Bodhi Plant Guide

I’m seeing what I perceive to be HP influence in both of them as well. The lower and mid level buds on the stretchier pheno look a lot like the buds on many of the 88 crosses I’ve tried. The skeletal structure of the other one definitely appears like the majority of the 88 crosses I’ve had too. Great work!


Mountain Temple and HAOG x SSDD at 5 weeks of 12/12.

HA OG x SSDD. Flowers looking good at this stage. As dense as last time and expecting a nice swell in the next few weeks. Have staked up as flop started. Not too sure how to describe the smell, slightly floral with a pungency to it.

MT. Showing signs of slight N deficiency so have added some Grow nutes back into the mix for a few waterings. Flowers developing really nicely, not too much smell at the moment. Very muted haze I would say. I think this cut would fill a 4x4 tent really well with a carpet of colas, with just a couple more weeks veg than it had.


I grew out the wolfpack f2 that I got awhile ago and got some nice phenos. It’s funny I actually described one of them as bubble gum ish also. One of the phenos I had was really frosty.

Few diff phenos of the plants:

Also grew out the black triangle f2s awhile ago. I liked this one too. I got 2 females only. One of em was really short and one of em was tall and stretchy. The tall one had classic og type smells the shorter one what I assume was at least somewhat influenced by the g13 hp. I think it might have even had a marshmallow like smell in the background.

Don’t mind the few dog hairs lol

Few plant pics.I burnt the shit outta them :stuck_out_tongue:

Look forward to seeing that wolfpack f2 develop.


Hi Rippleseeds. I ran one Cherry Queen recently, had tried 4 seeds a couple of years ago but all were males. In 5l soil with organic nutes, it gave up just under 3oz of solid but not too dense flower.

The cured buds have a sharp cherry smell which comes through in the flavour but with added hashy tastes.

Really nice smoke… 0.5g creates a poweful mental stimulation with slight physical jitteriness for a nice active high. At 1g it becomes more physical, a slipping into a warm bath sensation, with little change on the mental side, and 1.5g is heavy eyes, melt into your seat, grin firmly fixed to your face. Mind still just as active but an impossible challenge to maintain trains of thought for more than a few seconds.

I’ve kept a mother for an 18 litre run in Spring/Summer and recommend running a few seeds if you’ve got them!


Looks a blizzard hit those nugs ! ! !
Good work.
Thanks for sharing.


Thank you so much for sharing that info :slight_smile:

All but the middle plant at the far end of the tent , in this picture are WP F2 . 9 I believe. I will be sure to post up how they turn out.


Turns out it actually isn’t so random . It is actual users flagging posts. And clearly by the 7 PMs I had when I logged in , about posts of mine being flagged and restored . Some people have nothing better to do then flag posts lol


Yeah, I’m not sure why VAhomegrown’s response about Kubrick’s best work being the moon landing was flagged. Maybe a lot of people here just don’t possess a sense of humor? Unless VA wasn’t joking, in which case… FLAG THAT SHIT haha! I’m pretty sure he was joking, though.

Yeah, it’s weird. It seems pretty easy to just scroll past a post that you don’t like or agree with, no need to respond or flag it. Just move on.


Probably because it’s off topic…


I’ve never grown a bodhi plant.


What are we then? The members of Holden Caulfield’s debate team who would constantly berate anybody who went off-topic? Haha.


Flagged! Flagged! Haha.


I seem to recall this thread being created because you constantly berated anyone who talked about buying Bodhi seeds, or collecting F2s, or much of anything you didn’t personally approve of, in the main Bodhi discussion thread… :roll_eyes:


Actually, my problem was with people who were obviously re-sellers or in some way trying to drum up interest in their seed packs.

And this thread is about to get shut down if we keep going on like this, so…


Have anyone growed Bodhi’s Phone Home? Need some info, maybe some pics?


search this thread, there are two Phone Home grows documented right here


Thanx i will :+1: @Halforc how is (was) the smoke on your Phone Home pheno? @GCC.Bud maybe you can get me some info?


Thanks, that’s good to know. I’ll definitely veg out a monster and flower it out one of these days, haha.


I did earlier this year! They remind me a lot of the old TK91 I had. Gassy, kushy, fragrant. real nice modern looking buds. But its one of those real greasy wet strains when growing. I tried to let them push to 10 weeks and one of the plants bud rotted on me a lil. But thats me trying to push it real far.


Sounds like a winner to me :green_heart: thanks allot @BackyardBoogie420