Bodhi Plant Guide

Okay, thanks.

I’ve noticed that a lot of times with genetics that’re “Sativas” or “Sativa-dominant” or whatever, they’ll often start off with wider leaves and shorter internodes, but once you flip or get close to flipping (assuming they got a decently-long veg), the leaves will thin out and the internodes will widen. I have a theory about why that is, but I won’t get into it now, especially because it probably doesn’t apply to something like Temple x Wookie.

Which, by the way, sounds like a very good hybrid haha. I remember seeing Air Guitar seeds available a while ago and I was just not interested. But now it sounds interesting haha…


Watch out man, that’s how more seeds are bought haha
But yeah I’ve noticed that happen to a good amount of plants. Curious to hear your theory.
All I know is growing outdoor in SoCal will turn most leaves to the thin side of their expression. Probs has something to do with high UV and the triple digit shit. I was in the foothills, with high temp and humidity swings…thin leaves galore


I heard Jon (SnowHigh) talking about this too.
He thinks the leaves start originally much larger and boarder to give the plants a larger surface area to absorb light and as the plant gets to a certain size and becomes more established, and the focus isnt so much on growth, the leaves start to thin out.



You can see this happen with light intensity for sure, the same variety grown under a 9w bulb will have wider leaves than one under a 700w.


Right, that’s my theory, too. I noticed it years ago, when I was just starting out and I had planted a freebie Prayer Tower seed that I had gotten with, uh, my order of a pack of Prayer Tower haha (I chose the freebie); I’d also planted some Santa Marta Gold freebie seed (who knows if it was actually Santa Marta Gold?) that came with that order, can’t remember now who the breeder was. Both of those were grown

I mostly did it just to see how the plants would respond to the soil mix that I was planning on using indoors. The plants did great (never flowered them, just vegged them for like ten weeks), but I did notice that they had reeeallllyyy broad leaves, unexpectedly wide, for the first few weeks, but the bigger they got, the more narrow the leaves became. I thought that maybe it’s because things like Lemon Thai (Prayer Tower female) and “Santa Marta Gold” (if it was indeed that) probably start in sort of “jungle-ish” conditions, where there’s a lot of competition for light and a lot of competition for everything else, too. It makes sense to me that in their sort of “infant stage” they’d grow broader leaves, just to ensure their survival in a very competitive environment, even though they’re NLD’s.

Sorry to bring another breeder up in this thread, but when Doc D released those Lemon Thai f5’s a year or two back, he mentioned that they’ll start off with broader leaves and get progressively narrower the older the plants get. I haven’t flowered any of those out yet, but it seemed to confirm my observations, if nothing else. I’ll grow them out at some point, though.

And I’ll log it all on OG! Haha.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bodhi Seed and Strain Discussion Guide

This thread is for plants grown from seeds made/sold by Bodhi. Anything made with Bodhi genetics by a different seed maker/breeder goes elsewhere. See the first post in this topic for reference.


Razzberry Unicorn (Goji Razz x PUF3) week 7 of flower.


Whats it smell like?


Like rotten berries and skunk. Smells awesome!


The funk I got from that PU male with Unicorn Milk was stellar as well. I’ve got a pack of that one as well and glad you’re crushing. :grin: I was gifted a Goji Razz crossed plant by a breeder and remember the berry terps. :drooling_face:

You going 10 weeks? I went 9 with UM but could of went 10 easy. Goji OG crosses have always finished fast for me like 8.


I will go at least 9 weeks. I did not expect such a stretch! Thank you for sharing your experience.


Here’s a Hashplant D I chopped a few days ago.

Veg day 28:

Veg day 35:

Veg day 47:

I vegged her for like two more weeks and then flipped. Here she is on flower day 2:

Flower day 9:

Flower day 17:

Flower day 25:

So she didn’t stretch very much at all.

Anyway, etc etc… Here she is on day 69, last Friday, when I chopped her:

Just that one branch was floppy, but overall she was very sturdy.

