gets pressed, best part is I barely have to trim my larf and lowers now, it just all gets pressed, time saver that paid for itself within the first month.