Don’t ask me what kind of smells I’m getting off of her, because I don’t know haha. She’s been kind of all over the place in that department. For a while she was smelling really sweet, actually, which I thought was pretty surprising. Then she didn’t smell like much at all for a few weeks. She was definitely pretty stinky on the day I chopped her, though, but I figured I wouldn’t even try to figure out what I was smelling and just deal with it once I start cracking the jars and actually start blazing her. Everything changes so much, usually, once the plants have been dried and cured that I really don’t worry too much about what they smell like while they’re growing.

So yeah, I’m stoked about that plant for sure. She got reeeealllyyyy frosty right there at the end, I was kind of a little bit like,“Hmm…” for a while, but I think she’s gonna turn out very good. I hope she does, anyway.


Looking good man! Hashplant D is one of the many strains I slept on…How big are those pots?


Yeah, seems like a lot of people did haha. Even I did for a couple years, took me a while before I decided that I should probably buy some of those seeds. I’ve got a couple packs of the Hashplant 4, too, but I dunno when I’m gonna plant those. I kind of wanna do a little side-by-side with one of Bodhi’s Chem crosses and something of Skunk VA’s Lucky Dog gear, just to compare and contrast, but who knows if I’ll ever actually do that haha.

Seven gallons.


Beautiful bush you grew there! I can’t wait to see the amended smoke report.


Reposting from my thread here.

BlackRaspberry - GojiOG RazCut X Wookie15

I am in love with this bud. Far and above better than my first cut.

Smells of straight up sweet lavender. Has a very artificial candy after taste from the nose, never experienced that before so that’s neat.

Super fucking sticky. Hard to pack a bowl and not have the entire pinch stick to your fingers. You gotta be ever so gentle with it :crazy_face:

Taste translate to the smoke, lovely floral lavender taste, I could puff on it for hours and never get bored.

The stone is very relaxing and calming. Love it for the evening wind-down on the deck with a bourbon.

The yield was not exciting on this one. She’s a slower vegger and got overtaken by the SunRa. I feel I can do a whole hell of a lot better in that department knowing her growth habits, so not considering this run a indicator.

All in all I want to give this plant a 10 out of 10 for my pallet and head, but that’s saying a lot so we’ll go with 9/10 for now until we get a proper yield factor.


Direct and indirect sun lighting

been a bit disontected from these threads for a while, so I hope this is in the right spot


Glad I have a pack of that in the fridge, thanks for the great review! Love the look of that second picture.


wish I had another one now… of course doh :man_facepalming:
Got a mom of her though so all good for now :wink:


Absolutely, this is the place for completed grow reports.

This bodhi plant thread is for all factual documentation of bodhi strains, and any discussion about the documentation that pops up organically.

The bodhi discussion thread is for all other bodhi related conversations, questions, news etc.

Got a mom of her though so all good for now

That selected mother sounds awesome beaglez.

Here’s a photo of a big pile of freshly harvested goji razz x old mother ghani.

This was my selected mother from a batch of testers. I miss its flavor, comfortable high, and pain relief. (Crazy that this is already two years ago.)

Tasted like vanilla ice cream with fresh strawberries and a hint of lime juice. It had this rich mouth coating creamy flavor that was just crazy. And the smoke was very smooth.

Maybe I should dig up the tester report and post it here. The bud was absolutely amazing from all phenos.

Most of the females had an odd trait where only the tops would flower, and the rest of the plant would just keep growing in veg until I harvested the ripe tops. Then the next set of tops would flower, and it would keep gradually yielding small harvests every 2 months or so, and never actually die or stop growing.

I think if you grew this outdoor in a meditteranean climate, you would have a perrenial cannabis plant. Kind of like a berry bush or an indeterminate tomato.

It was actually really really cool. I think bodhi could have sold it if he wrote a special description explaining the trait, and how often it shows up in the line.

But I can see how people might find it confusing or possibly undesirable. It certainly wouldn’t be a good fit for traditional cash croppers.

Definitely one of the most unique traits I have ever seen. 2/3 females had that trait, the plant in the photo was the only one that flowered and went into senescence normally.

(I culled the males for the testers of course, but looking back on it I’m curious how they would have flowered.)

Anyway, seems like bodhi chose the Goji Razz x Wookie as the best goji razz hybrid to sell.